Review of the film Sweet Requiem by Jamyang Norbu I was going to write the knockout review for Tenzing and Ritu’s new film The Sweet Requiem, but the poet Tsering Kyi from VOA beat me to it. She had seen the movie in early May at a special showing in Washington for the US Congress Human Rights …
Looking Back From Nangpa-la
I wrote this essay shortly after the “Nangpa-la shooting incident” and posted it on Phayul .com, Jan 7, 2007. I haven’t changed anything in the text. My facts and conclusions might be dated somewhat but seem to hold up fairly well, thirteen years later. I’ve added some stunning black & white photographs taken by my …
Making Sense of Samdhong Rinpoche’s Views on Modern Science In January this year at the 106th Indian Science Congress (inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi) the head of a South Indian university cited an old Hindu text as proof that stem cell research was discovered in India thousands of years ago. The vice chancellor of …
The big news following the 59’ Uprising was, of course, the escape of the Dalai Lama from Lhasa, which was featured in cover stories in TIME, LIFE, Reader’s Digest and other journals and papers. But the world press also took note of the violence and oppression taking place inside Tibet and journalists attempted to cover …
Don’t Stop the Revolution! –– A Review
Chinese police shielding themselves from Tibetan missiles. Image: DON’T STOP THE REVOLUTION by Jamyang Norbu, High Asia, 2018. A Review by Dr. Warren W. Smith Jr. …
Obama Should Meet Who/Hu First?
When the announcement was made that President Obama would not meet the Dalai Lama on the latter’s trip to the USA last month, the disappointment in the Tibetan world was palpable. I felt a little better after seeing this AFP headline “West Appeasing China on Tibet, says PM-in-exile”[Wednesday, September 16, 2009 17:43]. The report also …
The Jewel in the Ballot Box
In 1949, Lhalu, the Governor-General of Kham, arranged to speak to the Dalai Lama’s tutor, Trichang Rimpoche, at Lhasa over the radio. Robert Ford, the Tibetan government radio operator at Chamdo, wrote in his book, Captured In Tibet, that he wondered what the protocol would be for this somewhat unique situation.
Dalai Lama Discovers Maps of Independent Tibet
His Holiness seemed pleased … when visited the Marciana library and found very old maps and documents of the Middle Ages referring of Tibet as an independent country