Prime Minister Lukhangwa Tsewang Rabten (1889-1966) of Dekar Nangso, Phenyul. On the 50th Death Anniversary of the Great Lukhangwa I came across this anecdote in an article by the Dalai Lama. After the signing of the Seventeen-Point “Agreement”, when the Tibetan delegation led by Ngabo called on Mao Tse-tung, he greeted them effusively: “Now that …
The Political Vision of Andrugtsang Gompo Tashi
Download, print and mount poster and offer a prayer or chomay lamp in rememberance. The condescending Lhasa-centric view of Khampas is that they are brave, warlike, forthright and plain speaking, but (ahem!) not too bright when it comes to politics. Hence Gonpo Tashi Andrugtsang’s creation of the Four Rivers Six Ranges, the paramount resistance force …
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