On the 50th Death Anniversary of the Great Lukhangwa
I came across this anecdote in an article by the Dalai Lama. After the signing of the Seventeen-Point “Agreement”, when the Tibetan delegation led by Ngabo called on Mao Tse-tung, he greeted them effusively: “Now that Tibet has returned to the motherland, Peking is your city, Shanghai is your city… etc.” On his return to Lhasa, Ngabo (with the Communist leaders Wang Qimei and Phuntsog Wangyal accompanying him) repeated this message from Mao to the Tibetan cabinet.
Silon Lukhangwa the prime minister turned to Wang Qimei and said “Please inform Mao Tse-tung that no, we do not want Peking or Shanghai; give us back Chamdo.” By Chamdo, Lukhangwa meant that part of Eastern Tibet under Tibetan administration HQ in Chamdo, for which a separate governing body “The Chamdo Liberation Committee” was created by the Chinese in 1951.
The Dalai Lama’s story receives partial confirmation in Baba Phuntsok Wangyal’s autobiography. Wangyal says that Lukhangwa went into an “angry tirade” and that he and Wang were shocked. Lukhangwa declared that Tibet and China were two separate countries and there were two governments, one Tibetan and one Chinese. “You Chinese seized our territory in the Dartsedo area in the past and now you have brazenly attacked us by force and, under the name of ‘liberation,’ seized our territory in Chamdo.” Lukhangwa almost certainly said something like this but I am skeptical about the “angry tirade” comment. The Prime Minister had the repution of being forthright and fearless, but also softspoken and polite.
The Tibetan public has always loved stories of Lukhangwa’s courage and defiance of China, and have invariably dramatized them in the telling. For instance in 1952 the Chinese occupation authority in Lhasa called for Tibetan regiments to carry the Chinese flag and not the Tibetan national flag, as stipulated in the Seventeen Point Agreement, but Lukhangwa and his colleague Lobsang Tashi argued against this. A rumor quickly spread throughout the capital that the Chinese had demanded the Red flag be hoisted over the Potala but Lukhangwa had declared that he would rather die than allow that to happen. According to Tsering Shakya “Both prime ministers became folk-heroes to the masses over this incident.”
Even after Lukhangwa was forced to resign and resettle in Kalimpong, he worked tirelessly to unite the many different and (often) quarreling Tibetan exile groups in that border town, and to get them to work together. On August 5th 1958 a joint appeal was sent to the government of India, the United Nations and the world, declaring Tibetan independence and condemning China’s military occupation. A declaration of loyalty was also issued and signed by all Tibetans in the Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Sikkim areas.
My father, Thundup Lhawang, helped Lukhangwa and other Tibetan leaders to draft their petitions and memorandums in English, and provided other help where needed. My father was a graduate of St. Josephs (my alma mater) and had studied engineering at Leeds. He was the president of the organization of Tibetans of Indian nationality and pulled considerable political weight locally.
He accompanied Lukhangwa and other Tibetan leaders to New Delhi where they petitioned Nehru to grant the Dalai Lama asylum in India. The AP photograph below is of the press conference where the safe arrival of the Dalai Lama at the Indian border was announced.

Silon Lunkhangwa died on February 24th 1966, in New Delhi. Dharamshala seems not to have observed his passing. There is no mention of him in the March 10th statements released that year. I touched on this official indifference in an article I wrote in 1979 and noted the “…indecently hurried and shabby funeral (he received) where a few hired coolies served as pallbearers to this one genuine hero of our times.”
I request the reader to light a sacred lamp (choe-me) in his memory.
When cowards have the say, heroes and those that respect them must be silenced.
Another brick in the wall of silence.
Very handsome Pala.
Well said !
This is one of the rare time I have to agree with Jamyang La for refreshing our past, refreshing memories of our hero, educating younger generation with our history, importantly reminding China the invasion of Tibet. I will light choe-me for his memory.
May his legacy be reinstated so that the truth prevails. I sincerely pray and light a choe meh for the great son of Tibet
Very interesting… I am gratified to our previous generation, only that the current generation leave me in awe! much of our Tibetan compatriots are after money and Tibet cause stranded… What would be Tibet’s future?
Many times Tibetans are unappreciative of heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes of turmoil rather than working for personal advertisement. one such is Lhukhangwa who had the bravery and real courage to say no to face of injustice straight face and Tibetan’s forgetting his courageousness is a sad thing.
Many times Tibetans are unappreciative of heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes of turmoil rather than working for personal advertisement. one such is Lhukhangwa who had the bravery and real courage to say no to face of injustice straight face and Tibetan forgetting his courageousness is a sad thing.
True Rangzen advocates fight with enemy, shed blood, tear, sweat and even give their life to their country. Such people deserve the highest honor that we can come up in this world.
In today’s world, we have some people who claim to be Rangzen advocates and never shed a drop of blood, tear not even sweat for the Rangzen cause but consistently attack one’s own government and people in the name of Rangzen.
@White: In similar vein it could be said that for true Umae Lam followers.
How many slaves (drenyok) or serfs (yokpo) did Lukhangwang la owned before they were off into freedom from bondage? Jamyang la should examine numbers of slaves owned by aristocratic families and others bound to the estate of our enlightened monastic institutions! We are still in a self righteous propagandistic mode with dose of ideological input from white supremacist {in the sense of white men know how democracy works and whitemen can create narrative to supposedly barbarian Tibetans with exception of JN who himself offshoot of earlier elite class, this group lost the most in the Chinese quest for liberation}!
One of the true unsung heroes of Tibet,my salute to all the heroes of previous generations who sacrificed their life in the face enemy.
@11 Every society at that point of time were similar to Tibetan except for Europe and North America. The situation in China was far worst than Tibetan.
In the name of Liberation Mao became biggest slave owner. Even today Communist Party of China is the biggest slave owner.
10 NG
Ha, ha, ha, child labor, forced labor, sex slaves and modern day slavery like laborer are prevalent throughout China to this very day. How many slaves did China have during Prime Minister Lukhangwa’s time?
Have little shame before you open your mouth.
@NG During Mao’s rule reading English book was crime. Can you get worse than that? One old Tibetan granny was summarily executed as she cracked a smile after hearing news of Mao’s death in mid 1976.
others have slaves/forced labor is our reason to believe those are acceptable in our society during those times. its not acceptable now and it was never before.
These instances needs to be raised to ensure such unjust /bully does not occur again.
@13+@14: so do you guys agree Lukhangwa owned slaves! How many? You cannot escape by counter questions!
NG. No. NO. Lukhangwa did not own SLAVES. Even the Chinese Communists who accused him of sedition did not accuse him of that. Where did you read that? Let us have the exact quote. Otherwise do not disparage the memory of a courageous person who was not afraid to stand up against China. Especially when you are afraid to even use your real name on a comment section on a blog.
Thanks JN la for reminding us of late Lhukhangwa’s 50th death anniversary. As a child, I remember reading (My Land and People by His Holiness) how Lhukhangwas singlehandedly, challenged the Chinese onslaught in Tibet,by daring to take on the Chinese generals. He declared unashamedly how we have peace with someone (Chinese of course) when your head injury caused by the enemy’s stone is has not get dried.
So, let’s light up a candle or two in his memory, to remind ourselves that it is not right to forget an belittle this towering figure of yester Tibet.
I will light up up a 100 lamps to honor him and all those who died and willing even now to die for Tibet’s independence.
Will you join me? Will CTA dare to do anything?
@Tall: Didn’t Mao owned slaves? Whole of China became his slave. Even after 40 years after his death Chinese are still shiver and fear to criticise his massacre. Guys like you are the apologist for Mao and his thought.
Hello jamyang la, Thank you. Your articles are so informational and easy to remember unlike the school tibetan history books that I had studied. My request is for you about writing a article on Sikyong elections. I am very curious to know about your insights.
1. Out of sudden, now why chitue dawa Tsering is so silent after the failing campaign during preliminary support for Mr.Penpa Tsering la?
2. Why Penpa Tsering la (confidently) named out Kalachakra issues along with HHDL?( did garden phodrang Trust oh! no! Did samdhong rinpoche gave him a green light tool to attack) Present Sikyong.
3.Is current Sikyong is not a yes man of Samdhong Rinpoche( streets in gangchen kyoshong rumors) and they want to get rid of him.
4. Sikyong is becoming popular in US Congress members. ( Is that a threat to Ganden phodrang).
There are so many underlying questions. Is our campaign a real democracy or A single person pulling a string( puppet show at the back)”
SO MANY DOUBTS. You r the only person in our exile who have the courage to speak at write simultaneously. Please please please shed some ideas.
Thanking from the core of my heart.
@Karze, I dont give a …who owns slaves. I said “its not acceptable”. You are suggesting that it might be acceptable to have such practices in our society because Chinese or someothers had.
Jamyang la, for now I take your word of caution! I did not accuse owned, given the system in place, aristocrat and monasteri s owned huge estate, so he being part of the system, might owned few of them, either serf or slave or servant or whatever! If I am not wrong in one of your writing you acknowledged mild kind of slavery being practiced in some part of the country, I guess you cited a British man named Hughe Richardson in Chombey valley! Well it was rebuttal to one of the running propagandist either Melvynof Tibet or CUNY based white American leftist history who wrote the “making of modern Tibet”! I guess I asked question of possibility in the context of then prevailing system!
Thanks for the reminder!
Lets say Lukangwa owned slaves just like many others. In such case, it was not his personal fault. This slave thing around the world is nobody to blame but the whole society. At present time nobody thinks slavery of any kind is acceptable. But China, the second largest economic power in the world still exploit, abuse, abandoned millions of slavery alike labor to this very day. NG’s complain about slavery is like a drunk man complaining about consumption of alcohol.
At any rate, Lukhangwa was, is and will always be one of the heroes of Tibet who stood firmly against CCP’s invasion of Tibet.
@ 20 Tall
Is it acceptable to remain a sheep in this day and age?
Very nice tribute to Lukangwa. Don’t worry CTA will not sully his memory by doing anything in his memory. CTA is busy putting people in line to run its fiefdom efficiently. Those bastards deflated the cause to such a level that not even China was able to. These days when I see these sheep like Tibetans I want to commit suicide.
By the way the servants of Tibetan aristocrats cannot be compared to slaves owned by Americans and others from up to the early 20th century. Tibetan servants were not bought and sold like commodities. Some Tibetan families admired good qualities in the servants enough to marry them and lift them up in society.
I vaguely remember Silon Lukangwa from Goldstein’s Phuntsog Wangyal memoirs. I, however, have a better memory of him from Shakbpa’s Tibet: A Political History; specifically the part where the CCP bullies His Holiness into removing the valiant stalwart. That seemed like the official “you win” moment. I am not blaming His Holiness and his advisers. There was nothing they could have done at that late stage, ‘cept get more Tibetans killed, and, maybe, His Holiness too. It may not even have been the official “you win” moment, just felt like that to me.
About his cool as a cucumber bearing, it’s an admirable and powerful qualities to have no denying, but unless the Silon was a forthright and fearless Vulcan, I can easily imagine the “angry tirade” narrative. Jesus, how stressful must the times have been whatwith death and destruction all around, and you are on a verge of losing all? I would understand, I would even expect, a little good ol’ fashioned irate tirade (along with considerable furniture abuse).
I suppose it’s also not a bridge too far idea that for the CCP, the “angry tirade” of Lukhangwa, and the “shocked” commissar Wang, make for fine propaganda back home. Imagine a brainwashed communist minion, brimming with jingoistic zeal and Han superiority complex – upon hearing the news, might feel “shocked” too, and think, “What the hell is wrong with those ungrateful barbarians; we liberated them, yet they go and insult us?!?!” ~Tiny deformed feet kick furniture~
Mr Jamyang, I have followed your work for some time and dont just find it interesting but original too. The panel discussion, the blog. I wish to get in touch with you regards my present study. May I get your mail I’d to discuss the same. Thks.
On news: The Kalon Minister Dicki Chhoyang la resigned. She told the media, she thought on it alot and in the end, decided on this course. Looks like she had a good cry if those puffy red eyes are any indication. It’s vexing that someone so skill and dedicated, to just up and quit. She must have good reasons. Anyone know why it went down this way?
Jamyang Norbu la, there was a very popular saying attributed to Silon Lukhangwa which in Tibetans goes like this:
ང་ཀླུ་ཁང་རྒས་པ་སྔ་སོང་། རྒྱ་མི་སླེབས་པ་ཕྱིས་སོང་། For non-Tibetan readers, the translation of which is : ” I , Lukhang aged too early; and China came too late.”
Also, some say, Lukhangwa’s heritage was of Mongolian origin. Can you provide some context to these stories on the true son of Tibet? As always, thanks.
Dream: the Teflon faced Sikyong Lobsang Sangay introduced outright lying in Tibetan politics, never seen before, which makes His Holiness Dalai Lama following all these from Mayo Clinic, with all the free time He has for rest, queasy.
He has been using every photo-op with His Holiness the Dalai Lama to manipulate the Tibetan masses that he is the favorite son, the chosen one. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is finally able to see everything so clearly, now.
Lobsang Sangay came to USA and Canada but left without getting to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama undergoing treatment at Mayo Clinic. Message: Not very happy. No more politicking with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Sikyong’s fake concern for His Holiness’ well being.
People everywhere are getting the message, no matter how much Sikyong spin it .
Dickey Chhonyang and others know it all to well that, association with outright liar , in the long run is, not an advantage.
Vey ambitous lady I heard. She wants to run for sikong in 2020. Finally a contest to look forward to 2020 after losangay 2nd term. Dont worry folks! We will have outstanding candidate like losangay in 2020.
Tall: I think you are way off. It has all to do with abuses of power by Lobsang Sangay. His desire to built a parallel power center even after 10 years.
There was a story that sometime back, he ” joking” let his kalons know that old power centers have come and gone; and new power center, lead by young energetic person can be established, for example, he was reported to have said, something like ” Sengye Podrang ”
The story was that when he mentioned it, even Kalon Pema Chhonjor’s jaw dropped! Insiders say that he tried to lightened up the situation by saying that ” Sangye Podrang” is just a joke.
The rumor is that many insiders are freaking out when he started personally controlling the content on the website of Tibetan government.
I really hate when people give all kinds of excuses for Chinese oppression and occupation and become useful idiots as Chinese Officials who describe the foreigners who spread the Beijing propaganda.
What acceptability is not absolute. It depends on era, culture, customs. Slavery, Homophobia, Honour killing were once legal but not now in many parts of the world. We Tibetans finds things that are unacceptable in many other countries and culture so do they find our Tibetan unacceptable.
Values, cultures, governance and society always change and are never static.
Why do Chinese call Japanese occupation of China as Rape while Chinese occupation of Tibet as Liberation?
Tall la, Candidate like Lobsang sangay 2020! What are you smoking. Do you want to repeat politics of regionalism and nepotism and fluffy intellect???
“I would, in detail, explain the reasons for my resignation in the near future.” -Kalon Dicki Chhoyang
I hope Dicki la will “explain the reasons” before the final Sikyong election. The Tibetan information highway is littered with rumors and innuendos; we have rabid fans on either side eager to misunderstand. While I feel for the “sad heart”, we need clarity as much as the lady need closure.
Tibetan politicians should never forget, they have a responsibility to the constituents, since they are there by the grace of the people. The ex-kalon must set the record straight in a timely fashion so the public can make informed decisions prior to final voting.
Karze..spin however you wish.what is not acceptable now was never acceptable.chinese to European to American..any bully or force labor.slavery not acceptable.
Duhgood…i don’t smoke and eat meat.provide names of outstanding candidate for next syikongg so we could assess ahead and be prepared.
Tashi Tsering, a 16 year old student of Mussoorie Tibetan Homes school self immolated today. Listen to why he did it at the link below:
@Tall: Don’t tell me that 30 yr old can pee in the living room like 2 yr old toddler?
Don’t expect Tibetans of 7AD or 15AD or 19 century to behave like a 21 AD Western world. If you do you are either a Tibetan who racist who think that Tibetan should have no flaws no matter what era Tibetans lived.
Only far left who who believed Mao and Stalin era were most ideal for humanity or far right who believe in executing people simply because drawing a cartoon or working on Sunday (Sabbath).
Homophobia is present in the much of the of world. Even in Tibetan community homosexuality still a taboo but still will not get one stoned for engaging in homosexuality but don’t be surprised if one get stoned to death many Moslem countries for the same reason.
Values, morality, customs change with time.
Tall: I think you are way off. It has all to do with abuses of power by Lobsang Sangay. His desire to built a parallel power center even after 10 years.
There was a story that sometime back, he ” joking” let his kalons know that old power centers have come and gone; and new power center, lead by young energetic person can be established, for example, he was reported to have said, something like ” Sengye Podrang ”
The story was that when he mentioned it, even Kalon Pema Chhonjor’s jaw dropped! Insiders say that he tried to lightened up the situation by saying that ” Sangye Podrang” is just a joke.
The rumor is that many insiders are freaking out when he started personally controlling the content on the website of Tibetan government.
For lack of any other place to ask I will ask here. Are we allowed to write in candidate for PM?
You puke what you are taught or read. Kids like fantasy and stories which keeps them happy and high.be happy ! But let the jealousy stay out of your ..ty.
རྒྱ་མིའི་རྒྱུག་ཁྱི་འདི་ཚོའི་བྱེད་སྟངས་ལ་གཟིགས་དང་། རྒྱ་མིས་བོད་བཙན་འཛུལ་དང་བོད་མི་ཚོར་བཙན་གནོན་བྱེད་པ་ལ་དགའ་བསུ་དང་
The VOA Sikyong debates was dominated by the punctuations of RFA Pemapa Tseing TV interview -both by the moderators and Tsering himself. This is important because, the RFA interview was criticized by a host of people, common listeners as well as a bunch of Tsering supporters who even demanded the firing of the moderator – Damdul.
While RFA is still receiving reprimands through all sorts of media, including a petition singed by over 100 Tsering supports ( I suppose so), RFA management has issued a statement, defending the interview. According to sources is the area, that statement was sent as a response to one particular complainer (who could it be!). There is no indication that the petition signed by the hundreds were attended to. Could it be there that the petition was in Tibetan language only (I wish I know)and the management was not make aware of it. The lone petition that was answered surely must be in English and addressed to the management.
Far away sources claim that while Damdul is being targeted, a hurried our-long closed door meeting of senior RFA Tibet Service was convened to decided the questions for the Sikyong in which the ring leader seemed to be Karma Dorji -remember one time deputy director who was demoted after Ngabo’s firing, and who is a tough time holing his turf against Kalden Lodoe, the mole of all the ills at RFA.
It was Karma Dorjee who played a major role in deciding the questions for Penpa Tsering, managing to circumventing Kalden Lodoe, who is Penpa Tsering supporter, ignored the service director who is apparently a silent spectator of what is going at his service.
Rumors are aloft that RFA management (not the Tibetan service itself) went into some damage control, and decided to sent a team to Dharamsala after the announcement of two Sikyong debates. The second is on March 8th by the National Democratic Party of Tibet.
There are arriving Dharamsala to do a series of Chitue debates, but they have no Sikyong debate.
I was told Karma Dorjee tried but didn’t get one.
Let see what happens.
@45: Your piece was interesting to read. It is true that RFA is not a leading radio station anymore.Tibetan inside Tibet is not into RFA these days. Now a days they have wechat and VOA. It is not popular anymore partly because of Ngabo la firing.
I heard that Kalden Lodoe is organising this debate with the puppet now a days Karma Dorjee. This guy seems to be a no shame given the roller coaster he rides at RFA. RFA staff said during tibetan gathering that he promotes his son and his rinpoche Drukpa Kagyue Drugchen Rinpoche alot in the radio.
It has been almost three years now and I heard Kalden Lodoe is outcast still. No one hardly talks to her. He still bypass director Tethong la and often travels to Dharamsala and India without his knowledge. No body wants to work with him except few people who are scared of him. I hope Tethong Tenzin Namgyal la will stand in his position and fight for the truth.Tibetans will support him for he was Kalon Tripa before. He has lots of respect.
The recent VOT Chitue debate in Dharmsala was more exciting and relavent to our issues than the VOA Sikyong debate. The Sikyong debate was primarily focused on accusations and personal attack rather than talking about key issues we Tibetan face today. The Sikyong debate host, Mr. Shastri was wearing suit and tie instead of traditional Tibetan dress and asked questions like “preservation of Tibetan culture”. One of the most important political event of our time which is viewed by Tibetans all over the world and the event host who is a Tibetan comes in suit and tie. How unfitting is it to talk about preservation of Tibetan culture? How about Candidate themselves come in suit and tie? Would that make VOA Tibetan little uncomfortable?
I already wrote complain against this issue to VOA. I hope they will pay attention.
འཇམས་དབྱངས་ནོར་བུ་ཟེར་བའི་བུ་དགའ་བོ། ད་བློ་སེང་གི་གཡོ་འོག་ནས་བོད་དམངས་སྐྱོབ་པའི་དུས་ལ་སླེབས་ཡོད
༡ མཁས་དབང་ཟམ་གདོང་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་སྐབས་སུ་བོད་རྒྱ་འབྲེལ་མོལ་ཐེངས་བརྒྱད་ཙམ་དང་། བོད་རྒྱ་འབྲེལ་མོལ་ཚོགས་ཆུང་བཙུགས་ཡོད། འོན་ཀྱང་།བློ་བཟང་སེང་གེའི་སྐབས་སུ་དེ་ཚོ་མེད་པ་ཆགས་ནས་ད་ལྟ་ཀླད་གོར་༠ཡིན།
༢ གཞུང་དངུལ་ལྐོག་ཟ་བྱས་ནས་ཨ་རིའི་ཁང་རིན་ལ་སྤྲད་པའི་དོགས་གནས་ཡོད་པས་ཁྲིམས་མཐུན་མིན་པ་ཆགས་ཡོད།། ཁང་རིན་ཨ་རིའི་མ་དངུལ་འབུམ་གསུམ་སྤྲད་ཡོད།
༣ ༢༠༡༦ལོར་དུས་འཁོར་དབང་ཆེན་ཡང་ཆབ་སྲིད་ཀྱི་ངོ་བོར་བསྒྱུར་ནས་རྙོག་དྲ་བསླངས་ཏེ་མེད་པར་བཟོས། མི་མང་ལ་ནང་འགལ་ཅན་གྱི་གསལ་བསྒྲགས་རྫུན་མ་སྔ་ཕྱི་ཁ་ཤས་བྱས།
@55 It is true that no talks were held during LS but you have to look at the big picture.
During Samdong Rinpoche’s tenure HHDL still held the political power. But once HHDL resigned the special representative Gyari Lodoe and others resigned stating that they do not wish to work for the present CTA resigned.
The Gyari Lodoe and others were representative of HHDL not SR.
I have been a staunch supporter of LS primarily because of his Harvard credentials. It may not mean much in reality but it plays big roll on international stage and specifically it helps to get American attention and support because they want to promote their academic institutions.
All the accusations such as mortgage, His Holisee picture, Kalachakra postponement and Dhogyal really did not bother me much because the person is innocent until proven guilty.
Recently one of the article, Tibet: Exile’s Journey written by LS in 2003 came into my attention and that really change my perspective of LS. Lobsang Sangye has no respect to His Holiness and he has no knowledge of real Tibetan society based on this article. Some part of this article seems like written based on CCP’s propaganda. Nothing scholastic about it. Tone of this article, actually superseded Lukar Jam’s attitude towards His Holiness which I have been complaining about all these time.
Now these days LS talks as if the air he breath is because of His Holiness. One thing we don’t want at this volatile time is phony leader. At this moment Penpa Tsering seems lesser of two evils.
White: You are wrong again. We should re-elect Lobsang San-GAY.
He will speed up your return into the lap of ‘great motherland’.
It is amazing to me that you have not even done the basic research while casting your vote. His paper was discussed repeatedly and spoke about but you turned a blind eye to you. Now with your prior history of ignorance and proven gullibility you want people to vote another candidate who you have no idea? Sorry, your track record is not good.
The Rangzen dilemma:
1) lobsang prima Donna sangay: he is a prima Donna forever polishing his own halo. Look at that thanka in his office with his own PICTURE to understand this. He is hated by gangkyi staff for his shit performance as Sikyong. He has dubious relations with shadow backers one of whom has been indicted and his source of income is suspect, especially his mortgage payment and his campaign. Just like the person he is, paper thin, without substance, so was his administration. Even his own minister quit in protest.
2) Penpa Donald Trump Tsering: like his nickname, he is a vicious vindictive person with no morals. He betrayed the Rinpoche who took him under his wing, gave him work, and position. How does this repay him? He slept with rinpoche’s wife and ran away with her. Such disgrace loss of face and betrayal drove him to alcoholism and to his death. Then this guy took fraudulent loans on his stolen wife name and then ditched her in debt. She had it coming but that does not excuse his betrayal. This is his baseline moral principle and it is quite low. Who knows once elected he will show us a new low. It is him, and his chelas in Thinlay kasang and others in bylaw upper who worked around the clock to destroy TYC from within even though he talks all good talk in public. He even tried to go after SFT recently. This is most definitely NOT someone a Rangzen person should support unless they are masochists or ignorant.
But what to do??!!! Idiot narciccist corrupt Casanova on one hand and a conniving morally bankrupt corrupt Donald Trump on the other. Jump from frying pan into fire?answer is difficult. Question is easier.
Recommendations: either choose the idiot in office since he is usually too involved with himself to have time to go too hard against folks. He is the evil we know. Or if you can’t bring ur self to vote for either without puking, then simply write Kundun’ on the ballot paper as a sign of protest. They dare not throw that away. Or don’t vote at all.
Pick ur poison this March 20th.
@ 59
“His paper was discussed repeatedly and spoke about but you turned a blind eye to you”.
Can you please share me some of the sources?
You sounded like either you gave up or don’t care or just want to trash around.
“Pick ur poison this March 20th”. This means you just want to end the whole thing? What happened to your Rangzen?
Share my sources? Do u own homework. Google it if you want.
This is where you made your mistake last time and you are still
Looking to get fed information again.
I did not give up Rangzen. I just gave up pretending there is really a choice.
White: Many of us here know for a long time, what a sorry figure you are. You post on Lobsang Sangay is a proof of your lack of judgement. གཡག་ཞ་རས་ཙ་བཟའ་བ་དང་འདྲ་བ་ always have a one sighted view of the things.
You are wrong again on Lobsang Sangay. Right now Lobsang Sangay is the best. He is least honest of the two and he will destroy our community faster from within.
With majority of our people with puny brain like you, leader we deserve is crook like Lobsang Kim Sangay.
From Claud Apri’s article in Deccan Chronicle:
“It is crucial for the next Sikyong to establish a good working relation with the present government in Delhi. The incumbent seems to have failed in this regard.”
Harvard education and still speaks with a off-the-boat accent. Cringe. NO to Pissed Tsering NO to Lying Siht YES to Rangzen!
@ 61
I was asking you the evidence for your claim.
I respect His Holiness the Dalai Lama more than anybody else in the world, I recognize him as symbol of Tibet and appreciate his unparalleled contribution to the Tibet as nation, I respect and honor the unique culture and tradition of Tibetan people, I respect the political decision made by people of Tibet, I recognize the Tibet as sovereign and independent country that is invaded by CCP, I believe in Middle Way Approach to get some sort of resolution based on current political situation around the world and especially considering where China is today and where Tibet is today, I recognize the importance of CTA to maintain and promote well being of people of Tibet.
@ 62 REWA
You said “With majority of our people with puny brain like you”. This is the major problem with many people on this blog who claim to be educated and Rangzen advocates.
Do we ever hear such statement from any political candidates or media personals or moderators or whoever? None. Why because making such statement is equivalent to suicidal act. Nobody dares to blame general public. Mitt Romney won zero vote from black population during 2012 election against Obama. This means two things: one, both black republican and black democrats voted for Obama because of racial discrimination; second, there are no black republicans. Where do you stand?
White, the incorrigibly pigheaded ninny, had never heard about the ‘impeachment of the Dalai Lama clause’; nor had he bothered to read Lobsang Sangay’s dissertation, which examines exile politics, wherein Dr. Sangay (to counter CCP’s claim that His Holiness is still the head of a feudal Theocratic society) dispenses with honorific titles in his dissertation. White seem not even to have perused any other opinions on JN.com ‘cept his own, or he’d know, the subject matter had been broached.
Knowledge-wise, we live in a wonderful time: The Age of the Internet!! Where one can fact-check just about any source. No one has to accept statements like, “Mitt Romney won ‘zero’ vote from black population during 2012 election against Obama” or, “there are no black republicans”, on face value alone; one can easily google and find out, White has no idea what the hell he’s talking about.
Side point. IMO,the black voters are as ill-informed as Tibetan voters, they tend to vote against their own interests. In this US presidential primary, the African Americans, by and large, are voting in favor of(FBI most-wanted) Hillary over Sen. Sanders, who has a long, distinguished career of fighting for them and their rights; the AA, in some Southern States even voted in favor of Hillary when she ran against Obama back in the 2008 primary.
Am I making this shit up? I could be. And that’s why each individual has a responsibility to research and fact-check for themselves if they wish to rise above the muck of low-information voters.
Are they still using mules to carry mail to Dharsa? You’d think they’d upgrade to carrier pigeons by now. Talk about being a day late and dollar short, the toothless EC, two months after the fact (Yeshi Jungney’s suicide) held a press conference simply to deny any negligence on their part.
What about the boast of, “The Election Commission is empowered to adjudicate any electoral disputes”? Seems, in this case, it was settled with the monk culprit receiving kitchen duty for a week. This ain’t a joke; the asshole monk who clearly broke electoral rules, and got someone killed in the process, had merely to wash few dishes at his local monastery, and vola, his villainy is expunged.
How are we peasants suppose to cultivate any faith in Tibetan Democracy and the Election Commission when our faithless elites exhibit such whimsical attitude with rules and regulations they writ themselves?!?
@67 What Dreams
Many people here in this blog believe that they stand above the general population of Tibetan society and behave like they know everything and vast majority of Tibetan population know nothing. You may know some extra adjectives to insult people but that does not make you better person, that does not make you more knowledgable, that does not make you right. You may have seen more school properties and read more books than your parents but that does not make you anything special. You are still exactly as same as elderly Tibetan who barely know how to read. “It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants”-Henry David Thoreau
I am just a avarage Joe. Neither I consider my self better nor less than others. I believe in common sense and logical reasons more than anything else. I make mistakes just like anybody else and willing to amend any time. Let’s say Lobsang Sangye has lot of shortfall but who else is more fitter than him that could make difference in our cause. You may be thinking Lukar Jam.
If you recognize NBC/Wall Street Journal as reliable source, it’s poll found black support at 0% for Mitt Romney. Highest black voter turn out in the history at that time, even one time popular republican figure, Mr. Colin Powell voted for Obama twice. This is what happened in the land of Uncle Sam.
Your statement “black voters are as ill-informed as Tibetan voters”, doesn’t it sound very discriminatory? So well informed people like you choose Lukar Jam?
Dicki Chhoyang la has now come out with few statements in regards to her resignation, and although she does not spell it out explicitly why she quit, her subtle insinuations leave little doubt the reason was due to the actions of Dr. Lobsang Sangay and his flaky character traits, that there is a huge chasm between rhetoric and action – in short: he’s not Sikyong material. We in the JN.com bubble (minus White) knew this years ago, obviously most ministers and the rest of the Tibetan people are little slower in catching up.
She did a brave thing quitting when it would have been so much easier, and keeping with our ways, to minimize and pretend there’s nothing wrong. I admire her for it and I believe her. The Sikyong sending out his Kashag surrogates to “clear the air” with a media scrum sans Q&A seem to me rather fishy. The SOH, on the other hand, rather than capitulate, went on a tear, taking every opportunity to counter the smear, – no doubt, emboldened by the DIIR minister’s resignation and his own sense of righteous indignation.
The Speaker is also right to question Gyari Dolma la and her endorsement of Sikyong Lobang Sangay la. Said Penpa Tsering la, “If she expressed her support to Lobsang Sangay in her personal capacity outside of office hours, she could do so.” Actually, the Speaker is wrong here. Unless the Home Minister resigns and then endorses the sitting Sikyong, she’s in violation of clear conflict of interest in doing so while still working under the Sikyong. It’s no different than endorsing the boss you work for. It also sets a bad precedence in any future Sikyong elections. Really, the onus and the responsibility is on the Election Commission to close off such blatant loopholes, but who’s kidding who? Are they even aware? I am sure the news will reach them in a year’s time if those obstreperous mules don’t mutiny first.
Now I am not a fan of Penpa Tsering, and if the ex-kalon thinks him honest, than who was behind the March 10th fresco and the hijacking of TYC? If Penpa Tsering’s election rhetoric is to be believed, that these elections should be about issues and not about personalities; then, why did he make personal attacks against Lukar Jam? Why, just like Dr. Sangay, is Penpa Tsering also using His Holiness as part of his stump speech, or playing to the dangerous regional sentiments?
There are some good things I like about the elections, sure its raw and most of the talking points borders on triviality; but this can also be attributed to growing pains which may mature over time.
Personally, I am not going to vote. Yes, just like Dicki la, I have a sad heart too. But it’s more than that. I am not going to vote in protest against the rigged elections and fake democracy.
Either give power back to His Holiness and have done with this democracy nonsense, or do it right and fair.
Gari Dolma from Kham supporting Sikyong from Kham and Dekyi Choeyang from Amdo supporting Tsoktso from Amdo. Does not look good whatever the actual reason might be.
Lukar Jam just did not win support from the people of Tibet. Do not blame anybody. Without the support of people of Tibet nothing can be achieved. There is no point of talking about Rangzen if you guys want to distant from the people of Tibet. When you do not win the support of people of Tibet, you cannot blame them but yourself. That’s how it works in the democracy. Have you watched Rubio’s concession speech? Did he even hint that people are making mistake by voting for Mr. Trump? You just don’t hear such things from the candidates. In democracy nobody blames private citizens. Only thing you can do is prove them wrong. Can you?
let us divide the three provinces of Tibet. Let us give the Khampas their freedom not from Chinese rule ( of course ) but from the exile Tibetan government then the problem of regionalism is solved.
I was going to vote for LS but now I will go for PT. The guy is a fighter and will keep those undesirable elements under control such as rangzrn wala and dolgyal wala,kudrak ,those cunning Upaa..utsang wala.
Tall thanx for exposing Penpa Tserings true colors. So now we know all his talk of uniting all Tibetans is just talk for winning votes.
#72 Tall
I didn’t want to participate in Sikyong 2016 Finals after they eliminated Lukar Jam. But participated after all because I couldn’t let a dictator like Penpa Tsering win. I voted for Lobsang Sangay because I find him the lesser evil compared to Penpa Tsering. Penpa Tsering will smother every voice different to his own. The worst thing is that Penpa Tsering doesn’t know what his own voice is simply because he doesn’t have a core principle. Authoritarian men without core principle are dangerous because they tend to get paranoid at each and every little perceived “opposition” to their authority.
Not that Lobsang Sangay has a core principle. At least he seem more liberal than Penpa Tsering.
It will be interesting to see how much head-way Penpa Tsering la has made since the prelims being down 3 to 1. If social media is any indication, I think the Speaker might do pretty well. Also, could Dicki Chhoyang la prove to be a game changer? This could be an upset of epic proportions!!
Actually, I cant see Penpa Tsering la winning as not everybody has internet. Especially in India which has by far the biggest chunk of votes. Also, a good bet the incumbent takes the lion’s share of the dumb votes, he can win on imagine alone.
Solon Lukhangwa was a great patriot who was said to be thinking of Tibet even at the time of his death. I find it hard to believe that the CTA has honored Ngapo Ngawang Jigme as a “hero” but have not even a few words about our last Prime Minister Lukhangwa. It is indicative of the Pro-China stance the CTA has taken since the present incumbent Sikyong took the reigns. True and long time Tibet supporters like Vijay Kranti have openly demonstrated their disgust of such unbecoming attitude of our present leaders. Another long time supporter and committed Tibetologist, Claude Arpi has clearly stated in his recent writings that our present leader has failed to have a closer relationship with Our host nation, India’s leaders. Such remarks are from people who have been supporting us for many decades with genuine concern for the welbeing of the Tibetan people and the destiny of our nation. Our present leader’s pro-China stance has also provoked the wrath of another family of Tibet supporter Maura Moynihan, the daughter of late US Senator, Patrick Moynihan. Today, the CTA has become a hostage of the CCP.
There is genuine danger that the initial autonomy HH The Dalai Lama has envisaged in the Strasburg Proposal is gradually chipped away by our present leaders as we have seen in the interviews conduct by the Sikyong. It seems to me that the more we give in the Chinese see our weakness and demand even more. To quote former Indian ambassador to China, CV Raghanathan, ” the moment they (Chinese) feel you are bending backwards (to appease them) they will take advantage”. I sincerely hope our elected leaders take this into account and not act as a CCP poodle.
On another note, Kasur Dickyi Choyang has been a wonderful Foreign Minister for the CTA. Those of us who are English speaking Tibetans have heard her speak in different countries with the media in interviews and communities. I believe she was genuine about her resignation for the benefit of our nation and not on parochial considerations. It would be a loss for Tibet if her resignation ends her political career. I think there is a lot she can offer for our nation in years to come and I would strongly suggest that she stand for the 2020 election for the Sikyong seat. I hope the next Sikyong will be a capable woman who can make a difference in advancing our cause without the cancerous regional affiliation which has dogged our movement like a chronic disease.
I remember a daughter of Lukhangwa who later a nun later in her life staying at a small room her Mcleod’s Nyamley staff quarter. Don’t know whether she’s still alive or not. I remember seeing framed photos of Lukhangwa with his family in her small room.