Thanks to TNC for commemorating the 100th (VOW!) ANNIV. of the
Declaration of Tibet’s Independence. This Honors The Great 13th and Honours HHDL with that victory over CCP’s attempted ‘coup’in that town of
@ Yakgo: Its not just Gyalwa rinpoche but all lamas starting from Sakya, karmapa, Panchen Lama, Papongkha etc have courted Mongol, Chinese, Nepalese etc.
All of them have realised it as wrong but Dolgyal group are courting Chinese even after realising its as wrong as well as after complete occupation of Tibet.
Dolgyal group even treat lord Buddha as minor while placing their lama as central and paramount figure.
I agree with you about everything else except the part about the Dolgyal group. There are many Sugdhen Tibetans who go on with their lives quietly as someone already mentioned. and vast majority of those who suck up to PRC are non Shugden Tibetans. Few Shugden people may have gone to the eager arms of PRC. But I feel part of it is because we drove them to it. How? By calling them devil worshippers. In such a religious society like ours what can be more damning than to be called that. To put them all in one category and call them all evil is wrong. I don’t like defending Shugden people because I don’t want to be labelled as a Shugden worshipper or Shugden loving person. But I feel obligated as a Tibetan to say something about it because whatever going on right now is not healthy for our society. When Tibetan leaders bring up this Shugden topic again and again they are giving platform to a group of people most of us loathe. And I am not talking about Tibetan Shugden followers. I am talking about the foreigners who point fingers into His Holiness’s face. I don’t have to tell you how shocking and unpleasant it is to witness such a thing. That should teach us that other people too have such strong emotions about their teachers or gods. There has to be an honest and compassionate (from both sides)discussion and understanding and resolution about this issue. We can’t let otherworldly characters to define our lives on this earth. The more Tibetan leaders talk about it the bigger the issue gets. In this day and age you cannot subdue people into believing what the leaders think is the right way to believe. The cat of democracy is out of its bag and we have to enjoy it and work with what we have.
Interesting news. Seems about to commit hara kiri just when they have the Dharsa daimyos in such a fretful quandary.
*Special Announcement.
Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shuden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at the have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.
Great Big Pumpkins!! Another Confused Institute bites the dust! Good job peoples! Everyone who gave support to it, you guys did something real decent for the kids, for an open society, and education.
Toronto District School Board ends ties with Confucius Institute!!
Urgyen Badheytsang, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet-Canada said, “Tonight the wolf in sheep’s clothing was exposed. The Chinese government’s secret mission to use Confucius Institutes to shut down free discussions on Tibet and human rights in our schools has received the final seal of rejection. As a Tibetan and an alumni of the Toronto school system, I thank the Trustees for standing up for our students, academic freedom, and denying China’s undemocratic, authoritarian government a place in our classrooms.”
We’re here as Tibetans, Chinese, members of religious communities, human rights advocates and concerned parents, and we are relieved that the Chinese government will not have any influence in our schools anymore,” said Tashi Nangsetsang, a concerned Tibetan parent from Toronto.
Lets not kid ourselves, the only reason Tibetans in Canada are great is because they have Hockey and beer. Take that away then they are what Voltaire said they are; a country inhabited by barbarians, bears and beavers. lol
Something else in the news…
Tibetan Political Review and Yellow Journalism written by Tsering Wangchu a graduate from the Brownnosing Journalism.
Tsering Wangchuk demands an appology from TPR for Yellow Journalism. Oh the ignomy of being called a Yellow anything.
Well, why not?. Would it kill TPR to be more objective in the future? Why cant TPR be more like Tibetnet? Huh? Huh?? I feel your frustration Tsering la, I also hate bias news.
Reread the TPR article again, I don’t believe TPR is saying that CTA did absolutely nothing, rather, that CTA could have done much more, Obviously its the prerogative of Tsering Wangchuk, the press sectary of Doctor Lobsang Sangay if he does not wish to bother with distinctions. Anyway, I believe that Tsering Wangchuk has the right to say whatever. lol
WHAT DREAMS MAY COME: Hope this website closure is not another publicity stunt, however if the cult website are seeking pleas of support the response has been underwhelming.
The domain is currently hosted on a server located in Singapore with the IP address Tsem Tulku and Kechara House, it turns out, have a multi-year connection to the website that they’ve been accused of running secretly for the past half a decade. Several ex-Tsem students have claimed this is the case, they also seem to be very intimidated. ‘Duke’ Darrick Okkelberg recently made this allegation as well. David Thomas Canada was in contact with them. Tsem and company have a media firm, Kechara Media & Publications whose stated purpose is to “carry on the business of Chinese media content”. Then there was the red spray paint caper.
To sum up, there is enough evidence to reasonably call Tsem on this, and it seems he has been outed with his feet held to the fire (if I may mix metaphors)
This concerns arranged Tibetan Associations in the West, supposedly to challenge the Dorjee Shugden anti-Dalai Lama movement (which by the way is here to stay, sadly!).
As a true Tibetan nationalist brought in exile, but in freedom, and let’s recall how only one-sided Tibetan protests and rallies against Chinese leaders used to be. There was no opposing group, not a single Chinese would show up. No one to oppose the protesters. We had our day.
But lately, over the past one plus decade, the Chinese government, through their Embassies and allies, started parallel pro-Chinese rallies whenever the Tibetans showed up. Mind you, the Tibetan rallies then used to be totally voluntary. Simple. No one asked them to undertake this thankless mission to embarrassing the Chinese leaders, who would have to used back doors of hotel and to get in and out.
But then things changed. Now whenever the Tibetan show up, pro-Chinese groups would spring up from now where. Arrange an paid for by local Chinese embassies and allies. These are facts we all know, and the Tibetans took pride in making fun of the pro-China protests.
Can we say it any more. Number one, CTA, under the Samdhong Rinpoche such protests dwindled. But all has not stopped as yet. Number two, with on set of Shudgen groups relentless anti-Dalai Lama protest, the Tibetan authorizes, have started marshaling Tibetan communities, in the West, especially USA, to arrange anti-Shugden protests. From last years, when the Shugden group launched a massive protests wherever Holiness went, the Office of Tibet has been arranging parallel protests. They don’t call it anti-Shugden protest, but support rallies for His Holiness. It is being believed that the Office of Tibet is doing so under orders from Dharamsala (Gageden Phodrang). It is not clear if CTA (Sikyong) is directly involved in it.
During His Holiness’ current visit to USA, and Alabama specifically, the Office of Tibet has reportedly acknowledged that they held with the accommodation of those coming from far off places to join the anti-Shugden protest.
So what we are actually doing is what the Chinese had been doing for the decade-arranged paid for protesters. What a shame.
LELKYI TSHO: I would not call the noisy and rude NKT protests massive. If you want to see massive, look at the March 10th annual demos in Toronto (for example) on YouTube. These are not rent-a-crowd or funded like the flying nuns, they are there because they want to be.
Jam Nor is not a mind reader. so for these questions you have to ask the concerned people themselves. Best is to ask dharma wallah rinpoche with iphone6 plus who has secret power to reveal what’s in other people’s mind.
Check out this fake letter allegedly send by an anti shugden Tibetan in the name of some made up org called the United Front of the Tibetan People haha.
Those who are either too lazy to read it or don’t want to waste two minutes of their lives, I hear you, let me cut and paste the relevant passages.
A letter was received by Gen Kelsang Chogyop of the New Kadampa Tradition who immediately posted it on Facebook to alert Shugden practitioners everywhere.
“Dalai Lama is our God. We strongly support CTA-CTA carry out what Dalai Lama says-CTA never go against Dalai Lama and never find something wrong with Dalai Lama so we can believe on CTA. CTA is real democracy. How can they protest against our God who is Dalai Lama? He can never be wrong. If he wrong, then we must silence people against him. Our Dhaarmsahala CTA has put on their website to show us the traitor “Tibetans”. There are 34 people the CTA ask us to be warn about.”
“I think we need to take action against the 34 Tibetans and teach them lesson. (full sentence underlined) We need to silence them and not let them protesting. Since we support Dalai Lama and his words and he is our god… So we must already make them quiet. Like what happen to Chonzey in Trijang Labrangg Shar Gaden Monestery. We must teach lesson again. CTA and Tibetan loyal beat Chonzey is teach lesson.”
“Dalai Lama is a God.” “Never go against the Dalai Lama.” “How can they protest against our God? He can never be wrong, if he is wrong we must silence them.” haha
Even if a DL fanatic thought like this, he would not say it like that as anyone who reads JN blog well knows.
Shugdens claim this the first “attack” letter written in (bad)english which they have received but the letter sounds more like a proposition than an attack. “I think..?
“I think we need to silence them.” “So we must already make them quiet.” “We must teach lesson again.”
Kelsang Chogyop of the New Kadampa Tradition need to really work harder on his English, maybe hire an english expert tutor like the future Templeton winner, Thupten Jinpa because this attack letter could be made more robust with quaint terms from positive psychology, the flourishing and compassion, resilience, empathy and eudaimonia!! And ofcourse, neuroplasticity!! Science says the Mind is limitless!! The Happiest man is a Buddhist!!
Just think we Tibetans are generation or two removed from mind numbing superstition, yet now we are at the forefront,the leading edge of new science, neuroscience. How fortuitous is all this evolution and success without doing any real science, such is the power of best sellers. All this and the letter reminds me of Trivers new book. the Folly of Fools.
sometimes grownup indulge in stupidest thing ever as if they are exhausted of nothing better to run after.
so called sugden worshipper are protesting against HHDL, let them excercise their rights. there are enough explanation by HHDL on this matter, so there is no need for 3rd party peanuts to justify anything.
those who are not familiar with the subject carries a functioning brain and if interested will go to and to get to know both sides and come to a conclusion comparing the two to the actual happenings.
just as anyone interested in middleeast or whatever global conflicts based their conclusion on their own research,things would work the same here unless commone sense virus needs to be invented and be part of vaccination program.
however, if MODHERFOKER communist china is getting involve in this–then we must fk that element.
There are alot of good things to say about Canada, unfortunately this isnt one of them. It seems when Corporate whores team up with their ruthless CCP pimps, even decent Canadians will turn few tricks.
Tibetans protesting China propaganda event in Toronto manhandled
The Chinese security officers at the TIFF theatre physically assaulted the protesters including two Canadian-Tibetan women and a Buddhist Lama, according to Urgyen Badheytsang, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet Canada.
“It’s a disgrace that the TIFF, Toronto Star, and St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts have partnered with the Chinese government in presenting a distorted, false picture of life in Tibet under Chinese occupation – but they still have a chance to make things right by canceling the remainder of this travesty before any other Canadians are assaulted or our values are further undermined,” said Urgyen.
Sungjang Rinpoche, one of the protesters who was assaulted by the Chinese security officers, said, “As a Tibetan who escaped Chinese brutality in Tibet, I’m shocked and deeply upset that senior Canadian arts community leaders are endorsing such a blatant propaganda film on Tibet and screening it here in one of the most respected theatres in Canada. I felt compelled to stand up and tell Canadian viewers that I was born in Tibet, and that there is nothing glorious about the situation in Tibet as this film is trying to portray.”
It is not good to attack some one, but if a chinese security officer hits you during a protest next time use that golden opportunity to kick his nut for till your toes hurt.
If ayone has taken picture or has proof of that assault, then sue the partners and the chinese govt. I think Sungjand Rimpoche already traumatised by CCP now triggered again and suffering PTSD. There is no cosmic justice but atleast Sungjung Rimpoche has to get some validation and support and not left to suffer again. The people only know money talk.
Look at what TDSB was going to do? not much people know about it. The ones who know dont want to talk about it because the premier and then the prime minister one by one have to go to China to do business.
Please don’t kick anyone in the nuts, especially women. Lest we forget, His Holiness is a feminist.
On another topic. Someone once said of Rousseau, “Beware the moral philosopher who abandons his children.”
I usually like Tendor’s philosophies, however, on this occasion(maybe because the room lacked mirrors)did he abandon his high moral standards, his objectivity, in favor of scoring easy political points (along with demonstrating tribal solidarity) with his latest anti shugden histrionics which graces partisan Tibetnet?
“Few leaders of our time have achieved a popularity and reverence more universal and enduring than the Dalai Lama. Through his tireless work to promote social justice, universal responsibility, secular ethics, interfaith harmony, and nonviolent principles, he has made a monumental contribution to alleviating human suffering and increasing, for lack of a better word, the Gross Global Happiness.” haha
Gross Global Happiness. Sure, why not. There are so many good adjectives to describe the man I suppose that it would have been an overkill(too vulgar a display of powers)by adding the feminist title to his crown too.
What an incredible ethical lesson and a profound insight gained when one realizes that a celibate, head priest of a misogynistic religion, at heart is a feminist.
Anyway, what a prologue! Great cover for a reference letter.
To whom it may concern:
Please consider this letter my personal recommendation for the great American worker(Tenzin Dorjee)standing/kneeling/weeping before you.
He has consistently proven to be bright, highly motivated, well organized, very efficient, consistently pleasant, extremely competent, remarkably responsible, extraordinarily assured, astonishingly flexible, inconceivably punctual, mind-bendingly polite, surprisingly athletic, impossibly charming, delightfully intelligible, giddily hygienic, uniquely distilled, and magically delicious.
Besides routinely putting in an 80-hr week in addition to caring for a family of 6 members, Tenzin also finds time to volunteer, working tirelessly to combat homelessness, hunger, environmental destruction, election fraud, education inequalities, sweatshops(except yours), puppy mills and DVD piracy.
He performs these selfless good works without pay, without recognition, and often without permission.
Please consider this candidate seriously.
Stephen Colbert.
(The above quotes were shamelessly plagiarized from Stephen Colbert’s 2nd book; America Again, Re-becoming the greatness we never weren’t. Now in 3D, with 2, 3D glasses included with the book)haha
A big load of baloney. This Tibetan mamashree Shakuni write in flowery Tibetan language. He wrote fine language like a sanjor ex monk. Sly like a fox creating trouble among Tibetans hiding polite fake words and fake smile. If you Tibetans don’t know Tibetan this person is write in Tibetan that kundun has a mistress.
“..and when up, it’ll be for the people to keep it up.” said the movie Lincoln. Today is of course Lincoln’s birthday, as well as Charles Darwin. Good company.
“..and when up, it’ll be for the people to keep it up.” said the movie Lincoln. Today is of course Lincoln’s birthday, as well as Charles Darwin. Good company.
On that note, there is a political cartoonist who has published a short series about the dorje shugden organization lead by Tsem “Tulku” “Rinpoche”. It’s good for a laugh, but also very serious.
BRAVO! Rangzen lectures for Independent Tibet good witching on TUBE!!
རྒྱལ་དབང་ལྔ་བས་སོག་དམག་དྲངས་ནས་བོད་གངས་ཅན་དབང་དུ་བསྡུས་བ་རེད།དེ་ནས་བཟུང་བོད་ཁམས་སོག་དམག་གིས་བཟུང་།རང་ས་གཞན་ལག་ཏུ་ཤོར།ལོ་རྒྱུས་ཀྱིས་རྫུན་གཏམ་མི་སྨྲ་ལ།མ་འོངས་བར་བག་ཆགས་ཀྱང་ཟབ་མོ་བཞག་ཡོད་པ་རེད། དེང་དུས་བཙན་བྱོལ་གྱི་འཚོ་བའི་ཁྲོད་ནས་ཐབས་ཟད་གཞན་རྟེན་དཀའ་བའི་ཚུལ་ལ་སློངས་བ་འདིའང་རྒྱལ་བ་རིན་པོ་ཆེས་སྒེར་གཅོད་ཀྱི་ཆོས་སྲིད་ལ་རེག་ཡོད་པ་རེད།
རྒྱལ་བ་རིན་པོ་ཆེས་དོལ་རྒྱལ་བརྟེན་གསོལ་མཚམས་འཇོག་མཛད་པའི་སྐོར་ལ་བཀའ་མང་པོ་ཞིག་གནང་ཡོད། ཡིན་ནའང་ཆོས་དད་ཀྱི་རང་དབང་ནི་མི་སུ་ཡིན་ཡང་ཐེར་གཏོགས་དཀའ་བ་ཞིག་རེད། རྒྱུ་མཚན་ནི་དོལ་རྒྱལ་དད་འདུན་པ་བོད་པ་ཡིན་ལ་འགྲོ་བ་མིའང་ཡིན།
Thanks to TNC for commemorating the 100th (VOW!) ANNIV. of the
Declaration of Tibet’s Independence. This Honors The Great 13th and Honours HHDL with that victory over CCP’s attempted ‘coup’in that town of
Thanks again!
@ Yakgo: Its not just Gyalwa rinpoche but all lamas starting from Sakya, karmapa, Panchen Lama, Papongkha etc have courted Mongol, Chinese, Nepalese etc.
All of them have realised it as wrong but Dolgyal group are courting Chinese even after realising its as wrong as well as after complete occupation of Tibet.
Dolgyal group even treat lord Buddha as minor while placing their lama as central and paramount figure.
Karze la,
I agree with you about everything else except the part about the Dolgyal group. There are many Sugdhen Tibetans who go on with their lives quietly as someone already mentioned. and vast majority of those who suck up to PRC are non Shugden Tibetans. Few Shugden people may have gone to the eager arms of PRC. But I feel part of it is because we drove them to it. How? By calling them devil worshippers. In such a religious society like ours what can be more damning than to be called that. To put them all in one category and call them all evil is wrong. I don’t like defending Shugden people because I don’t want to be labelled as a Shugden worshipper or Shugden loving person. But I feel obligated as a Tibetan to say something about it because whatever going on right now is not healthy for our society. When Tibetan leaders bring up this Shugden topic again and again they are giving platform to a group of people most of us loathe. And I am not talking about Tibetan Shugden followers. I am talking about the foreigners who point fingers into His Holiness’s face. I don’t have to tell you how shocking and unpleasant it is to witness such a thing. That should teach us that other people too have such strong emotions about their teachers or gods. There has to be an honest and compassionate (from both sides)discussion and understanding and resolution about this issue. We can’t let otherworldly characters to define our lives on this earth. The more Tibetan leaders talk about it the bigger the issue gets. In this day and age you cannot subdue people into believing what the leaders think is the right way to believe. The cat of democracy is out of its bag and we have to enjoy it and work with what we have.
Interesting news. Seems about to commit hara kiri just when they have the Dharsa daimyos in such a fretful quandary.
*Special Announcement.
Due to the distinctive lack of support and cooperation within the Dorje Shugden community to bring down the ban, promote Dorje Shuden and safeguard the Dorje Shugden monasteries, we at the have decided to terminate all our online activities effective November 8th 2014.
Great Big Pumpkins!! Another Confused Institute bites the dust! Good job peoples! Everyone who gave support to it, you guys did something real decent for the kids, for an open society, and education.
Toronto District School Board ends ties with Confucius Institute!!
Urgyen Badheytsang, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet-Canada said, “Tonight the wolf in sheep’s clothing was exposed. The Chinese government’s secret mission to use Confucius Institutes to shut down free discussions on Tibet and human rights in our schools has received the final seal of rejection. As a Tibetan and an alumni of the Toronto school system, I thank the Trustees for standing up for our students, academic freedom, and denying China’s undemocratic, authoritarian government a place in our classrooms.”
We’re here as Tibetans, Chinese, members of religious communities, human rights advocates and concerned parents, and we are relieved that the Chinese government will not have any influence in our schools anymore,” said Tashi Nangsetsang, a concerned Tibetan parent from Toronto.
Happy Halloween!
You Tibetans in Canada are great. It is this kind of activism that brings real and lasting positive changes.
Lets not kid ourselves, the only reason Tibetans in Canada are great is because they have Hockey and beer. Take that away then they are what Voltaire said they are; a country inhabited by barbarians, bears and beavers. lol
Something else in the news…
Tibetan Political Review and Yellow Journalism written by Tsering Wangchu a graduate from the Brownnosing Journalism.
Tsering Wangchuk demands an appology from TPR for Yellow Journalism. Oh the ignomy of being called a Yellow anything.
Well, why not?. Would it kill TPR to be more objective in the future? Why cant TPR be more like Tibetnet? Huh? Huh?? I feel your frustration Tsering la, I also hate bias news.
Reread the TPR article again, I don’t believe TPR is saying that CTA did absolutely nothing, rather, that CTA could have done much more, Obviously its the prerogative of Tsering Wangchuk, the press sectary of Doctor Lobsang Sangay if he does not wish to bother with distinctions. Anyway, I believe that Tsering Wangchuk has the right to say whatever. lol
WHAT DREAMS MAY COME: Hope this website closure is not another publicity stunt, however if the cult website are seeking pleas of support the response has been underwhelming.
The domain is currently hosted on a server located in Singapore with the IP address Tsem Tulku and Kechara House, it turns out, have a multi-year connection to the website that they’ve been accused of running secretly for the past half a decade. Several ex-Tsem students have claimed this is the case, they also seem to be very intimidated. ‘Duke’ Darrick Okkelberg recently made this allegation as well. David Thomas Canada was in contact with them. Tsem and company have a media firm, Kechara Media & Publications whose stated purpose is to “carry on the business of Chinese media content”. Then there was the red spray paint caper.
To sum up, there is enough evidence to reasonably call Tsem on this, and it seems he has been outed with his feet held to the fire (if I may mix metaphors)
This concerns arranged Tibetan Associations in the West, supposedly to challenge the Dorjee Shugden anti-Dalai Lama movement (which by the way is here to stay, sadly!).
As a true Tibetan nationalist brought in exile, but in freedom, and let’s recall how only one-sided Tibetan protests and rallies against Chinese leaders used to be. There was no opposing group, not a single Chinese would show up. No one to oppose the protesters. We had our day.
But lately, over the past one plus decade, the Chinese government, through their Embassies and allies, started parallel pro-Chinese rallies whenever the Tibetans showed up. Mind you, the Tibetan rallies then used to be totally voluntary. Simple. No one asked them to undertake this thankless mission to embarrassing the Chinese leaders, who would have to used back doors of hotel and to get in and out.
But then things changed. Now whenever the Tibetan show up, pro-Chinese groups would spring up from now where. Arrange an paid for by local Chinese embassies and allies. These are facts we all know, and the Tibetans took pride in making fun of the pro-China protests.
Can we say it any more. Number one, CTA, under the Samdhong Rinpoche such protests dwindled. But all has not stopped as yet. Number two, with on set of Shudgen groups relentless anti-Dalai Lama protest, the Tibetan authorizes, have started marshaling Tibetan communities, in the West, especially USA, to arrange anti-Shugden protests. From last years, when the Shugden group launched a massive protests wherever Holiness went, the Office of Tibet has been arranging parallel protests. They don’t call it anti-Shugden protest, but support rallies for His Holiness. It is being believed that the Office of Tibet is doing so under orders from Dharamsala (Gageden Phodrang). It is not clear if CTA (Sikyong) is directly involved in it.
During His Holiness’ current visit to USA, and Alabama specifically, the Office of Tibet has reportedly acknowledged that they held with the accommodation of those coming from far off places to join the anti-Shugden protest.
So what we are actually doing is what the Chinese had been doing for the decade-arranged paid for protesters. What a shame.
LELKYI TSHO: I would not call the noisy and rude NKT protests massive. If you want to see massive, look at the March 10th annual demos in Toronto (for example) on YouTube. These are not rent-a-crowd or funded like the flying nuns, they are there because they want to be.
Jam Nor is not a mind reader. so for these questions you have to ask the concerned people themselves. Best is to ask dharma wallah rinpoche with iphone6 plus who has secret power to reveal what’s in other people’s mind.
There is an interesting piece by an ex member of a Shugdhen organization.
I am posting it just for your information and not to encourage fights among Tibetans of different beliefs.
གུས་བའི་ཕུ་བོ་བླ་ཆེན་ཞིག་ཡིན ཨ་རི་ན་གནས་བསྡད་ཡོད
གུས་བའི་མ་ཡུམ་དབྱིན་ཇི་Oxford Universityནས་འཐར་ཕྱིན་པ་ཡིན ༦༠ལོར་སོན་ཡོད མིང་ལ་བསོད་ནམས་དབྱངས་འཛོམས
Check out this fake letter allegedly send by an anti shugden Tibetan in the name of some made up org called the United Front of the Tibetan People haha.
Those who are either too lazy to read it or don’t want to waste two minutes of their lives, I hear you, let me cut and paste the relevant passages.
A letter was received by Gen Kelsang Chogyop of the New Kadampa Tradition who immediately posted it on Facebook to alert Shugden practitioners everywhere.
“Dalai Lama is our God. We strongly support CTA-CTA carry out what Dalai Lama says-CTA never go against Dalai Lama and never find something wrong with Dalai Lama so we can believe on CTA. CTA is real democracy. How can they protest against our God who is Dalai Lama? He can never be wrong. If he wrong, then we must silence people against him. Our Dhaarmsahala CTA has put on their website to show us the traitor “Tibetans”. There are 34 people the CTA ask us to be warn about.”
“I think we need to take action against the 34 Tibetans and teach them lesson. (full sentence underlined) We need to silence them and not let them protesting. Since we support Dalai Lama and his words and he is our god… So we must already make them quiet. Like what happen to Chonzey in Trijang Labrangg Shar Gaden Monestery. We must teach lesson again. CTA and Tibetan loyal beat Chonzey is teach lesson.”
“Dalai Lama is a God.” “Never go against the Dalai Lama.” “How can they protest against our God? He can never be wrong, if he is wrong we must silence them.” haha
Even if a DL fanatic thought like this, he would not say it like that as anyone who reads JN blog well knows.
Shugdens claim this the first “attack” letter written in (bad)english which they have received but the letter sounds more like a proposition than an attack. “I think..?
“I think we need to silence them.” “So we must already make them quiet.” “We must teach lesson again.”
Kelsang Chogyop of the New Kadampa Tradition need to really work harder on his English, maybe hire an english expert tutor like the future Templeton winner, Thupten Jinpa because this attack letter could be made more robust with quaint terms from positive psychology, the flourishing and compassion, resilience, empathy and eudaimonia!! And ofcourse, neuroplasticity!! Science says the Mind is limitless!! The Happiest man is a Buddhist!!
Just think we Tibetans are generation or two removed from mind numbing superstition, yet now we are at the forefront,the leading edge of new science, neuroscience. How fortuitous is all this evolution and success without doing any real science, such is the power of best sellers. All this and the letter reminds me of Trivers new book. the Folly of Fools.
sometimes grownup indulge in stupidest thing ever as if they are exhausted of nothing better to run after.
so called sugden worshipper are protesting against HHDL, let them excercise their rights. there are enough explanation by HHDL on this matter, so there is no need for 3rd party peanuts to justify anything.
those who are not familiar with the subject carries a functioning brain and if interested will go to and to get to know both sides and come to a conclusion comparing the two to the actual happenings.
just as anyone interested in middleeast or whatever global conflicts based their conclusion on their own research,things would work the same here unless commone sense virus needs to be invented and be part of vaccination program.
however, if MODHERFOKER communist china is getting involve in this–then we must fk that element.
There are alot of good things to say about Canada, unfortunately this isnt one of them. It seems when Corporate whores team up with their ruthless CCP pimps, even decent Canadians will turn few tricks.
Tibetans protesting China propaganda event in Toronto manhandled
The Chinese security officers at the TIFF theatre physically assaulted the protesters including two Canadian-Tibetan women and a Buddhist Lama, according to Urgyen Badheytsang, National Director of Students for a Free Tibet Canada.
“It’s a disgrace that the TIFF, Toronto Star, and St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts have partnered with the Chinese government in presenting a distorted, false picture of life in Tibet under Chinese occupation – but they still have a chance to make things right by canceling the remainder of this travesty before any other Canadians are assaulted or our values are further undermined,” said Urgyen.
Sungjang Rinpoche, one of the protesters who was assaulted by the Chinese security officers, said, “As a Tibetan who escaped Chinese brutality in Tibet, I’m shocked and deeply upset that senior Canadian arts community leaders are endorsing such a blatant propaganda film on Tibet and screening it here in one of the most respected theatres in Canada. I felt compelled to stand up and tell Canadian viewers that I was born in Tibet, and that there is nothing glorious about the situation in Tibet as this film is trying to portray.”
It is not good to attack some one, but if a chinese security officer hits you during a protest next time use that golden opportunity to kick his nut for till your toes hurt.
If ayone has taken picture or has proof of that assault, then sue the partners and the chinese govt. I think Sungjand Rimpoche already traumatised by CCP now triggered again and suffering PTSD. There is no cosmic justice but atleast Sungjung Rimpoche has to get some validation and support and not left to suffer again. The people only know money talk.
Look at what TDSB was going to do? not much people know about it. The ones who know dont want to talk about it because the premier and then the prime minister one by one have to go to China to do business.
I mean kick him the nuts FOR the 2 million Tibetans who were killed by the Chinese.
Please don’t kick anyone in the nuts, especially women. Lest we forget, His Holiness is a feminist.
On another topic. Someone once said of Rousseau, “Beware the moral philosopher who abandons his children.”
I usually like Tendor’s philosophies, however, on this occasion(maybe because the room lacked mirrors)did he abandon his high moral standards, his objectivity, in favor of scoring easy political points (along with demonstrating tribal solidarity) with his latest anti shugden histrionics which graces partisan Tibetnet?
I like how it starts…….
“Few leaders of our time have achieved a popularity and reverence more universal and enduring than the Dalai Lama. Through his tireless work to promote social justice, universal responsibility, secular ethics, interfaith harmony, and nonviolent principles, he has made a monumental contribution to alleviating human suffering and increasing, for lack of a better word, the Gross Global Happiness.” haha
Gross Global Happiness. Sure, why not. There are so many good adjectives to describe the man I suppose that it would have been an overkill(too vulgar a display of powers)by adding the feminist title to his crown too.
What an incredible ethical lesson and a profound insight gained when one realizes that a celibate, head priest of a misogynistic religion, at heart is a feminist.
Anyway, what a prologue! Great cover for a reference letter.
To whom it may concern:
Please consider this letter my personal recommendation for the great American worker(Tenzin Dorjee)standing/kneeling/weeping before you.
He has consistently proven to be bright, highly motivated, well organized, very efficient, consistently pleasant, extremely competent, remarkably responsible, extraordinarily assured, astonishingly flexible, inconceivably punctual, mind-bendingly polite, surprisingly athletic, impossibly charming, delightfully intelligible, giddily hygienic, uniquely distilled, and magically delicious.
Besides routinely putting in an 80-hr week in addition to caring for a family of 6 members, Tenzin also finds time to volunteer, working tirelessly to combat homelessness, hunger, environmental destruction, election fraud, education inequalities, sweatshops(except yours), puppy mills and DVD piracy.
He performs these selfless good works without pay, without recognition, and often without permission.
Please consider this candidate seriously.
Stephen Colbert.
(The above quotes were shamelessly plagiarized from Stephen Colbert’s 2nd book; America Again, Re-becoming the greatness we never weren’t. Now in 3D, with 2, 3D glasses included with the book)haha
དོར་རྒྱལ་གྱི་གནད་དོན་དེ་བོད་ཀྱི་གནད་དོན་གཙོ་བོ་མིན་པ་འདྲ། གུས་བའི་བསམ་པར་གོང་ས་ཚང་དང་སྲིད་སྐྱོང་གིས་རང་ཉིད་ཀྱི་སྤྱོད་ལམ་ལ་བསམ་གཞིགས་ནན་མོ་གཏོང་དགོས་བར་ཐོན་ཡོད། ཨ་རིའི་རྒན་མོ་བསོད་ནམས་དབྱངས་འཛོམས་དེ་སུ་རེད། ཏེ་ལོ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་བོད་པའི་རྩ་ཁྲིམས་དང་མཐུན་ནམ།
དྲང་གཏམ་སྨྲ་བ དྲང་བདེན་སྐྱོང་བ དྲང་མོ་ཡིན་པ
ད་དུང་བུད་མེད་ལ་མི་གཡེམ་པ། ཡིན་ཡང་་་་་་་་
བོད་ཀྱི་གནས་བབ་གསལ་བོ་རེད། དུས་རབས་ཀྱི་འགྱུར་ལྡོག་དང་བསྟུན་ནས་བོད་ཀྱི་སྲིད་སྐྱོང་གིས་འགྱུར་ཐབས་ཆེན་མོ་གསར་བཏོད་གནང་དགོས
ལེགས་བཤད་བླང་དོར་བྱས་ནས་སྐྱོན་ཆ་ངེས་ལེན་བྱེད་དགོས། གོང་ས་ཚང་དང་སྲིད་སྐྱོང་གིས་ནོར་སྲིད་ཡོད་ཚད་དམངས་གཙོའི་ལམ་ཏུ་འགྲོ་དགོས
སྲིད་སྐྱོང་བློ་བཟང་སེང་གེ་མཆོག་གིས་བོད་མི་ཚོར་གསུང་བཤད་གནང་སྟེ། དབུ་མའི་ལམ་ལ་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་ཐོག་རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་ཤུགས་ཆེན་པོ་འཐོབ་བཞིན་ཡོད་པ་ལྟར། འཐབ་རྩོད་ཀྱི་ལྟེ་གནས་བོད་མིའི་སྒྲིག་འཛུགས་ལ་ཚང་མས་བརྩི་བཀུར་ཞུ་དགོས་པ་དང་། རང་བཙན་བརྩད་དེ་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་ཁྲིམས་དང་རྒྱ་གར་ནག་བར་གྱི་ཆིངས་ཡིག་སོགས་ལ་འགལ་ན་བོད་མིའི་སྒྲིག་འཛུགས་ལ་གནོན་ཤུགས་དང་དཀའ་ངལ་འཕྲད་སྲིད་སྐོར་སོགས་གསུངས་འདུག རང་བཙན་ནོར་འཕྲུལ་ཡིན་པ་དངོས་ནས་གསུངས་སོང་། དོར་རྒྱལ་ཚོགས་པར་ཡང་སྡུག་མོལ་ཙམ་ལས་ལག་མི་འགུལ་བ་གསལ་བོར་ཆགས་ཡོད།
བླ་མ་རྣམ་སྤྲུལ་ལྷ་མིན་འདྲེ་མིན། ཁོང་ཚང་ལ་བུད་མེད་ཞིག་ཡོད་པ་འཇིག་རྟེན་འཁོར་བ་དང་མཐུན། རྒྱབ་སྐྱོར་ཆེན་པོ་ཞུ་རྒྱུ་ཡིན།
Jamyang Norbu ལགས། ནང་བསྟན་བླ་མས་བུད་མེད་བཞུས་ཆོག་གམ།
A big load of baloney. This Tibetan mamashree Shakuni write in flowery Tibetan language. He wrote fine language like a sanjor ex monk. Sly like a fox creating trouble among Tibetans hiding polite fake words and fake smile. If you Tibetans don’t know Tibetan this person is write in Tibetan that kundun has a mistress.
Happy Tibetan Independence Day!(tomorrow) The Flag is Up!
“..and when up, it’ll be for the people to keep it up.” said the movie Lincoln. Today is of course Lincoln’s birthday, as well as Charles Darwin. Good company.
Here is a good read. What the Buddha Said.
Happy Tibetan Independence Day!(tomorrow) The Flag is Up!
“..and when up, it’ll be for the people to keep it up.” said the movie Lincoln. Today is of course Lincoln’s birthday, as well as Charles Darwin. Good company.
Here is a good read. What the Buddha Said.
On that note, there is a political cartoonist who has published a short series about the dorje shugden organization lead by Tsem “Tulku” “Rinpoche”. It’s good for a laugh, but also very serious.