Why RFA Matters, So Much, Right Now

Commenting on my last few posts, some readers took me to task for raising the issue of Jigme Ngabo’s dismissal from RFA, thereby (according to them) diverting public attention away from the self-immolations in Tibet, especially when “… our nation is on fire” as one put it so graphically.

If my critics had read the posts carefully they would have realized that my fundamental concern for the well-being of RFA rose from its role as the primary source of accurate information for people inside Tibet on what was actually happening within their own country. Even the minority of educated Tibetans who have access to the Internet must contend with the “Great Firewall of China” and probably cannot access Phayul.com or Rangzen.net as easily as you and I can outside. They have cell-phones (definitely monitored) and there is word of mouth, but clandestine radio is probably about the only reliable source of trustworthy information that most people throughout the vast Tibetan plateau have on the self-immolations, especially when Chinese occupation authorities have imposed a total blackout on any such news. People inside Tibet unquestionably need a functioning, straight-shooting RFA, right now, to know about the self-immolations and public protests taking place in far-flung reaches of their own country.

Then there is the obverse issue of information from inside Tibet getting out to the free world, and the additional hurdle of having that information being accepted by the international media. For that task the Tibetan Language section of RFA is probably without peer in the Tibetan world. The seismic 2008 uprising, that I described in my first blog of 2008 as the “rangzen revolution”, which started in Lhasa and spread throughout Tibet, is in a real sense the progenitor of the self-immolations and demonstrations taking place right now.

The first news of the 2008 uprising was broken by RFA Tibetan language section on March 10 around 9:30 p.m. Lhasa time (9:30 a.m. EST). A translation of the Tibetan program in which the breaking news appeared:

Host, Lobsang Yeshi: We have very urgent breaking news coming from Tibet, with a source inside Tibet, informing us of a huge demonstration by Drepung Monastery, consisting close to 300 monks having staged protest rally against Chinese government. For details we have our reporter, Dolkar, to tell you more.

Dolkar: OK, thanks, Lobsang Yeshi. A source in Tibet who does not want to be identified has called me to inform that 10 March being the anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day, the day on which Tibetans observe the Uprising Day anniversary, on this day in Tibetan capital Lhasa, close to 300 monks from Drepung monastery have staged a huge protest rally. The source reports that the monks from Drepung monastery began their protest from the monastery by marching towards the Chinese checkpoint, located towards the west of Lhasa, at which point, they were stopped and suppressed/beaten by People’s armed police and other security personals.We are also getting news that by around 4 p.m., Chinese have blockaded all the roads leading to the western part of the Lhasa city and military trucks and two other kinds of military vehicles are found moving. The military trucks are moving, in a set of sevens at same time along the road. Sources also reported seeing ambulances from hospitals going in the same direction. Sources are expressing fear that it seems the monks might have been hurt and injured under military repression.

Today being 10th March, the security in Lhasa city, especially near the Potala palace and Bakhor Street is reported to be very tight with Chinese personals checking the people’s movement. So right now, this is the news we are getting from Tibet.

Source: Radio Free Asia

The above excerpt is from a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report that gave RFA the credit for breaking the story. “The earliest reports of unrest in Tibet last month didn’t come from a major newspaper, wire service or TV station. They came from a U.S.-funded shortwave radio broadcaster.” The WSJ story also highlighted China’s “anger” at this development and noted “RFA’s reporting on the crisis in Tibet has reignited longstanding ill will with China over the U.S. government’s Cold War-era broadcasting system.” The official Chinese reaction was also discussed.

“The Chinese government says the station has done ‘non-objective, unfair and unbalanced coverage of China for a long time,’ according to a foreign ministry spokeswoman. ‘We know many foreign media reprinted their stories about Tibet. These incorrect stories have resulted in much criticism from Chinese people and foreign media professionals.’”

Beijing even had “independents” scholars and experts raise this issue in the Chinese media. Pro-China academics and journalists in the free world (read my pieces on “barefoot experts” and “running dog propagandists”) strove to play down the political and revolutionary significance of the 2008 Uprisings and attempted to spin them as Tibetans expressing themselves for better economic opportunities within the Chinese political system.

China’s reaction was so unusually aggressive that the director of RFA, Libby Liu, called a special management meeting where she asked if there was any truth to Beijing’s accusations. Jigme Ngabo informed her that everyone at the service had consistently abided by RFA’s founding directive to be neutral. He added that all Tibetan journalists employed by the service maintained highest professional standards and that none of them were in any way influenced by, or accountable to, the Dalai Lama’s exile government. One participant at the meeting mentioned that the exile government had in fact been harshly critical of RFA’s Tibetan service and that the prime-minister Samdong Rinpoche had issued standing instructions to kashag ministers and senior officials not to give interviews to RFA or participate in its programs, which in itself was evidence enough, if not proof, of the Tibetan Service’s strict neutrality and professional objectivity. (Readers should regard this as an approximation of the discussions at the meeting. I did not have access to the minutes, if any were kept, and the memories of the couple of people I talked to were not as crisp as I would have liked them to be.)

Anyhow, Libby Liu was, reportedly, cheered and encouraged by what she heard. She sent out RFA spokeswoman Sarah Jackson-Han to reassure all the newspapers and other media services around the world, including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, that had cited the RFA report in their coverage.

In the following months RFA Tibetan Service “…broke the news about unrest among Uighurs in Xinjiang province, an area facing its own antigovernment, separatist tensions.”

What we Tibetans have in the RFA Tibetan Service is, in a real sense, our own national, yet independent radio station with professional accomplishment and international credibility. Nowhere within the Central Tibetan Administration do we have as powerful an asset to our freedom struggle as this service. The fact that RFA doesn’t dutifully parrot the Dharamshala party-line should be seen as an asset and not as an act of disloyalty to the Dalai Lama, as so many simple-minded devotees and also devious self-serving politicians have been interpreting it.

All right-thinking Tibetan should insist that Jigme Ngabo be reinstated as head of the Tibetan Service. He is someone with a proven track record of fairness and objectivity, professionally speaking, and also in his dealings with his staff. There is also the real fear that if Jigme is not reinstated Dharamshala will see to it that the next director will be its creature, some one who will ensure that all mention of Tibetan independence or freedom be deleted or distorted in reports coming out of Tibet, even when protesters and self-immolators have made such specific declarations. Deliberate excisions of references to “rangzen” have happened before in reports issued by ICT. The nationalistic and revolutionary features of the immolations and protests will be downplayed and instead construed to appear as devotional acts, demonstrations of loyalty to the Dalai Lama, and perhaps even to Sikyong Lobsang Sangay. Earlier Sikyong himself has made claims along these lines to a friendly Australian journalist.

Libby Liu was recently seen in Dharamshala wearing a chuba and doing the rounds of the CTA offices. She told everyone willing to listen that she wanted to work “closely” with the CTA. So much for RFA’s founding directive to be objective and neutral. Eventually RFA Tibetan service will become an agency devoted to “reaching out to our Chinese brothers and sisters” and demonstrate to them that the vast majority of Tibetans sincerely want to be part of the People’s Republic of China, and are all resolutely opposed to the nefarious actions of a few rangzen “splittists” who want to break up the Great Motherland.

A concluding appeal to readers. Please write to Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher thanking him for his efforts and requesting him to investigate this matter further, even if a formal hearing has to be convened, so that American taxpayer money and (with apologies for quoting myself) “… the “US Congress’s noble and successful experiment to provide the Tibetan freedom struggle a powerful and independent voice, is not hijacked and perverted to serve as a covert propaganda outpost for the “Ministry of Truth” in Beijing.”

Posted at a rather crowded Starbucks on West 56 St and 6th Avenue, NY, NY on Christmas day.


169 Replies to “Why RFA Matters, So Much, Right Now”

  1. Thank you again. Boy, you are the real Parriot! Merry Christmas and happy new year.



    གོང་མིང་བས་ཕྱི་ཟླ་༡༢ཚེས་༢༥ ཕུལ།།།།།

  2. Grow up arm chair revolutionary! RFA is funded by USA and it is advocating the interest of United States not CTA!?! Is it true that RFA stopped your monthly or weekly pay check for your misleading commentaries? Can you disclose how much money have you received from RFA under the leadership of Jigme Ngabo?

  3. Jamyang la. Thank you. You are doing a great service to Tibet by bringing these things to light. And Woeser from Tibet too. I saw her protesting the ouster of Nabo Jigme on facebook and I didn’t quite know then what it was all about.
    It is important for RFA to remain neutral. RFA is the only world recognized media outlet that airs stories on Tibet. If we Tibetans fail to see the importance of that and RFA loses its credibility as an independent news agency we will have done a great disservice to the Tibetans inside Tibet who rely on RFA for news as JN stated.
    I am surprised also by some Tibetans suggesting that any wrong doing against Ngabo is justified for what his father did. Guilt by association is a crime we should not sully our conscience with. It’s an evil that dictators and the Chinese have visited upon their victims. If Ngabo’s descendants are guilty of treason for his not being able to give up his life for Tibet so are many of us whose forefathers turned their tails and didn’t stay back to defend Tibet till their last breaths.
    Let him cast the first stone who has not sinned.

  4. Thank you Jamyang norbu la for a nice christmas gift an (article on RFA.)

    Long live JN and May God will always protect you and your family.

    Kunchok Chen no!!! May soon truth will prevail.

  5. This summer when His Holiness visited DC, He gave a talk to the local Tibetans at some hall in northern Virginia. If i remember vividly our Sikyong Lobsang Sangay who was again following His Holiness to DC was also onstage. His Holiness spoke for more than, I think, half an hour, and as majority of Tibetans living in DC-VA area and those who were in audience were employees of radio stations – RFA and VOA, His Holiness’s talk was mostly an appeal to them. He urged them to be honest and objective in their reporting news and never distort the actual news for any reason whatsoever. His Holiness said (I’m quoting from my memory) Tibetans in Tibet lack unbiased sources of news back home and, as such, His Holiness said the Radio employees have an extra responsibility to be truthful in braodcasting their news that are happening around the world without any censorship. Someone recorded this talk and uploaded in Youtube a week or two later and it made a few rounds in FB sometime back in August I think. And almost two and half months later this news of RFA censorship broke out!

    Sometime last week I remembered about this video and thought it could make a fiting response to anyone in Dhasa who was trying to cherry pick what gets aired by RFA and went to search for it but couldnt find. Only a shorter version of the same talk ( I guess) that doesnt cover the appeal portion by HisHoliness showed up everytime I searched.

    I’m wondering if the person whoever had uploaded the video pulled it after the RFA controversy surfaced or the video somehow disappeared in the sea of videos one Googles Executive, the company that owns Youtube, once said get uploaded close to half a million daily and I typed in a wrong title to pull it up.

    I’m quite familiar with the psychology of Sikyong Lobsang Sangay. I know we haven’t zeroed on him yet but ‘circumstantial evidences’ are compelling. But if he was indeed behind sacking Ngabo so he could pick the news headlines for RFA, I will have no doubt he would have done this. He’s the kind of person.

  6. I think this is more of Samdhong ideas than Sikyong. To the best of my knowledge Sikyong doesn’t have any firm direction directions

  7. Why Ngabo is not making any attempt to resolve his own problems by himself and why JN is so in touch with this case? Is he the main player of RFA? or is he trying to inserting his ideas and skill of writing into the youths of today? Why is he making hills out of sand dust? Why is he so against the Exile community? Why is he against the Tibetans being a Denzongpa or Labchi from Sikkim?

  8. @9 (Ashang Dawa): my guess is that Jigme Ngapo is preparing to sue RFA for unfair dismissal. Maybe then he has to be silent until he goes to court?

    I heard that the RFA Cantonese service director was fired by Libby Liu a while back and won a lawsuit for hundreds of thousands of dollars for unfair dismissal. THAT is justice!

  9. “These accusations came to a head recently when long-time Tibet supporter Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA) charged top CTA officials with forcing the head of Radio Free Asia’s Tibet Section, Jigme Ngabo, to resign for allowing pro-independence activists onair. Thirty-seven of RFA’s forty Tibet Section staff have signed a letter of support for Ngabo, and several prominent Tibetan intellectuals spoke out against his removal, so far to no avail.”


    Such motives are I always suspect when JN thow some allegations against CTA or DL. He might be seemingly arguing for greater cause, but the underline theme is his selfish motive. His recent conspiracy theory has two faces, firstly, he brings up the old debate of “Rangzen versus U-Lam” which became so stale over the years, but it is still his argument in new robes, like old wine in new bottles, does not change the taste. So firing of Ngobo Junior is a perfect opportunity and good fodder to throw his conspiracy theory like REAL FACT and NEWS. Secondly, it is so simple because his contract with RFA is terminated for whatever reasons. JN can earn a living far better, maybe work on his HIGH ASIA group than from RFA contract. Politics ultimately comes down to food, status, shelter, and so on, no matter what grand statement a person make. Nepotism, hypocricy, corruption, unverified views as news, and worse at personal gain willing to sacrifice group interest or nation’s interest.

    As one observe the recent development, the issue itself now seems lost its steam and interest. JN’s writings and its content over the days, changed from conspiracy of CTA and Libby Liu, or even the involvement of DL to sack ALL MIGHTY RANGZEN warrior Ngabo Jigmei, to JN’S TRUE CONCERN FOR HHDL by declaring protecting Kundun out of the blue, such first bold and open statement in his all life, and in the end, he argues RFA is the only true source of information, all other sources of information such VOT-Tibatan department or VOT Radio are kind of politically censored and useless. Well, at least JN’s writing show his own opinions and politics of thoughts of GREAT RANGZEN Warrior. His frustration is also due to no contract from other agencies. JN should know, all foreign supported Tibetan radion sections except Tibetan VOT, are news information, not employment agency. I eagerly waiting for how JN end his political sagas and writing, and I also waiting how this trivial matter of two people’s loosing job and contract will be solved. Hope JN will stand his ground firmly.


  10. Ngabo Senior was the pointer base of Middle way path that his holiness founded to be with PRC while Ngabo junior is the independence gateway to the activist of freedom struggle. What a legacy but sadly we do not know the value of Gem. even today.

    It is now the time for us the younger generations to live up their own struggle instead of relying to the CTA. Done with patriotic to govt and act by yourself to help tibetans inside tibet like Rabgye’s sister.

  11. This is just a very sad incident. Happened to be there in DC during Christmas time. Met so many old friends including VOA and RFA staff.

    All agreed that firing ngabo was a very unfair and unjustice. Staff at RFA moral is so down. Kalden is nowhere to be seen. Heard he is soon again going to official trip toIndia. Looks like that lady of RFA is sending Kalden to whereever place he wants to go.

    Corruption and abuse of power need to be stop now. CTA should not approach RFA now that we have learn lessoon. Past is Past and we should learn from the mistake.Please do not disappoint our high hope on government by doing dirty politics.

  12. 95 Tibetans have self immolated thus far against China’s relentless and continual brutalities, many of them just kids while Dharamshala intone prayers or simply slumbers.

    The international community postures reflexively, barks toothlessly.

    It is imperative that the world community come together to honor His Holiness once again, this time, maybe award him with an Olympic gold medal so that Tibetan diaspora can have yet another day to celebrate our beloved leader who sold out Tibetan independence in exchange for popularizing superstitious Tibetan Buddhism.

    If anyone should burn themselves. it shouldn’t be naive, emotional children with too much Buddhist sentiments and too little education, but those who are most responsible for losing Tibet(besides China) in the first place, those parasitical tulkus and their short sighted symbiont confederates, the theoconservative elites.

  13. I have sumited many comments but none of them was posted because it contain truth which makes you guys makes them uneassy.

    I was many of those comments are actually summited by RFA staff members, who are against CTA and His Holiness.

    They leak news purposely. Here is one of the key person who played a big role in support of Ngapo’s reinstatement,… Mr. Lsosnag Yeshi….

    Who is He? He first came to USA on full bright scholarship. What did he do? He took the money but did not attent school as he suppose to do, instead wasted a chance for a deserving Tibetan candidate who actually want to study.

    Anyway, he is one of the RFA staff who was hanpicked by Ngapo Jigmey and he is showing his royality by sticking with him eventhough Ngapo has shown more Loyal to CCP than CTA Or His Holiness.

  14. I have read and reread your blog and came into conclusion that you want to Ngapo to be RFA’s head because he is against the policy of CTA and His Holiness.
    You sound like as if it is almost a criminal to be part of CTA and His Holiness. If you disagree that strongly you should form your own government and have your own radio station headed by Ngapoe and his loyal RFA staff members.
    India was divided into two because of conflict. You can have Pakistan version of Tibet. You will be Muhammad Ali Jinnah of our own founded country.
    We will be sticking with His Holiness and CTA.

  15. Dordam,
    Are you kalden right man or the real kalden. You sounds and the way you write english is same like him. I know your way of writing as I once was a closed friend of you.Stop accusing.

  16. Dordam: It is simply amazing that after much reading and re-reading and thinking about the whole situation, that is the conclusion you came up with. Little knowledge is indeed dangerous. But more dangerous is little comprehension of knowledge by little minded people.

  17. #22 @ Karma Wangdu, in addition to what you said, let me also add that it is OFFENSIVE to ridicule, publicly ridicule, the struggle for rangzen. Kundun repeatedly ridiculed proponents of rangzen, asking what is the way forward? How can we drive the Chinese military out of Tibet and then sarcastically laughs? Kundun should keep those rhetorical questions to himself. Just because he fails to see the way forward, it is wrong to assume that there really is no way forward. It is also wrong to assume that the Chinese military cannot be driven out of Tibet simply because Tibetans can never match their military might. Did we not continue to see in the last 50 years that the Chinese military might failed to extinguish burning desire of the Tibetans for a free country? Unless Chinese military have the guts to wipe out the entire Tibetan race, the Tibetan leader should not use such excuses to promote their policy. My goal is not to offend anyone, but such an argument is immaturish and jejune.

    Just when a clear picture of how hollow and misguided the middle way policy is, begins to emerge, they demonize rangzen proponents and publicly ridicule them, only to keep alive hopes in the middle way policy and divert people’s attention from realizing the true value of the middle way policy?

    I understand the debate between uma lam and rangzen proponents and also sentiment of the supporters of the two policies. In order to ensure fair disclosure, I must admit that I am a supporter of the uma lam and strongly believe in this policy. I have my own reasons for supporting and believing in this policy, but it may not matter to the public what they are.

    The key point I want to make through this message is that the game of demonizing and ridiculing one another’s policy should be stopped. If one has to engage in garnering support for one’s policy by painting the other party black in the eyes of credulous Tibetans, then it is safe to conclude that there is no substance in their policy, whichever group does it. Rather, one’s policy should be popularized based on real and tangible benefits that can accrue to the six million Tibetans, NOT JUSTFOR ONE OR TWO INIDIVIDUALS, if their policy becomes successful.

  18. Call for Rangzen is not an Idea that came about to somebody recently. It was there since ages and HH’s asking about the way forward is fair chance given to Rangzen proponent.

    Rangzen proponent should understand that PRC is not asking for us to make a choice between Independence and Autonomy. Instead they remain iron-fist on the expanse of their economic clout.

    So Rangzen proponent repeatedly saying that “PRC give us Rangzen or else we will shout at your embassy around the world” does not hold the leverage and does not fit well with current diplomatic maneuver specially after opening of global market.

    To give it a test, Rangzen proponent in North America should ask their congressmen to withdraw MFN status to China. See where it leads.

    Rangzen ofcourse is not a policy, Rangzen proponent should chart a name for their policy and which aims to achieve Rangzen. So that the struggle becomes intelligible and not a mere platform for youngster to emotionally outburst which would seriously impede the growth of vibrant and intellectual youth.

  19. Bhoepa: I am somewhat shocked by your thinking that His Holiness is somehow ridiculing the rangzen movement when he questions the practicality of driving out the Chinese forces. It is part of His overall assessment of Tibetan geo-poltical strategic situation that informs Him with regard to his conviction in the middle way policy. Irrespective of what His Holiness or CTA says, the question that every rangzen advocate must still address is how should be go about getting there to an independent Tibet and what confidence to we have in our moral and educational bank to envision a democratic independent future that will be able to embrace diversity, whether in religious, provincial or issue forms, a vision that can inspire all of us. As Tendor-la above clearly states, Rangzen is not a vision. And unless a realistic method to regain independence and then maintaining a vibrant secular democracy is envisioned and proposed, Rangzen simply becomes a rant serving no purpose than to stir our emotions now and then.

    In fact , part of that vision of a future independent Tibet is educating the young and the credit, without any doubt, goes mainly to the efforts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and CTA for building the educational infrastructures in exile and educating a generations of Tibetans in exile, the very reason why today you and I can engage in educated discussion here.

  20. I wish every one (Tibetans and supporters) a very Happy New Year Year 2013. Let me repeat a New Year wish left as a testament by Gudrup-la, a Tibetan martyr who self immolated on October 4, 2012:

    “Tibetan brothers and sisters. If we look back to the past, all we see is regret and anger, sadness and tears, without any joyfulness. Yet, as we welcome the coming Water Dragon New Year, I pray that you will experience health, your activities will be accomplished and your long cherished goals will be materialized. At the same time I have great hope that your will hold yourself in high esteem and you will not lose your courage however many defeats that you had suffered and make concerted effort to achieve unity.”

  21. #25 Choekyi Lodroe, it is clear that we are riding the same bus of uma lam. It made me jittery the way you started out, but I like the overall tone of your discussion because it was not deprecating. Yes, we are indeed engaged in educated discussions here. It will be helpful in starting, maintaining, and nurturing civil debates if you learn that there is always two sides to the coin. If this knowledge becomes an integral part of your knowledge bank, and in addition, if you become comfortable accepting and respecting the other side of the coin, you will not be as shocked in the future when any point of view that is not consistent with yours is presented.

    I wish the Tibetans in general and the elected leaders in particular are more cautious about giving undue credits to His Holiness because doing so does not serve any meaningful purposes. Such acts result in denial of real success kundun deserves and prevent him from feeling the pulse of the six million Tibetans. Therefore, six million Tibetans stand to gain if we cease sugarcoating everything we serve His Holiness in the golden plate.

    You seem to have made an interesting point in the last sentence. I wonder if there is more than one way to interpret it. But I guess you seem to be indicating that kundun deserves most of the credit for the efforts he put in educating our youth and building educational infrastructures. There are basically two parts to it. First, I applaud people for their efforts, but according to me, what credit or grade they get is dependent on whether or not they put in half-hearted or whole-hearted efforts, and most importantly, the accomplishments of their efforts. Second, the true recipients of the credit for building educational infrastructures for us are the Govt. of India and its people.

    The credits that you were giving to His Holiness contradicts with the question you raised about our moral and educational bank. If we do not have confidence in our moral and educational bank, I know that that is not your intention, but you are essentially saying that the efforts of His Holiness in educating our youth did not yield desirable results. It is a matter of serious concerns when the leader’s efforts to equip our people with “modern education” in the last fifty years fell flat. What is more disturbing is that any discussions on the failure of the leader and suggestions of corrective measures are always repudiated. I have absolutely nothing against giving credits to kundun for any success we collectively accomplish, but it would be odd to give him any credits for success we did not accomplish in the first place.

    You should watch a documentary titled, Inside North Korea, produced by Lisa Ling. You will be shocked to see how that self-isolated community resembles that of ours, especially in terms of the relationship shared between the leader and his people. Misplaced and misguided faith and reverence to any single individual is detrimental to the health of the whole community. We should not continually miss the lessons history teach us.

    In the 21st century, it will damage kundun’s own self-image if policies affecting the lives of six million Tibetans are made based on the assessment and conviction of one individual, especially when that individual is considered a champion of democracy. I don’t know how you and others saw it when I said that “kundun should keep those rhetorical questions to himself,” but that was really said out of my love and respect for him. He has much to lose by taking sides and delivering political speeches, especially when he has officially stepped down from that role.

    “…Rangzen simply becomes a rant serving no purpose than to stir our emotions now and then.” I would encourage you to seriously reflect on the events of the last fifty years and tell me if you continue to believe that rangzen stirs our emotions JUST now and then. You may not find any historical evidence to support such a statement.

    Happy New Year to you and all the readers of Jamyang Norbu’s blog!!!

  22. Wish you all a happy New Year 2013.

    May Jamyang Norbu be healthy and continue to shower us the ray of blessings through writings that awaken, show two sides of stories in this modern world of Tibet.

    May people of Tibet rather than leaders(for the past fifty something years nothing bear result)will now lead the struggle.

  23. #24 TenDorjee, I hope that you would agree with me that we are not here to win or lose debates. Rather, we are here to have lively and civil discussions, and most importantly, take away whatever points we can from each other’s perspectives. That is how the real growth in human beings takes place, right? This should be the growth trajectory of our community.

    I have already made it clear on this blog that I am a supporter of the middle way policy and you are apparently one of us. But let me play a devil’s advocate and ask some rhetorical questions that may help us make our case more effectively in the future.

    “… HH’s asking about the way forward is fair chance given to Rangzen proponent.” What is your definition of fair chance? 10, 20, or …..n years? Should the same standard of fair chance apply to the middle way approach? How will you justify giving up on a country that has a rich history of a few thousand years?

    “Rangzen proponent should understand that PRC is not asking for us to make a choice between Independence and Autonomy.” We never took charge of our own destiny. The time has already arrived for that. What strategy we should choose and outcome we desire should not be dependent on the choices offered by the PRC.

    If the U.S. and Canadian government do not change the Chinese MFN status, this is a reason strong enough to give up on our rangzen?

    If protesting in front of the Chinese’s embassies/consulates with a goal to pressure them to give back our country is not sufficient to achieve the goal, what are the proponents of the middle way doing that is different from rangzen wala? It is more shameful when we cannot garner sufficient international support to sell our own country.

  24. I am not a rinpoche. But through my years of service, I have earned high enough position to be seated in the front rows of official gathering.

    I had attended His Holiness’ recent teaching at Mundgod. Seated near us was this new woman in chuba never seen before in Tibetan official circle. Everyone was whispering behind to know who this new substance was. Someone from behind joked that she is the new
    Sang-yum of Sikyong.

    Visibly embarrassed Kalden Lodroe introduced her to us as President of radio free asia. She was all hey!!! and gave a big fake smile like, i am your best new friend.

    In conversation with me, she told me she is gathering opinions of Tibetan officials towards RFA broadcast. She asked me whether I heard anything of late about radio fee asia ? I said we heard Ngabo Jigmey was expelled from his job. She said that she expelled him!!!

    She nearly jumped from her seat to say that she is one who expelled Ngabo Jigmey as if expecting a cheering crowd to appreciate her feat. I kept quiet not knowing how to respond to his strange sem-chem.

    She also told us that Tibetans in D.C do not like her. But Tibetan people in Bylakuppe, Hunsur and Mundgod are all very appreciative of what she is doing!!!

    These are not my words, but her words. We didn’t ask but she volunteered.

    This creature thinks that she is doing us a favour by destroying the independence of this popular Tibetan radio.

    Show her what I wrote here. At least this will make her come to her senses that there are Tibetan officials who she talked to but didn’t say a word in reply, do not appreciate what she has done and is doing to radio free asia. So far she seems to living only in Kalden Lodroe’s fairy land.

    I know that agents of several government read this blog. I also know several Tibet experts in various university read this blog. Many Tibet supporters read this blog. I want all to know that radio free asia serves a very important purpose and Libby Lui is destroying it from within.
    I hope US Congress will save this independence of this radio.

  25. @29
    “It is more shameful when we cannot garner sufficient international support to sell our own country.”

    You have a rather hallucinated view of reality. You still does not seem to accept the fact that Tibet Independence has been sold long before by Ngabo and the likes of him. Even if you are not a Rangzen proponent as you claim, you still does not fit well with “intellectual” kind that i would look up to. Your questions are relevant back in 1940 and 50s.

  26. #25 Bhoepa:
    First of all, I am not shocked by differences in opinion: every one is entitled to his or her opinion, of course. I am rather shocked when those opinions are knowingly or unknowingly biased and and lacks logical and factual foundation. I credited His Holiness and CTA as ONE of the main reasons for developing the educational infrastructure through which tens of thousands of Tibetans received a decent education in exile. Hence I do not certainly exclude other players and factors like Indian government and its people. If you still haven’t you should watch a documentary entitled “compassion in Exile by Mickey Lemle, detailing the touching, intelligent and brave struggle by the young Kundun to establish the overall social and administrative infrastructure of the Tibetan exiles in India, particularly the Tibetan school system in India.

    During those most difficult period, when our elders have no idea where the next meal will come from, to the present times, His Holiness has done an extraordinary job of educating the young and thereby building the necessary educational and moral bank that I was referring to in my earlier post. He has done his job of babysitting and nurturing us, not because he so wanted to hold on to power like the North Korean leaders (this is your analogy is again misleading), but because reality and situation demanded it and he did not ran away from his historical responsibility. His Holiness started the process of democratization and democratic education of the exiles since the early 70s. But we must acknowledge the reality that even a year ago when He stepped down as the political leader, our people were begging him not to relinquish his “POST”.

    My argument is that after receiving a proper education, it is up to us, the youth, to envision a future Tibet and the nature of our struggle. But many so called intellectuals have the tendency to “blame” His Holiness and the CTA as the single most important feature of their struggle for complete independence. This, perhaps understandable as part of growing pain, is nonetheless misinformed, self-destructive and counter-productive. In stead of attacking His Holiness, CTA and the middle way policy as the main feature of ranzen-wallas, the focus should be on defining the method of our struggle and envisioning a future independent Tibet by thoroughly detailing the challenges and how we might overcome them.. His Holiness and CTA is not stopping any one, including the TYC, from doing that. In fact we already have a global institution in the Tibetan Youth Congress to form a parallel movement to the CTA and the middle way and people who do not agree with the middle way will really make a constructive contribution if they dedicate their energy and education for the development of the TYC into a mature movement. This will inspire the youth, not the internal blame game!

  27. Happy New Year to all countrymen

    Reading the opinions, I am stunned at my fellow Tibetans who deny any wrong doing by CTA and king of the gods, yet accuse Jamyang Norbu lak of manufacturing rumors, even when he presents evidence with pictures and leaked memo from Kundun’s lapdog Kalden Lodoe, still, those evidence mean nothing to them.

    Lobsang Sangey government send quick letters to the congressman denying all alligations,trying to distance themselves from the controversy, yet even as the left hand types denial, the right hand is busy welcoming boss Libby Liu to Mundgod with VIP pass and another chance to hold hands with Kundun.

    Lobsang Sangey and the Dharamsala government have this attitude that the uneducated tibetan
    masses deserve no explaination, that our only purpose being to grovel at the feet of our leaders and do as the North Koreans do.

    Lobsang Sangey calls this form of Tibetan governence “Unique Democracy”

    Hey rinpoche, why are you asking Jamyang Norbu lak to, ‘show her what I wrote here’ meaning
    Boss Libby Liu; when you were with her, face to face, why didn’t you confront her? Why did you keep silent when you could have told her how you felt or maybe you were scared of her or maybe you were scared of Kalden Lodoe and Kundun who obviously let her speak in front of the pro Dalai Lama villagers and faithfaces.


  28. #33 Choekyi Lodroe,

    What did I say that lacked logic and factual foundation?

    The manner in which you credited HH and the CTA in your post #33 is way different from your post #25. HH should get some credit for the EFFORTS, but I would not be very comfortable saying that the credit should MAINLY go to him (as you put it in post #25).

    I do not have to watch any documentary on kundun to learn what he did and did not do because I have an intimate knowledge about our leader and our community.

    If HH has done an extraordinary job of educating our youth, why did you express a lack of confidence in our moral and educational bank to pursue independence track? Kundun and elected leaders have admitted that our education policy had been a failure. Kundun did, in some ways, help our youth start the educational journey, but he did not help us complete that journey.

    Without having watched the documentary, you concluded that my comparison between the two communities is misleading. Just to enrich your knowledge, you should watch that documentary. Let me know if you don’t change your mind after watching the documentary.

    In response to your, “…reality and situation demanded it…,” I would like to mention about the first U.S. President, George Washington. After serving his two terms, he refused to serve the third term despite being asked to do so. He did not rule the country for 60 years and his institution did not rule for nearly 400 years. It does not surprise me that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world because it had visionary and strategic leaders in the 1700s. Incredible!

    You babysit a child when s/he is young. When you tower over children over 18, it cannot be called babysitting. Are you aware of an old adage, “don’t give a man a fish, instead, teach him how to fish”? If you continue to give a man fish, you make yourself indispensable in his life. No one benefits in any meaningful ways in such a relationship. No one individual should become indispensable to any individual, organization, and/or nation.

    “..the reality that even a year ago…, our people were begging him not to relinquish his “POST.” There may be more than one correct ways to look at that. One of the ways in which this can be looked at is that HH efforts to educate our youth have not been as successful as they should be because people were not ready to take serious responsibilities after receiving “modern education” for more than 50 years.

    I am not a supporter of rangzen. So I will let rangzen proponents respond to your claim that they keep attacking HH, the CTA and the middle way policy. I personally have not seen any such attacks. On the contrary, I have seen the main proponent of the middle way policy, kundun, publicly ridiculing rangzen wala.

  29. #32 TenDorjee,

    At this point in time, we cannot say Ngabo sold our country, especially when we are adopting his policies and following his footpath. If kundun had the foresight of Ngabo, so many of our own lives, women from being raped, and many others from being tortured in dingy prisons would have been saved.

    I am glad that you are not going to look up to me because it will require more energy for me to manage someone who refuses to grow with the time.

    Would you care to explain the “hallucinated view of the reality” part?

  30. @35

    Please spare me. You overlooked the fact that people don’t want to be managed. Your posts has undeniable stench of Imperialistic Han-Chauvinistic view or it may be your default view.

    HH (a minor) back then as a leader of country however has responsibility of his people. So when #39 alleges that “If kundun had the foresight of Ngabo, so many of our own lives, women from being raped, and many others from being tortured in dingy prisons would have been saved.” This amount to criminally negligent manslaughter, which is a serious accusation against HH.

    JN should know that there are people riding on his creation and must take the responsibility.

    Young Tibetans are observing and will write your history.

  31. Mr Bhuchang D Sonam’s tirade on Phayul.com where he masquerades as the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, boasts, “If you took the trouble to find out, there are democratic channels through which you can air and register your disagreements – rationally, maturely and transparently.”

    What “democratic channels” is he talking about?

    I truly would like to know. I have personally written few times over the years to, then, Tibetan Government in Exile, my concerns, suggestions, for information regarding Tibetan Educational System and later, in my frustration, criticism of their indifference to my pleas.

    I never received one reply from them.

    What channels are these, “my way or highway man talking about”?

    Please help!

  32. I am able to log on to this cherished site from my public library. I can not log on from home on my fiancee’s computer. She is a retired service warfare officer in the US Navy. So, why can’t I read JN at home? Is America/China/Chinamerica afraid the Rangzen Revolution will spread and become violent? If so, why did they never care about the horrific violence China forced onto Tibetans? Bhod Rangzen! Achieve Rangzen through necessary means. HHDL is Chenrezig but that don’t mean there aren’t 5 million Tibetans who deserve an authentic voice – not the stupid remarks of a sold-out Sikyong and a do-nothing Administration! Rise up and destroy the Maoist occupation. Every human being, and every nation, has the right to use force to defend their persons and their nation. To hell with China!

    -Brent A. Werner

  33. Bhuchung D. Sonam talked a lot about revolution and then said we have to “Rise up”. I am ready to Rise Up at the appropriate moment. In the meantime while He gets ready to lead us, please clean up the mess at RFA. CTA should not interefere in such matters. I would understand if Ngabo Jigme was incompetent or biased or anything like that but without any reason?

  34. #37 TenDorjee

    Hallucinated view of reality, Han-Chauvinistic view, criminally negligent manslaughter, accusation against HH etc.

    I did not see you saying anything of substance. Unfortunately, that is normally the kind of people I find in my camp, middle way policy.

  35. Oracle Buchung la cannot be channeling the 13th Dalai Lama because He did not have anything to say about the surrender of independence and instead berates those who dare to criticize the status quo. It could be the spirit of Nechung, masquerading as the 13th Dalai lama.

  36. Tibetan history (all of kham and amdo included) is complicated and there is definitely the hand of outsiders – Mongols and the ruling Chinese powers involved during different periods.

    A lot of kham (I cannot speak for Amdo) was independent of the Lhasa govt most of this period… Was there hostility towards the Lhasa elites? – Very much so. They were NOT subservient – they managed their own affairs most of the time. Did they recognize the seat of the Dalai Lamas as supreme? – Unquestionably so. There were also NO ‘Intrigues’ & ‘Conspiracies’ against the Central Lhasa govt & the Holders of the ‘Gandhen Phodrang’. But did they fight amongst themselves? Yes – a lot of the time outright and open. And don’t forget a lot of the time was equally spent battling the ruling Chinese neighbors.
    At the CRUCIAL point in history – It seems so CONVENIENT to blame just ONE man from the Lhasa ruling elite – Ngabo senior – for cooperating with the 17th point agreement. There was a whole faction from the govt backing him; to whom the rest of Tibet either paid or did not pay Taxes. None from this faction seems to have resigned in protest; the least one could do. You can argue that Tibetans always used their wits and came out alright after much wheeling /dealing & compromises in their history – but not this time. The same faction were against protests from commoners during ‘59 and no support for the ‘reactionaries’ – the freedom fighters. (sounds familiar?) So they were infact going along with what the Chinese demanded. (Of course there was the smaller faction from the govt on the opposite end).
    At this point in history Ngabo Senior is considered a hero by our govt – for averting bloodshed and cooperating peacefully –AS this is the course of UmeLam that the present admin is pursuing. So I guess the faction supporting Ngabo senior should also get this same acknowledgement.
    Those who opposed & ACTED are the reactionaries.

  37. @33 Chokeyi Lodroe;
    The complete blind faith of our people in Kundun is root of the problem, I find. There are those that are terrified to stand out and voice their opinions openly in disagreement with Kundun’s policies. Any sane fellow Tibetan will tell you that if you come out openly to disagree with Kundun on any issue, you will be pay a price. Either fines are imposed, and you become a victim of harassment, if not beaten up or even made to clean up the public toilets, or face a type of public hanging act as a punishment as “khamenze ray”. These acts don;t come from Kundun, but by people who are blinded in faith to him, those in the community that gang up in similar ways that will remind some of you of the communist methods. The sad part is that Kundun won’t know or even hear of such punishments that go on in the Tibetan communities of India and Nepal for going against him in the slightest manner. We need to uphold Kundun as our precious leader, and hold him in esteem while allowing logic and ensuring rights and protection to freedom of speech to prevail. After all Kundun is our beloved leader. But that means not shutting people up and ostracizing them for expressing views that go against his views. Kundun too has the responsibility to afford safety and protection to people who for instance are Rangzen advocates or Shugden worshipers as an example. He must embrace and protect democratic values and rights given the nature of the blind faith mentality of our people. This he must ensure if he truly advocates democratic ideals within the Tibetan population, and so far he has not enforced such directives to safeguard voices of opposition. His Holiness, truth to be told is a great spiritual master and expounds the Dharma to the amazement of so many. I credit him for his religious wisdom, yet I have reservations when Tibetans credit him for everything. That is the problem with blind faith, that our people including the old officials all gave him total credit for work that the Kundun really didn’t deserve. That was the style and custom back in the day to give Kundun all the credit, and this tradition is very much in continuance to the present day. Kundun cannot have achieved single handed the creation of the our exile government and communities, in the aftermath of 1959. So many old officials, many of them whom were former aristocrats, to be fair not for or against the kutras, had actually set up the infrastructure of our exile government and the settlements. All the ground work was done by these dedicated souls, who had a tradition to never take credit for the actual work they did for the public, but gave it up all for Kundun. This is including the education sector, where to name a few men and woman such as Jigme and Mary Taring were among other individuals who actually laid down the foundation and seeds of Tibetan schools in exile. Apologists such as Buchung D. Sonam, who writes that there are proper ways to register and channel opinions, tells me that these are the sort of so called modern “educated” Tibetans that shut people up for going up against the status quo. It’s laughable how he justifies free speech when there is no personal protection guaranteed towards free speech by our democratic framework in reality. Either Buchung truly is blinded himself in faith and can’t see the difference, or he is one of these sissy characters that hide behind the veil of patriotism to Kundun. After all, can’t fault the chap for being an apologist, since he has to live there in Dharamsala, and kiss butt to survive as a writer and a poet, I understand. We need to respect Kundun, yet be reasonable in our faith to him, and not treat him like God; that is where the root of the fanaticism lies within our people. Such has allowed Kundun to even make a one man decision to give away Tibetan independence to China, in exchange for some half baked middle path autonomy that China had already proclaimed in the 17th point Agreement, and will never ever live up to it’s promise, for it never is a government run by the people. Just look at Hong Kong, and what it promised and took away!!!!!!!

  38. So if JN critices actions of CTA it is being interpreted as criticism against HH? And you guys think you are helping HH?
    Start making your own points without using HH as prop.. Its pathetically immature.
    If you question Rangzen advocates’ efficasy, what has middle pathers accomlished. its the policy advocated and implemented by CTA for decades. It brought deaths and misery to those inside Tibet. It might have procured more funds and donations for exile tibetans of various groups and centers.

  39. @Karma Thsring: 17Point Agree autonomoy is only covers the area under then Tibetan Government. Middle-Way covers entire Tibetan plateau.

    Another mistake, I am not sure dont consider DL as God….Unless you are theistic religous zealots like Christians or Muslims or Jeews, Buddhist does not believe in God. Otherwisem you should make your point clear. It seems you are half baked in your understanding of God in various spiritual and religous context.


  40. A response to one of the my friends stance on rangzen, I love to share with internet rangzen fighters. I nocticed on many occassions any shunu or JN or like minded folks always defend their rangzen and as if they are the only champion of real freedom fighters and as if others just either traitor or wanna be traitors.

    They always deflect the question on feasibility of they goal given they are actually doing nothing except criticizing CTA or DL. They always come up with a simple answer, there is no formula for rangzen or freedom fights. Yes I agree 100% with this saying. Although there isn’t like a mathematical formula….but there is indeed a lot of factors that either cause our truth will be consumed and the issue will be just like another historical story for the future. Your argument is so typical from rangzen wallas because they dont want know or dont know how to take real ACTION. So this denfensive counter question is designed to avoid real answers. Their way of conducting freedom struggle is only one formula, the old and ineffective one, if you want to acknowledge it. Hold conferences and brainstorming about histories since its inception, street demonstration, occassional response to China’s white paper about Tibet. last but not the least,
    hunger strikes at times…I call all of us street and archair freedom fighters!

    Although TYC vigorously declared they disagreed with Middle-Way Policy and some of the heads of TYC even suggested of arms struggle, Palestinian struggle was

    the typical example as far as I can remember. But no action matched their declared words. Although they support rangzen, but they always at the forefront of

    the demonstration and declaring peaceful struggle because of Dalai Lama’s examplary path and noble guidiance. THough they disagree with HHDL’ policy, yet

    they are the one who organizes trips to washington and lobby congressmen and senators to meet Tibetan leaders and pressure China to havae dialogue with CTA

    or envoy of HHDL…..isn’t the goal and action goes in totally opposite direction?

    I can only speculate TYC’s secret formula, when they argue armed struggle, they meant not by their organization or members involement, rather they might see

    or expect, if they are correct, some armed struggles inside Tibet by people there. It very hard to predict and many people in Tibet do realize that arms

    struggle is just a cover and excuse for China’s military crackdown and will not serve any purposes, Even those who self-immolated generally called for the

    return of DL, but this statement is open to interpretations because of the importance of the person himself. Another secret goal is, to wait China implode

    and falls into a deep raven of chaotic situation. It might happen, it might not. We have to remember, this tactic is a waiting game, it might leave you in a

    total unexpected situation. Meanwhile the real factors that affect a country or nation or a struggle is, passing the real torch from generation to

    generations, not just through political agenda, but backed up by contributing to social fabrics of life. In this case, we are stuck in a psychology of

    preservation and victim, lack of innovation to the pre-existing or passed down social fabrics that forms our basic Tibetan consciousness or identity. Even if

    we closely observe our preservation, this notion itself is a failure to some extent. The reason is, we say our language and literature is destroyed or

    destroying in Tibet by Red Chinese, yet our own kids, inlcuding many of ourselves, can hardly speak a pure Tibetan or write proudly and confidently in

    Tibetan although we got education in selected and separate Tibetan schools in India…..what do you expect from our next generation who are born outside

    Tibet, the new generation will be subtly transformed their very consciousness of Tibetanness and consumed by the larger surrouding culture and way of life. I

    mention this, because language is the key to a nation’s culture and consciousness, otherwise, the nation will just as good as dead. Another worrying

    situation is, due to trend of globalization and metting of culture, our population will be hugely diminished in terms of purity. Here, please note I am not

    advocating racism as some people might use in order to defend their status and relationship. I am talking about the negative effect such a trivial individual

    love story and relationship on a struggle in the long term. It indeed have a huge impact, but silently, it undermines any nation in the long run. However, it

    might make some people furious and self-claimed progressive talk talking of concept of racisim in the West. If you dont agree, flip the papers of CTA white

    papers and policy papers of accussations, also read past speeches by TYC leaders, it definitely mentioned relocation of Chinese into Tibet, forced inter-

    marriage, and sterilization of Tibetan women in order to not just reducing Tibetan populations and destroying the every identity of Tibetan nation by forced

    inter-marriage. Unfortumately, these days thing changed dramatically, even in freedom we do what we want to do, so accusing of China maybe too hypocritical

    or there is a danger of being accused of covert racist policy of TGIE by its western allies and supporter, the social ills of West might unnecesarily

    undermine the credibility of CTA and its covert policy, and freedom struggle in the long run. It actually added to the China’s accussation of racist policy

    of DL and CTA because China believed and advocated that once in a free Tibet, all other ethnic group will be either killed or expelled, sort of ethnic

    cleasing that was happenning in Miloseveg’s Yugoslavia. These accussations were profoundly denied by TGIE and DL of having such heinous motive behind Free

    Tibet. Many can accuse you either of racism or asking a question how to you know children of intermarriage will not contribute to the cause? I am not

    advocating their total uselessness in our freedom struggle, but the something deep down there affect the struggle whether you like to acknowledge it or

    not….if I may remind you, TGIE’s valid example is, Manchuria, also inner Mongolia or Southern Mongolia…..not just drowned in the sea of incoming Chinese

    settlers for centuries when Machurian emperor ruled China with an iron fist, but inter-marriage completely changed the story of culture and its national

    consciousness of once being a great empire builder. Today, it is estimated only around 1000 people speak pure Manchurian language, rest are just like any

    other ordinary Chinese, speak the madarin, albeit with a special accent called DongBei Hua or North Eastern Accent, live the Chinese way and practice the

    Chinese culture……here you go, my friends rangzen wallas, China call it Tong Hua or melting other non-han ehtnic group in the hot pot of han Chinese, like

    America being the melting pot and it actually vigorously cited by han chauvinistic scholars. Therefore, it is important for us to look back, analyse, look

    around, and learn great lesson if we are serious about our struggle. Otherwise, it is just a waste of time.

    Indeed we need to do a deep soul searching reflecting 100 years or 200 years from now if necessary, we should not just stuck in our short fighted argument

    and political rhetorics. Then the question is how should we go about about it? First thing is, initiatives should be taken at individual level, should not

    wait for for some higher authority dictate or guide us…..because we all kind of educated and have seen the world around us.

    Finally, I recommendation is JN folks, if you observe JN’s writing over the years…..he started shifting his focus of writing from critical of China to

    critical of Dalai Lama, CTA, and individuals like Samdong or LS……..His last writing against China is “Running Dog Propagandist”. After that he basically

    stir the pot and campaigning against CTA in any forums. Although his stance was rangzen, but advocated Tethong la for sikyong or katri, the term used at that

    time, clearly knowing Tethong did not overtly supported rangzen and never mentioned it. His stance was Middle Way, maybe need reevaluate. I never have seen

    CTA or DL publicly accused our rangzen gurus. In fact, they stated, indeed it is Tibetans right to demand if some people advocate. However, JN and his folks

    making a big issue on very trivials issues and along that collect some political and interllectually unncious Tibetans in their camp. It really begs the

    question if JN and his followers are the “real useful idiot of China”. My humble plea is, do whatever you can in private life at individual level. If you

    dont agree, do it truthfully. In modern times, it is easier to detect lies. I hope JN and his folks will bring a conclusive end to the big drama created by them. Still, there is no sign……if nothing comes out in the days ahead….I call you guys bunch of ignorant liars who fell the speel of JN without even

    knowing the guy’s actual motive. In many forum I actually wrote many of the contradiction in JN’s writing and the guy is bit problematic. If I put in the way, a normal guy on the street about JN, “he is jealous of others and always ready to settle some personal scores.”


  41. We need to keep everything simple and clear. Tibetan independence can never be negotiated. He who has abandoned this goal for a compromise to become part of one China, can never deserve to call himself a true Tibetan. Bod Rangzen!

  42. Hey newgeneration a-hole, stop spreading your TB germs here. Your pov is nothing new, the fucking Chinese used it to “liberate” us! And you are still going on and on about it!! Up urs you fool!

  43. webmaster la
    i cant acess this site on my computer and laptop. i can get it on my smartphone only. is there a solution to this. thanks.

  44. @Young Punk: Read my post #51, try to answer those challenging situations I expressed with concrete real life examples. Yelling, shouting, and becoming personal will not help your interllectual growth and amicable debate. On pretext of Chinese occupation, painting a rosy picture of kudra rule is not true to history and it is indeed dangerous to Tibetan society even today. Whether generations of Kudras descent like it or not……the role of their forefathers should be recorded and taught diligently in school systems.

    Cheer up dude


  45. The false image and picture that NewgenerationTuberclosis paints of the Kudra is incorrect. Study and research Tibetan history, and you will find Kudra’s played and contributed much to Tibetan society. The system was never perfect, and compared to other societies of that period in time, our old society despite it’s flaws rated better than it’s neighbours and others in the world. If old Tibet was that bad, what should we make of the present day Indian society where masters don’t even pay servants, and are kicked and slapped and beaten up left and right??? It’s something that most of us have witnessed with the class system and social ills in India and Nepal. We don’t need to be brainwashed and misinformed by the likes of NG, who like the commies falsify our history, and attempt to break the fabric of our society. Can’t fool us younger generations any longer as we have become more educated and informed.

  46. Newgeneration TB, like I have time to read your gibber-gabber! It is not enough for you to keep harping on the same old Chinese propaganda and now you want it taught in our school system! You are an incorrigible imbacile!
    With fools like you about and the self immolations going on in Tibet, there is nothing to cheer up about! Thank you very much!

  47. @Young Punk: You just woke that self-immolations taking place in Tibet now? Wow…..now it seems you are forgetting the starting point. When public energy was focused with self-immolaitons. Your kudra brother JN started the issue by defending his kudra peer Ngabo Jigmei because JN lost his contract with RFA and Ngabo got fired by RFA Director according agency rules and regulations, the son of traitor and collaborator Jigmei Ngabo Senior. At that time, the self-immolations was at peak….Your aku JN was happy to taking attention from immolation to bashing CTA, DL, and creating rift in society. Were you happy? Where were you then? Were you fucking in your ignorace? Come on dude, there is way to defend your position, not like this. Try to pretend like educated and informed even if you are not…idiot….

    You are either a kudra apologist or sibling of kudras. Sorry, you cannot abuse power against throw your tricks.


  48. I would request the Moderator here to allow the publication of my rejoinder to Wangchuk Tsering (Phayul alias Jamyangkyil) who, in the discussion section at Phayul: Jan 06 2013 10:08 PM: “WHY RFA MATTERS, SO MUCH, RIGHT NOW” — made much ado about nothing…

    Alas, once again, Phayul.com, with their new censorship guidelines, inexplicably,(to me at any rate) have decided (mayhaps by flipping a coin) not to exhibit my reply.. as all can readily see, I have not used profanities, nor slandered the messenger, but have stuck to critiquing the message…however, I do plead guilty to the charge of, certain irreverence and sarcasm…

    If Phayul.com does not wish Tibetan citizens to question, comment, analyze, critique or gainsay His Holiness and CTA, maybe it would be for the best if Phayul delete the Comment Section too, as they have done with the Message Forum; so that time is not wasted on either side.

    However, before I actually get to the main point, the readers patience might be tested by my loquacious addendum, please indulge me awhile by clearly explaining myself —

    I do not reproach the Dalai Lama lightly or hate him, nor do I think him evil as the Chinese propagandists make him out to be. I think Kundun is just a man, (though having more privilege) He is, like you and I, just a human being, fallible, magical (in the magical monkey sense of, how noble in reason how infinite in faculties, etc) with bit of the wolf mixed in with the dove, straddled with self serving biases, compassionate at times, tyrannical at other times, dynamic, complicated, contradictory, thoughtful, hypocritical, empathetic, like all of us.. We are all designed by blind evolution, the lowly stamp of our origin still visible within our genome.

    Having myself many sins and deformities, too numerous to bore you good readers, and cognizant too, the human proclivity for excavating negativity in any idea, over and above the positives, as the Shakespearean insight eloquently surmises in Henry the VIII, “Men’s evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water..”

    So, yes, in all and sundry, there is much to love about Kundun, generally a force for good in the world, yet, to wit, there are equally as much about Him that leaves me shaking my head–such as, his kitschy palliative, underrating human intelligence and overrating superstitious dogma, meretricious trappings,(for example, read, The Dalai Lama on Delhi gang rape: Very, very sad, Degeneration of moral values Phayul [Monday, December 31, 2012 17:23]

    The operant conditioning of young Tibetans in those faith-based educational systems in Indian monasteries and Settlements, paralyzing minds via the embranglement(Berkeley) of religion and education, the forceful consilience(EO wilson) of politics and religion akin to forcing square pegs into round holes, nebulous humanistic philosophies, panglossian optimism, which is merely tawdry solipsistic nihilism in disguise, the idea that this world, the vale of tears, can not hold a candle to the afterlife, the Arthurian illusion that He and the Land are one, etc. And on this last point, as someone who was “wiser” than either the Dalai Lama, or I, once said…

    “My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one’s country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death…” Mark Twain.

    Alas, we have no land to call our own, His holiness is advanced in years with time’s winged chariot flying inexorably on, if only yesterday, we thought like today, what was, what could have been, might not have slipped like sand thru our fingers.


    To Wangchuk Tsering…

    Great Is The Humbug!

    Jamyangkyil, let us beat this dead horse again..

    “The sole reason for adopting the appellation of CTA in place of, “Tibetan Government in Exile”, says you, or the Dalai Lama claims, is, because the late, and very dead “Nehru who vehemently rejects the idea as unacceptable to the government of India”–then, why wait over 50 years to modify it?

    The Dalai Lama had always been in power, so, if PM Nehru, or the Indian Government ascertained the label, “Tibetan Government in Exile” so discordant with the laws of that land, why didn’t Kundun switch it when Mr Nehru was still very much alive and kicking? What was so significant about the year, 2011?

    Even when the Dalai Lama is presumably not in authority, he is revising the Tibetan Constitution via sycophants…
    (I personally think this particular Kalon Tripa/Sikyong issue is trivial semantics, but since you brought it up)

    Must I remind you, that the Dalai Lama devolved his political responsibilities to CTA on March 10th 2011 Address, later, even going so far as to categorically rejecting pleas by Samdhong Rimpoche’s administration, the Members of the Kashag, to please, please, please, don’t do this!!

    Kundun even refused petitions by Samdhong Rimpoche, various buddhists orgs, individuals like Jamyang Norbu, to at least retain a “symbolic leadership role” as “constitutional head of state” ala the Queen of England: The Dalai Lama would have no truck with that either.

    More than a full year after his historic resignation, allegedly holding no political powers, yet on the pretext of exercising his exclusive privilege, by way of, “special prerogatives” (whatever that means) by altering the Prime Minister’s title from Kalon Tripa to Sikyong.

    So, if tomorrow, His Holiness (who many Tibetans claim, gave us Democracy*) should feel inclined, due to the weather or something in his food, or whatever, again, remodel CTA to, say, “Peoples Republic of Dharamsala,” rationalizing that, he had a dream, or while meditating, the ghost of Guru Rimpoche though prophetic vision, told him this or that, or some such, then, that’s fine too?

    *If “Democracy” only means, in the narrowest sense of, what “majority” wants, then I guess Tibetans had Democracy even before the Chinese invasion–even before Tibetans knew what the word “Democracy” meant.

    Jamyangkyil, you who live in a wonderful democratic country like Canada, what do you think James Madison (who introduced the First Amendment, which included freedom of speech among other things) meant, when he said;

    “What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. ”


  49. Newgeneration TB, what r u babbling on about? Just in case you did not know, aristocracy is not exclusivly a Tibetan phenomenon. Every old nation have them. Like there are good and bad people and so it is with kudraks – there are goods one and bad ones too. It is no kudraks fault that they were born, it is their “leh” as it was your leh to be born you! You are either a “usefull idiot” or just a plain old fool! See ya, don’t wanna a be ya!

    Bho Rangzen Tsangma Yen!

  50. It is good for any Tibetan to be concerned about the sovereignty of the RFA, but one needs to remember that the radio station is a Federal Government (of the US) funded institution (although it exists as a private and non-profit corporation) and fulfills the US interests. The reality must be that it exists the way the US wants it to be. There is very little chance that the voice of Tibetans can make any difference.

    The very name “Radio Free Asia” seems to connote that some parts of Asia needs to be “free” and that those parts are not yet “free” (sorry, I may well be wrong). To make the axes of evils a better place to live in has once been a rhetoric tone of what the US has to say about its moral responsibility. The USA is a great country and knows well how to fulfill its interest at the global level.

    We, Tibetans, must care about our interest, and not waste our time, energy and the most important of all our lives. What we as Tibetans have to see is: does dismissal of Ngabo makes any difference to our interest? If it does, then we may try to interfere (if the situation is such that our efforts do not end up in vain).

    Instead, we exiled Tibetans should build a Radio Free Tibet of our own (somewhere any host government is willing to allow such a station) and administer it the way it fulfills our interest.

  51. Since Dalai lama devolves his power from political issue. The first ever giant mistake happen in Tibetan society was interfering in Radio Free Asia news censoring and firing Ngabo Jigme.

    This will go down in our history that we are no different from Chinese communist party when we have fame and power. I wonder what will happen if we have an independent country..Like North Korea,

  52. Rikey @62, right now i’m not concerned about RFA being a USA funded institution and fulfilling US interests. What i want answers for are- what was Kalden Lodoe upto? How come someone like him is dictating to shichak representatives? why the shichak representative is kow towing to someone like him?
    People need to take it upon themselves to question these things and not just follow orders blindly.

  53. @Young Punk: Feudalism or aristocracy in Tibetan term is indeed worldwide social phenomenon at various stages. Those with other countries are none of my business, unless I use it as a political arguments. Because it is widespread, it cannot be ignored in our social systems and shut down the entire shapter on this important topic. Because of its very existence, it indeed have a social impact at various levels unless you shutdown your ears and eyes or you simply dont wont to believe. Although Kudras are not their fault of being born into certain section of society, but their actions in later lives indeed subject of scrutiny and investigation instead of hiding behind the word “LE”…..this is the psychological phenomenon that kept the Tibetan masses in poverty and shackles while kudras sucked their blood. It is this very psychological pattern that has prevented our society from advancement. I tell you, I dont believe in some sort of magical “Leh”….I believe and trust personal responsibility and action. Therefore, stop any of your Buddhist bullshit with me or dont bullshit with foreigners with your buddhist bullshit, lest they think all Tibetans like clueless Buddhist fanatics without knowing the real interllectual part of the philosophy.


  54. @The Owl or JuJU is just an ignorant fool. I hope you understand what you are saying. It is nice thing that you are raising certain questions publicly. Also you raised JN’s request to DL’s be the symbolic head. It is true…but it is also equally true that JN decade back made a statement in Times that DL is the blocking the real democracy in Tibetan society……isnt staying as symbolic head blocks democracy now? Completely leaving the leadership either in real or symbolic terms, hinders no one’s interest.

    Regarding the change of name, unless you are a fool, It was known as Central Tibetan Administration since 1960’s……only in Tibet we carried on with old terminology which is very much related with institution of the Dalai Lama…..that is why we called it Bhoshung Ganden Podrang Chole Namgyal or Tsenjol Bhodshung…….since DL deveolved power to elected leadership….it is time to rectify it in accordance with its English name. Regarding changing term Kalon TO Sikyong….it is also done in this context…..

    So get the contect clear……citing shakespear is not enough, it is poor English man with his own vices. Dont think citing a monkey man make us to believe you more……if you want us to take you seriously, talk about topic serious…..FUck the Delhi gang rape….my brethrens are at the verge of death in Tibet……do you are the luxury of time to care or rather criticize HHDL because his reply does not fit your psychophant’s mad conclusion?


  55. Great job, JN and his followers. You guys sounded more and more like CCP.

    I am sure CCP will reward you for making their life easy by doing their dirty jobs.

    If your idea of rangzen is bahing H.H and CTA, than you are true follower of JN. He has been doing that forever.China Media has coded his articles many times.

    So JN la keep up the good work for the sake of your CCP.

  56. After reading NewGeneration’s view, I came to the conclusion that he is defending the party lines of both CCP and CTA. May be its not his fault. May be he and people of similar view are the by product of our faith based conviction to Middleway and H.H. DL. If H.H. or our exile leadership is attempting to stifle our freedom of speech or expression than they are of no difference than the CCP and we the patriotic tibetan should have the gut to say so. Nobody has the Mandate of Heaven to rule as they like. I believe in a government that possess the confidence and strength not just to dictate its people but take criticism and amend its flaws. Here is a quote from Woeser la’s blog that I really liked. ” I believe that Tibetan exile society needs to raise the level of its own political modernisation. This kind of modernisation is not just the appearance of democracy only on the surface but a real understanding of and compliance with the ideas and principles of democracy, especially to accommodate a variety of views, receive criticism, as well as to monitor those who are in control, these things are the true essence of democracy.”

  57. One would support democratic principle accepting different views but could not digest diferring views in practice.One should learn to practice thyself before preaching…for god sake use your own intellegence not parrot someones thought.

  58. Dordam59
    Jamyang Norbu shares the exact position as Tibetan Youth Congress,Students For Free Tibet and many of our great patriots who have sacrificed their lives calling for Rangzen.
    If you are a Tibetan why does the word Rangzen offend you ? If you are a Tibetan and would like to see a genuine democratic government in exile…why does it offend you when some question our government?
    The country that agrees with your views on dissent is China,and the same country will definitely agree with you if your choice is that Tibet remains as part of China.

  59. I am very pleased at the depth and breadth of information Jamyang la shares with the English speaking and Tibetan worlds. May I share a few thoughts?

    1) Sikyong is irrelevant. Since negotiation will never work, and he’s just an old TYC guy who gave up on his roots, went to Harvard, and talks slick, it’s not worth time to discuss his views. Lodi Gyari is far more intelligent, and if Gyari Rinpoche made no progress, Lobsang Sangye damn sure won’t.

    2) CCP tries to make everything about HHDL. The most strategic response would actually be to refuse to discuss ANYTHING about HHDL and only discuss the 5 million human beings of Tibetan ethnicity. But I digress, as any negotiation is just foolish faith in the oppressor’s “good heart.” There have been too many rapes and torture sessions to defend that naive belief.


    I personally hate violence. I might do okay in a bar fight, mediocre I mean, but that’s about it. Hurting people is awful. BUT, when you face an occupation that uses assault and even SEXUAL ASSAULT as a weapon against the masses, I don’t see how you can call yourself human if you don’t respond. It is abundantly clear that Chinese do not have the moral conscience to change through prayer or introspection or something, nor are their leaders decent enough to safeguard human rights. Thus, I recall Malcolm X who said something to the effet of – violence in self-defence is not violent; it is intelligent.

    I believe we need a comprehensive resistance movement, globally, that uterly disrupts economic relationships between the West and China with severe economic implications for all.

    We need to shut down any and all travel to Tibet, and as much of China as possible.

    We need an underground in Tibet and maybe in China that handles those who perpetrate human rights abuses.

    Most importantly, we must begin by realizing Tibet has been sold out by every government in the free world, and WE MUST NOW BECOME NON-RESPONSIVE TO ANY REQUESTS THEY MAKE OF OUR MOVEMENT.

    My dear, beloved Tibetan friends, you simply can not win freedom without tremendous sacrifice, struggle, hardship, and pain. These protests – I don’t even feel like going anymore – they achieve nothing. You must act now, and a part of your action is considering to what extent you must use force against those who occupy and brutalize you. Cut the Gandhian crap; Gandhi’s technique and approach was infinitely profound and Tibet is in a very different situation, which calls for different tactics.

    Now, I invite comments, but please keep them politically focused. Ive met both HHDL and Sikyong. I love HHDL but he has nothing to do with these issues now. As for Sikyong, I am an American and I have the right to express my lack of confidence in his abilities, and in his ridiculous policy of appeasement.

  60. I do fully agree with what Mr Werner suggests and recommends and I am sure many Tibetans believe this to be true. However, the issue is not the lack of will but the fact that we lack the resources and a base from where we could operate. This has been the main argument that the Middle path followers have levelled against Rangzen advocates and they have not been able to successfully refute this argument to date. No Rangzen advocate would like to resort to kidnappings, drug dealings or extortion to fund their projects like many of the Worlds rebel groups have done. So where can we get the funds; what nation will allow us operate without buckling to China’s pressure?

  61. Since you’ve been betrayed by the governments, you’re going to have to work with activists instead. One man’s terrorist is another man’s guerilla hero. I’m not saying you go to scum like Al Qaeda, but personally, I think the Irish are great, and there are others abroad like them. It wouldn’t be that hard if people were ACTUALLY dedicated. Just get the free world to look the other way – they owe at least that to you in exchange for doing nothing for decades.

  62. @Brent: The issue is not that we lack of talkers, speakers, lecturers, seminars, and of information. The problem is we dont have people translatate words into action. Middle-pathers at least doing what they think is right at the moment, at least it seems working to some extent. Also middle-pathers are bt more nuanced in understanding geopolitics and real situations. On the other hands, we have loudest group of people who claim the credit of defendingn rangzen, yet put in the least effort and real action. Of course, rangen wallas only weapons holding seminars and conferences amongst Tibetan communities. That’s it. It is time for rangzen wallas to translates words into action, create understand bases and and start wage a cover war on China rather than bashing CTA and DL. As of now, most promiment rangzen wallas and its exclusive members who wield influence are enjoying life in America, occassionally apears on Tibetan radio programs if invited. They do not seems to show any interest in any understand business to fund their cover war pgrogram against China.

    Rangzen wallas prove everyone wrong, by talking less, criticizing the right target, and finally show couple of war victiom of PLA.

    Otherwise, these are just bunch of psychologically fanatics lacking real zeal and courage to exhibite true fanaticism like Jihadist.


  63. #77

    “Middle-pathers at least doing what they think is right at the moment, at least it seems working to some extent.”

    Seems to be working? At the moment? To some extent?

    Do you need reminding that the negotiations have FAILED, your envoys have RESIGNED and the CTA have achieved absolutely nothing yet given away the right of Tibetans to independence … FOREVER.

    Yet, the middle way is working … for Beijing. I’d suggest that is who you are working for too, whether you realise it or not.

  64. Mr. Werner, what do you think ” nice guy” like kalden lodroes ( remember your words in phayul ) will do to people who prefer to die with dignity and honor fighting for Rangzen ? Just curious.

    Spoiler alert, I am busy with my travel, but write a reply to Sikyong’s alter ego called DEVANO @ 70’s posting of holier than thou statement. To me this guy makes me sick from his attacks on anyone other than Lobsang Sangay.

  65. An observer: if it wouldn’t make me look crazy, I’d say “Emaho!”. It’s freaking wonderful. You called it like it is. Thanks.

  66. Dhasa yogi: shut your mouth. I know Kalden la and we get along. I have tons of friends with whom I don’t share the same political sentiments. The only way to die with dignity and honor IS fighting for Rangzen. On to the spiritual: if you want to claim you’re some kind of yogi, state your lineage and your lama. Otherwise, you have a retarded name, in addition to a stupid perspective.

  67. oops, I read too fast. Apologies to all. I am very imperfect. I am just so used to Tibetans posting umelam crap and trying to silence the truth that I sometimes jump the gun. I profoundly apologize, and ask Dhasa yogi to clarify the political aspect of his statement.

  68. I have nowhere else to put this, but it needs to be said. Many of us are aware the CCP’s worst aspects threaten our families with impunity. I have family in Tibet too who live under the stare of the Maoist snakes. Christians forgive 7x7x7. But we are not Christians. Most of us are in the Vajrayana, and I do have the spiritual understanding to say this. If our relatives are harmed, tortured, or raped, we need to avoid human rights abuses while returning the death count tenfold. I want to go higher, but I settled on 10x as a realistic number. Human beings are not property. Human beings have feelings and dignity. If the CCP continues to threaten and brutalize, I move that they die. This is a legal statement made on the truth of Tibet’s historical independence. You are warriors defending your own nation. If Ari wishes to say something different, remember that they are the same government that drafted their Constitution while owning slaves, and called blacks 2/3 human. I don’t care for their opinion. Tenfold against atrocity. Tenfold.

  69. @79, Get well soon! i will perform “bharchey lamsel and “gayltsen tsemo” for you. I do not want see any tibetan getting sick especially holly yogi.
    Dude…get over that election sickness.

  70. First off, have these people or countries recognize Tibet as an independant nation.
    1.American or USA
    2.Canadian or CAnada
    3.European or Europe
    4.Indian or India.
    5.Russian or Russia etc…
    Just work towards this before moving towards the Goal.Please do not have you have Tom,Raja,MAry.They are just individual and not much sense.

  71. Our rangzen wallas’ so far straregy is:
    1. Lead our annualized ritual demonstration
    2. Hold random seminars and bang the tables. repeat the same historical facts.
    3. Pen down some articles and poems
    4. Talk some pompous words on the radio programes
    5. Create conspiracy theory against CTA under the veil of freedom, liberty, transparency, and all the lofty words you can garner around the world.

    Where is the battle ground?
    Certainly not China Occupied Tibet, but the safe western hemisphere

    Why rangzen WALLAS cannot run for CTA candidate and be elected as the leader and change the goal to rangzen?
    Because in their hearts of hearts, they do understand that Indian Government will not allow such a symbolic move. Therefore, they are afraid of being exposed as hypocritical creature with all the human follies such as lies, deceptions, manipulations, and so forth. They cannot be responsible for such a self-destructive politcal misstep. So, the safest thing is, create rumors and spread rumors as if one is the untimate bearer of freedom torch.

    Does rangzen wallas have a practical programs to regain rangzen?
    Certainly, not. Their programs I just listed above, it does not go beyond it as of now. The future is open….until they come up with some real progams,either covert or overt, they will not be taken seriously no one.

    Is chanting goal “rangzen” as parrot saying mantras enough for regain a country’s sovereignty?
    Certainly no. There is no record in world history that either an old country or new country gain her freedom through only propaganda online only……unless you are totally out of mind and live in a fantasy and wishful worlds, words and propaganda do not change real situation.

    Who do change the situation?
    It is the agents. Agents are believe who believe in a goal, such as rangzen. Then fight for it with blood on the battleground. Afraid of sacrifing one’s comfortable life will not fetch anything, except gratifies one’s emotional needs.

    So, it is time for rangzen wallas, talk the walk. Show us example…..it is time to come out into the battleground, not onto the street of free country. But on the street of battleground facing against the red Chinese army.


  72. #87 Mr New Generation TB

    Hmm …permit me some licence for a couple of changes to your own words, thus –

    Our MIDDLE-PATHERS’ so far straregy is:
    1. Lead our annualized ritual demonstration
    2. Hold random seminars and bang the tables. repeat the same historical facts.
    3. Pen down some articles and poems
    4. Talk some pompous words on the radio programes
    5. Create conspiracy theory against RANGZEN WALLAS under the veil of freedom, liberty, transparency, and all the lofty words you can garner around the world.

    Seems both paths might have a lot more in common in terms of limited imagination than they might like to admit. There is a BIG difference however, one path has ALREADY FAILED and is only asking for what you already have ie AUTONOMY. Ever wondered why the world is ignoring Tibet? It’s simple: you’ve confused them by asking for what the CCP says you already have … AUTONOMY. Thanks to the middle path the world now sees TIBET as just a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE, and about the PERSONAL STATUS of HHDL, nothing more.

    So if you insist that RANGZEN is impossible , and given the MIDDLE PATH has FAILED, and you already have AUTONOMY, then I suggest you go back to Tibet, Mr New Generation TB. Be the first, dear chap, go on … oh, and do let us know how you get on.

  73. People are entitled to their own views on any given issue; for Tibetans, the most important issue is the Tibetan issue, be it the Middle Path, the official policy of the exile administration, for over four decades, or independence and sovereignty which is the avowed policy of the Tibetan Youth Congress, the backbone and the most forward looking Tibetan political organization, the beacon of hope for Tibetans generations to come; let us be very realistic , objective and fair, and acknowledge that Dr. obsang Sangay has done all that was humanly possibe to bring the Tibetan issue at the international level – the U.S congress, the Senate and the european Parliament, in a very short time since becoming the Selyongpa. The Dalai Lama is very happy with his performance, majority of Tibetans are happy and satisfied in the knowledge that he was able to internationalize the Tibetan issue as never before; if Jamyangla has a grudge against him, i think it is all about conflict of egos and oneupmanship dirty political game, which is not going to serve the Tibetan cause wee bit. Who says that junior Ngabo is a Tibetan patriot fighting for Tibetan independence – the RFA authorities may have valid reasons to fire him, at the personal level i am truly sorry that he had lost such a lucrative and prestigious job. Apart from lambasting the new political Tibetan leader, Dr. L. Sangayla, let all right thinking Tibetans rally behind him and give him the political and moral support that he dearly needs in this period of time; if indications of his performance is anything to go by in such a short period of time, so far, so good. Should he blunder and fail miserably to deliver the real goods, we can always throw him out, come the next general election. It would be supremely important for the Tibetans to be united under an able leadership; surely, we can’t affford for bias and polarization, on the line of province, religion, least of all,entrenced and rigid social hierarchy.

  74. Hello, my dear naive Tibetan exiles,


    It does not matter if HHDL is happy with someone’s performance. HHDL told me to recite a given amount of mani when my wife died. I did it. I am sure HHDL is happy. How does this affect regaining the Tibetan NATION? Get it? HHDL’s happiness is wonderful but has nothing to do with a political goal.

    The Tibetans knowledge of Dharma is so limited these days, they seem to believe that HHDL is the only Buddha alive and therefore whatever he says about politics is true. Try this koan on: when two Buddhas disagree about politics, which one is more enlightened? Dude, you guys never get it. It’s tragic. Oh wait…I sense some Tibetan tool about to attack me and say I don’t love and respect His Holiness? Would you care ot box, sir? I am disgusted by tibetans who use HH’s named to manipulate others into compliance. They should just man up and fight with fists. It would be better than dragging HH’s name into their personal trips and theories.

    New Generation TB, you are such a tool it’s not worth commenting much. You’re the kind of man who finds excuses to attack your brothers who fight for the freedom you yourself betray. I have nothing against you personally. I don’t even know who you are. But your thoughts are such mainstream, Dhasa, weenie b.s. that I am getting really bored. I invite you to examine your life and find ways to enhance it. LMAO. Seriously, just because your grammar is okay doesn’t mean you’re saying something interesting. How could you sell out your birthright? I’m not even Tibetan and I’m down for the cause more than you are, and personally, I find my own efforts appallingly pathetic. But I don’t insult other Rangzen fighters who are doing their best for freedom after 50 years of pseudo-negotiative failures.


  75. @Observer: It seems you write pretty well, yet your understanding about geopolitics seems surprisingly niave. You just hooked onto JN’s half true allegations and line of arguments.

    The changes that Middle-Way able to make for the Tibetan cause, is mostly subtle, but a powerful one, it has built the bedrock of middle way from Chinese people even when such views are branded illengal in China. Even many Chinese in free country, remains indifferent to Tibetan cause although they are fighting for freedom because they were brianwashed to the point by CCP whom they hates, but in unison when comes to question of Tibet. These days, their moral support gains momentum, through their personal and organizational effort, many people in the mainland, started changing their views about Tibet. I think this is such a great view where you can win even without pulling a bloody shot. If this is not called progress, I am not sure where do you live? We have to make sure, with CCP, it does not matter who says what…….te important thing is, Tibetans has to deal with Chinese people in the long run…..even China becoming democracy, Tibet wont have an easy ride to independence……

    Again when comes to Tibet, you are just blown away by our educational system and propaganda by our propagandist……first of all, when you mention Tibet, it used to the political Tibet which borders on DriChu river….even your guru used the internationally used map in his article called Rangzen Charter……better lookup for it, never worse be late than never knowing…..When you talk of autonomy, Tibet has different levels of autonomy, it is not uniform across the plateau…….Therefore, you need to understand, how Chinese government was furious embarrassed when TGIE pushed forwards genuine and uniform autonomy beyond erswhile political Tibet……now people understand Tibet as the whole plateau, not just Tibet comprised of U-Tsang where kudras ran wild……

    I recommendation to you is…..read more and study bit in detail…you will see something…..otherwise, your view is like just picked up from uneducated dudes, you might embarrasse yourself.

    Now tell me, what is the achievement of Rangzen walls beyond the list I made on previous post?


  76. @Observer: It seems you write pretty well, yet your understanding about geopolitics seems surprisingly niave, about political strategy is zeroed. You just hooked onto JN’s half true allegations and line of arguments, little knowledge is always dangerous as one only have a shaky foundation, and manipulate easy by others because of merit of their ability to read at the least……

    The changes that Middle-Way able to make for the Tibetan cause, is mostly subtle, but a powerful one, it has built the bedrock of middle way from Chinese people even when such views are branded illengal in China. Even many Chinese in free country, used to remain indifferent to Tibetan cause although they were fighting for freedom because they were brianwashed to the point by CCP whom they hates, but in unison when comes to question of Tibet. These days, their moral support gains momentum for Tibet, through their personal and organizational effort, many people in the mainland, started changing their views about Tibet. Some Chinese activist and interllectuals the taboo topic amongst Chinese interllectual, and goes beyond and encourage Tibetans to fight for independence because you deserve it. Such view came only when truely understand our situation……. I think this is such a great view where you can win even without pulling a bloody shot. Actually, this is a good for risk averse Tibetans outside becuase they dont have to die and none is ready to sacrifice for Tibetan cause….. If this is not called progress, I am not sure where do you live? We have to understand, with CCP, it does not matter who says what, either rangzen or middle-way, essentially the same…….the important thing is, Tibetans has to deal with Chinese people in the long run…..even China becoming democracy, Tibet wont have an easy ride to independence……

    Again when comes to Tibet, you are just blown away by our educational system and propaganda by our propagandist……first of all, when you mention Tibet, it used to be the political Tibet which borders on DriChu river….even your guru JN used the internationally used map in his article called Rangzen Charter……better lookup for it, never worse be late than never knowing…..When you talk of autonomy, Tibet has different levels of autonomy for different regions, it is not uniform across the plateau…….Therefore, you need to understand, how Chinese government was furious and embarrassed when TGIE pushed forwards genuine and uniform autonomy beyond erswhile political Tibet……now people understand Tibet as the whole plateau, not just Tibet comprised of U-Tsang where kudras ran wild……

    My recommendation to you is…..read more and study bit in detail…you will see something…..otherwise, your view is like just picked up from uneducated dudes, you might embarrasse yourself.

    Now tell me, what is the achievement of Rangzen walls beyond the list I made on previous post?


  77. There is nothing wrong with Middle way and Rangzen.Its how soon! and possibility of achieving that result.
    If i were to get on the other side of the ocean, i better make sure i know how to swim,have resources and map out the route to get there.Not knowing how to swim and simply practicing in the air will get me no farther than couple feet before i meet ashang-chogyal.

  78. New Generation TB is a “yes” man for CTA, who disavows his birthright based on what appears to be something like a good undergraduate education in one of the many nations that won’t recognize the historicity of Tibetan independence. I use my real name. I’m not hiding. Who is New Generation TB and why is he hiding? Is it because he is afraid his perspective is foolish?

  79. @82 – You say U get along with Kaldenla – good for U. But for some it is scary to observe that
    someone who has NOT been elected to any post – Kalden La commands such fear & respect. It is
    out of whack in proportion to his job & responsibility. Either Mr Kalden is this wonderful, social
    do gooder achiever OR some mini tyrant in the making. Does na sound good.

  80. I want to express my deepest respects for the late T.C. Tara, former private secretary of HHDL. These were the former old officials, monk and lay men Kutras, that dedicated themselves to the Tibetan people, in building the infrastructure of the TGIE and settlements in exile. These were the very old officials, who laid the foundation of our exile set up, and never claimed any credit for themselves. It is people like NewgenerationTB who need to be grateful towards the people he bashes, that actually helped bring up his kith and kins, including some form of support or another for him as well. NGTB wasn’t born in the US, but a refuge Tibetan that now lives in the US, full of hate and bigotry. He will never come out in public as he a gutless coward, a weasel, that likes to hide behind the computer. Go one, rewrite Tibetan history and join the communist propaganda against Tibet. You will never be a man of dignity and honesty, and someday I hope you realize this, when you look yourself in the mirror. A very disturbed and sick man!!

  81. @Brent: It is about hardcore issue that Tibetans argue and feasibility of method. It does not matter what name you assume on internet. I dont change name like Chameleon, since the inception of discussion, whether in this forum or in other forums, Whether Tibetan forum or CHinese forum, I have been using this name. I have challenged rangzen wallas with set of questions and they normal way of freedom struggle. No body actually came forward proved me wrong by providing some concrete examples that I am not aware of it. If they really take real actions, then I would withdraw all my critical analysis and apologize for it. In my view, simply clinging onto a goal without even moving towards the goal, but sitting in the same spot repeating the same historical facts does not help in taming the big fire that burn the house. I am practical person and talking philosophy on the internet about rangzen does not help in saving Tibet either in terms of cultural ressurrection or gaining freedom. In fact, you should walk alone the aisle of Tibetan community gathering and check for yourself, how much culture be preserved? Forget about promoting and innovating it…..because it is simply not in their genes to do it and incapable of doing it. Regarding this issue, I wrote repeatedly. I hope people who talk big will take it as a constructive criticism and improve their cultural preservation effort rather than an insult. Since being based far of homeland or not being born in the land of their forefathers, their are inherently incable and unwilling to sacrifice except our annual ritual demonstration. Prove me wrong it is not like this……

    @Tashi: I have no hate to anyone, I simply cited some of the social ills that were prevalent in erswhile Tibet and such politics do exist in diaspora community. You need to see it only if you are willing to scratch the surface and look underneath the surface. Criticizing own community does not make one being either a Chinese or Chinese agent. If you cannot take it all, that means you did not learn about your own country, community, and so on. As I said before, I dont you like people use lofty words that you consumed from books and classroom, or people live on fantacy and waiting as if a sudden magice will the problem……I only infer conclusion from prior action of individuals or communities or countries.


  82. #92 Mr NGTB,

    What a jolly resilient fellow you are. And I must say, your co-pilot in the CTA-sponsored-art of blindly heading in the wrong direction, Mr Daveno, is also a very persistent, if confused, fellow.

    Firstly, let me assert that I am nobody’s acolyte – not JN la’s, not HHDL’s, not any Katri, past or present, not even yours Mr NGTB. Sorry to disappoint you.

    So, with the middle path now FAILED you are now desperately grasping at a perceived SUBTLY concerning possible changing attitudes of the average chinaman as maybe evidence of the middle path “WORKING TO SOME EXTENT”? “Reaching out to our Chinese brothers and sisters”, I believe that’s what some people call it. Oh hum.

    Let me assure you that the average chinaman or woman that I know (many score in fact), when pressed will state that Tibetans are a bunch primitive aboriginals who eat crap food, have an unrefined culture , often stink, and have ALWAYS been part of THEIR EMPIRE for them to EXPLOIT to their hearts content*.That is why the middle path has failed. The Han disrespect you, have utter contempt for you, and they won’t give you an inch … just to save their miserable Han faces. You have no bargaining power and you were fooled by the classic three card trick that saw you GIVE UP RANGZEN in order to start negotiations for the AUTONOMY that the CCP then pointed out is already enshrined in the 17 POINT AGREEMENT. You were duped.

    AND NOW, there are NO NEGOTIATIONS, your ENVOYS have RESIGNED, and your CTA is reduced to proving to Beijing how high it can jump by cooperating in neutering the RFA (as the CCP simultaneously trashes communications infrastructure in hotspots across Tibet), all no doubt with vague promises that negotiations MIGHT start again if the CTA can PROVE they can JUMP high enough. We are back at the “meet our preconditions to start talking about preconditions stage”, yet again! … sound familiar? What will be conceded this time?

    As to my naivety, well that is for you to judge, dear chap – but I will assure you that there are very few non-Tibetans or even Tibetans with the depth of understanding of Tibetan history and culture that I have. As such I’d posit that your recent carryon about the difference between the status of certain regions and prefectures on the Tibetan plateau as an EXCUSE for the FAILURE of the middle path is an utter nonsense (although I note your admission of the failure, even if unintended). The fact is that any region outside the artificial bounds of the Autonomous Region that has a MAJORITY TIBETAN population is, by design, designated an Autonomous Prefecture. The geopolitical reality behind this is the age-old strategy of divide and conquer. The prefectures not only provide a handy secondary buffer zone if the Autonomous Region was ever lost (think Inner and Outer Mongolia) , the deliberate creation by the CCP of such an artificially discontiguous administration across a geographically contiguous region was genius for this very reason. But for the CTA negotiations to stumble on this point, as you claim, we’ll duped again! Even so, I reckon there are many exile popola tsongpas out there who could have driven a far better bargain than the former envoys – although as much as they tried they were on a hiding to nothing.

    As to your constant harping that RANGZEN equals violence, that is not what I believe is necessarily being called for, especially by those Rangzen advocates of my acquaintance. It is about ASSERTING A RIGHT. Just as any independent country does. East Timor asserted a right, and did not have to spell out a detailed step-by-step process for approval beforehand, as your directionless co-pilot Mr Daveno is demanding. The East Timorese JUST ASSERTED their right. Why can’t Tibetans?

    Bottom line: T H E M I D D L E W A Y H A S F A I L E D. It’s time to recognise this N O W and not waste another twenty years.

    So Mr NGTB and Mr Daveno, don’t agree? Then join in the fun and get JUMPING … JUMP, JUMP, JUMP … higher, higher, higher … JUMP, JUMP, JUMP … concession, concession,concession … JUMP, JUMP, JUMP … Good luuuccck!

    * btw, not my opinion

  83. @98,An observer will remain an observer “inactive” until the next observer comes in after few centuries.
    Fun aside.
    How could a confused guy made a sound selection from couple choices…that can’t happen..could it?
    I have recently read in the news that a new robust negotiation team is on the way.

    Faied or failure is when we give up or no possibilities of achieving the result.I haven’t heard of giving up. Unless such failure is just in one’s perceived mind contrary to reality.

    Daveno is not demanding step-by-step process in writing…just action that would sent a message that things are working in full swing towards that goal and the created situation and environment is such that the goal could be achieved.

  84. Hey Daveno @ 99

    This “robust” negotiation team you read about…I presume would be negotiating with the Great Wall of China. yeah! seriously, fun aside…

    “Failure” – however you want to define it or explain it, has been admitted by His Holiness himself.

  85. Hiya..Kalsang phuntsok!!

    I presume its healthy to have a strategy in place and a work in progress to achieve the desired goal than shouting in the empty house. But i am not a famous Judge-saahib to throw judgement before being presented with the case in detail-seriously?

    I wrote my definition of failure..not here to debate with what some one said what kind of stuff.

  86. @Observer: I am not sure what you are actually observing or through which prism you are observing events around you. Maybe you already made up your conclusion before you actually observe situation and events. Everything must fit into your ready made philosophy and politics.

    Despite your education and ability to write and ability to observe as your name claims, you inherently failed to comprhend how countries and societies evolve, and what forces herald such changes. In every country, it is interllectuals whose power of knowing shapes the thinking and attitude of general masses. Since a lot of Chinese interllectuals actually break the traditional Chinese silence on Tibetan issue because the solution provided by HHDL is realistic and win-win situation. It is their courage to break away from their governments propaganda, opens up a new consciousness and carve a new space for discussion. Such events which is in the process of unfolding is not just encouraging, but also helps in easing Tibetan suffering in Tibet at the least……If you are confining yourself within the narrow world of rangzen propaganda, you dont have the ability to appreciate such change in perception and solidarity from your perceived enemy Chinese as a whole. If you want to solve Tibetan problem, there is no way without dealing Chinese people in the future under whatever governmental and political structure. Many Chinese who have a different perspective than their government, it is not because of Tibetan propaganda. But it is the result of their own interllectuals. On number of occassions, I have met many Chinese. They have a different view about Tibet and Tibetan than their government’s, it is not influenced by Tibetan propagandist for rangzen warriors or western politics, it is because of Chinese own interllectuals. One of the most famous book that transformed and heralded a new discourse in Chinese interllectual and public world, albeit an untraditional, taboo broken as per usual CHinese mode of thinking, was a book called Yellow Peril, authored current husband of Tibetan poet Woeser. It was the best selling book because it spoke many truths that you, me, rangzen walls, or U-Lam followers want to achieve. I am on many occassions told by Chinese friends and acquantances, that this book openned their eyes. Now more Mr Wang Lixiong is growing, it is actually good for Tibet. It is far more effective than rangzen wallas shouting on the street of free countries for couple of hours or maxim a day demo and complaining all their lives conbined. Due to such development, it is working to some extent despite no formal governmental talk.

    I think you should be candid in some of the remarks, let me cite it: “Reaching out to our Chinese brothers and sisters”, this is the word of Dalai Lama, if you dont agree with it, then complain to him next time when he is around your neighhood. When he says it, people feel it, because he is talking from his philosophical standpoint and daily activities. It just suits because of authenticity of the person. You and me, saying “Chinese brothers and sisters”, it will be a joke…..before embarrassing youself, just respect the other person. Dont mention “brothers and sisters” until you are in a moral position where you are inclusive of everybody.

    Regarding your experience of Chinese is so negative, I am so sorry about that. Maybe you need to check the mirror or reread your thoughts and words, or question yourself if your statement backed up with logical and factual arguments or you bullshitted with your usual exiled Tibetans shallow arguments. I met many Chinese, I never had the feeling the being ooked down upon, hold in contempt……it seems you got many stuffs updated and improve skills in communicating well and effectively yet your meaning is transmitted to the others.

    Regarding bargaining power, not just Middle Way supporters lack bargaining power, but Tibetans as a whole got no bargaining powers. Check how Turkey government and PKK fighting, PKK creating bargaining power and Turkish government enters into talk with officially labelled terrorist organization? Why? People dont whine on the internet or demonstrate, people fight for belief and homeland with blood. What our people do? They just want to escape to the West and fuck around and no zeal and courage to create bargaining power. Truth alone is no gurantee for victory and bargaining power. Telling truth is painful and sometimestoo much. But this is the pathetic situation of diasporic Tibetans.

    Bother CTA and Rangzen wallas have one bargaining power, it is people of Tibet standing tall in their homeland. From TGIE’s standpoint, to solve Tibetan problem, there is no other way, then talk with Chinese people, particularly interllectuals when government is so arrogant with new found power and wealth. Encouraging Tibetans inside to resort to extreme act of harm either oneself or Chinese military is unsustainable and ultimately self-destructive given the fact of enormous military presence in Tibet. From rangzen wallas standpoint, Tibetan people inside has to create instability and fight, so they feel that they represent rangzen, even when those people stated something different. The interesting thing is, none of rangzen wallas want to participate in such act inside Tibet, but the want others die for their belief, that is horrible and malicious intention. Therefore, next time talking of bargaining power, think before open your mouth.

    It is not my envoys resigned, it is Tibetan envoys sresigned. It is not just because of stonewalled dialogue, but also due to fact of devolution of power of Dalai Lama to Sikyong.

    Regarding different autonomy, Chinese started it back in republic of China, not just after 1949. Do some research.

    I did not equal rangzen to violence. What I said is, if you are rangzen but pretending to be a peaceful. You got no bargaining power. It is not matter of semantic differences, essentially same as U-Lam. So dont whine. If you hold rangzen view, but requesting rangzen from Chinese people, it will be the greatest joke of the century. Violence might pressure Chinese government to take some actions, either positive or negative. In the absence of violence, I am not sure which other options you got beside road that is being trodden by TGIE.

    Now, what is achievement of rangzen wallas?

    Anyone ready to self-immolate if not outright violence against Chinese state properties?


  87. newgeneration bs Heydude all your posts is liek I am so right! everyone just so wrong! hey Mr patriot man, why don’t you put your money where your big fat dirty mouth is and set yourself on fire instead of condoning poor Tibetans in Tibet who are burning themselves so you can make yourself feel good by pretending you feel so bad for them so you can come online and show eveyrone what a big heart caring man you are.
    Burn yourself loser or just shut the fuck up tired of your boring shitty opinions.

  88. New Generation TB: I can’t lie. I didn’t even look at what you wrote about me or to me or whatever. You see, I made a decision – the only thing I can really offer you is some free training in old school, pre-Maoist, internal Chinese martial arts. I’m not that good, but I’ll teach you a little bit. You may then have a chance at not getting your butt kicked if you ever reveal your true identity. You see, people fighting for the survival of the Tibetan nation…people nauseous at the rape and torture of our family in Tibet…people of conscience…we encounter someone like you and it’s just real hard to be patient. LMAO.

    On a more jubilant note, I give Jamyang Norbu hearty accolades for encouraging debate without restrictions. It’s always been needed. I don’t always agree with him (I recall thinking an article about Nechung was off base once) but the majority of the time he brings me to new insights. I appreciate that. New Generation TB – well – at least he is good for a joke. LMAO.

  89. ང་རྒྱལ་ཚིག་སྟོང་དུ་མ་སྨྲ་བ་ལས་།




  90. @Brent: I did not write anything about you as a person and individual. I debated the meaning of your write up. It is not me to go personal. I have written a Tibetan poem for our rangzen wallas……enjoy!


  91. @Post103: You get burned so your uncle rangzen guru JN get more ammunition to back up his statement……if ou are afraid of being burned, that means your position aligning with JN is probably the wrong alignment cause without blood, no rangzen if you truely believe. Otherwise, the shut your neither Tibetan nor English mind and stop being critical of CTA or DL. Get a life…..Rangzen wallas more instability should be created inside Tibet I want to be an Observer from safe place does not serve well even to your own belief. So stop the fucking drumming up emotions, get life amongst folks of your new found home and be happy, hypocrite!
    མི་མགོ་ཡོད་ཀྱང་ ཁྱི་ལས་སྡུག་།
    ཁ་བཤད་རང་བཙན་ ལག་ལེན་རང་དོན་


  92. 72#
    “I believe we need a comprehensive resistance movement, globally, that uterly disrupts economic relationships between the West and China with severe economic implications for all.”

    Such a disruption would cause great suffering to the innocent people of both these lands, but would it at all ease the suffering of Tibetans?

    A wiser device would be: “Snake dies but the stick that hit the snake remains intact” (an Indian saying).

    The economic in the West is already being hit by waves of crises. There is little need to pray for the worse. Many people in the US are preparing for the (“soon to be arrived”) worst days of “food shortage”, “epidemic” and “terrorist attacks”.

  93. This is to all the “harmonizing” people like Daveno, NGTB and most importantly to Rikey, who i can make out is a chinese no matter how you try to hide it. If you like the concept of “harmonizing” more than you care for democracy and freedom, i guess you feel more affinity with the ccp chinese than with democracy countries. so why dont you go back to motherland China?

  94. ལྙག་པ་སྒྲོལ་མ་ལགས་ མང་གཙོ་ཚིག་ཉིད་ལྗགས་ཀྱི་རྩེ་མོར་ཁྱེར་ནས་ དེ་ཡི་དོན་ནི་ཅི་ཡིན་ཁྱེད་ནི་རྨོངས་ ཁྱི་རྒན་ཟུག་པའི་རྗེས་སུ་འབྲང་མཁན་བླུན་པོ་ཁྱེད་ གངས་ཅན་གཅེས་ནོར་བོད་ཡིག་འབྲི་པའི་སྤོབས་པ་ཁྱེད་ལ་དབེན་ གསོན་པའི་ཕུང་པོར་བོད་པའི་རྣམ་ཤེས་ཁྱེད་ལ་མེད་
    ར་མ་ལུག་གི་ཕུང་ཕོའི་བདག་ཅན་ལྙག་པ་སྒྲོལ་མ་ལགས་ ཁྱེད་རང་སུ་ཡིན་ཁ་བ་ཅན་ཚོར་ཤོདཕར་བགྱིས་།

  95. For your information.



    January 16, 2013

    Contact: Tara Setmayer


    Rep. Rohrabacher Sounds Alarm Regarding U.S. Overseas Broadcasting

    Radio Free Asia at Center of Controversy

    Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Appropriations Committee regarding serious problems in the overseas broadcast services funded by the U.S. government. Cong. Rohrabacher sites evidence uncovered after conducting a two year investigation while he was Chairman of the HFAC Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation during the 112th Congress. His concerns focus on Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA), both under the supervision of the Broadcast Board of Governors.

    “In October of last year, Radio Free Asia President Libby Liu, precipitously fired Tibet Service Director Jigme Ngapo with no accompanying explanation,” wrote Rohrabacher. “There are indications that this was the result of foreign influence, which would be a major cause for alarm. She has repeatedly failed to respond to my letters requesting details of this unwise action.”

    There is no effective counterintelligence or vetting procedure for hiring employees; nor does the structure of the BBG and its agencies allow for adequate accountability to the American taxpayer. RFA is particularly susceptible to becoming a personal fiefdom due to its structure and we may be seeing signs of that right now.

    Broadcasting into Communist China and occupied Tibet is a case in point. “Jigme Ngapo needs to be reinstated as Tibetan Service Director to maintain the integrity and credibility of the RFA,” stated Rep. Rohrabacher, noting that the vast majority of RFA’s Tibet Service staff members signed a letter supporting reinstatement.

    Regarding China, Rohrabacher wrote, “I have repeatedly expressed my deep concern to VOA and RFA about their failure to cover important issues such as the ghoulish crime of forced human organ harvesting of political and religious dissidents [particularly the Falun Gong] in China, which is horrific and genocidal in nature. Calling attention to this subject infuriates the Chinese Communist government and VOA and RFA leadership refuses to give it the proper attention.”

    Rep. Rohrabacher is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.

  96. It is timme to take this case to Supreme court, all the either real or fake witnesses, Jamyang Norbu and Ngabo Jigmei versus Libby Liu, Penpa Tsering, and Lobsang Sangay. It will be interesting…..lookinng forward. This actually opens up a pandora box of spy, treachery, power hunger, intentional manipulation, dessimination of misinformation, defaming either organization or inidividuals, misuse of US International Development Funds by undermining the interest of United States of America.
    1. Check and cross question if Jamyang Norbu’s notes are consistent and factual. If not, he will face the most heinous crime of misusing freedom and liberty promised and guranteed in the constitution of United States and abusing American naturalized citizenship. The crime will be enormous…..
    2. Check murky personal history of Jigmei Ngabo and his private and public as well as family relationship with highest level of Communist Party of China. Especially those who yield powers and present at the funerals of his deceased father Senior Ngabo, the true of son of the Motherland. If Jigmei Ngabo acted as an foreign agent, to subvert the very interest of United States and by controlling Voice of America Tibetan section. The first witness will be Harry Wu, the founder of Logai Research Center based in Washington DC who has close relationship with top American politicians in capital.
    3. Check if Kalden Lodoe consipired against Jigmei Ngabo and subverting his lucrative propaganda job and snatch away the fat salary.
    4. Check if Miss Libby Liu overstepped her authority without being accountable to BBG executives and conspired with handsome looking Sikyong Lobsang Sangay to shut down the voice of rangzen warriors like termination of Jamyang Norbu’s contract Sunday talk show on the agency’s wavelenght.
    5. Check Penpa Tsering if he misused all or part of the fund sent by US International Development Agency meant for reconstruction of poor Tibetan refugees. US will audit all the expenses, and future aids money will be directly dealed by Americans or Tibetan Assembly will be make a transparent statement in the United States Congress.
    6. Check if Sikyong knowingly conspired to be citizen of people’s of republic of China by allocating whole or part of the US Tax Payer’s money into the pocket of communist China’s officials or Tibetan or Foreign lobbyist for the Communist China. He should also be checked if he either planned and premeditated of suppressing voices of rangzens or covertly issued threat against individual rangzen warriors or organizations working for rangzen. If proved to be true……end of CTA. Then Jamyang NOrbu will set by his Tibetan Government for rangzen in TENNESSE under the close supervision of United States government and its relevant agencies.

    Finally, someone will shoot the thrilling movie of modern spy, treachery, allegations, freedom, personal grudge, power hungers, innocent and average John on the streets. It will bring in millions of dollars and its enough for JN to start a Tibetan Government. Wait….these days, so many Tibetan film makers are emerging, give the opportunity offerred to them, but produced, directed, and distributed by Holliwood.

    Looking for the next court hearing!


  97. NGTB, you high on drugs or what? You are a nobody (more so for hiding behind a fake name), and whatever you say means nothing. So, don’t spill your crap here; as oppose to Jamyang Norbula’s pearls before swines like you. Get a life, geez!

  98. I am thankful Representative Rohrabacher decided to put the current case to the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Appropriations Committee regarding serious problems in the overseas broadcast services funded by the U.S. government. This should help us move forward to a more conclusive ending to this drama/debate. In this light, it is quite easy to see why both Libby and Ngabo haven’t said anything officially on the topic.

    It is in the common interest of all Tibetans to watch this development with keen interest because the congressman indicated that he is making these accusations after two years of investigation. If that is the case, the firing of Ngabo is just a piece in the puzzle and not the whole of it. Our political leadership should also welcome this, as evident by the letter sent by Chair Penpa tsering who had also CCed all the powerful people in the US leadership to look into the matter, as a way to clear our names from this association. The senator is not only concerned about RFA but also VOA and not just about Tibet but also China’s internal problems too. The web appears to be much wider and the Ngabo firing just one of the symtoms of this disease. Lets see where this rabbit hole leads…

  99. @Brent A Werner: It gives me immense pleasure to know that there is a guy highly educated and totally committed to the independence of Tibet;lets all face it, whether it is rangzen wallas or middle path adherents, what is common in both is the desire to see that Tibet become a free country – may be the combined efforts of the two bring out some tangible results;it is just an idea and a strategy albeit nuanced and subtle. By the way, like the Chinese interviewed by you, you seem to have a very poor opinion of the people whose Rangzen is in the core of your heart; its a paradox that you have the tendency of looking down on the Tibetans, but avows in the same breath that you are a die hard supporter of the Tibetan people and a nonpareil tibetologist. I guess, Tibetans are very fortunate in that we have people like you, helping the Tibetan cause whole heartedly. One thing that puzzles me is that you are deeply irked and riled at the very idea of the Happiness of the D. being synonymous with the happiness of the Tibetan people; the very idea of the unity of the Tibetan people across board seem to annoy you; and the idea of a united tibetan support rallying behind the incumbent administration sseems an anathema to you; the universal recignition of the Tibetan Youth Congress as beacon of hope for the Tibetans in generation to come seem to have no meaning for you.Please kindly tell us, whose side you reaally are? Let us know your true identity hiding behind the facade of being a genuine Tibetan Rangzen supporter.

  100. whatever be the situation but the flame of truth can not be extinguished.i think the conflict emerging in RFA is more compicating than a physics -math equation..may that equation get solved as soon as possible.

  101. One can see the hand of the CTA, involved in the RFA issue of terminating Jigme Ngabo. All of these poor souls have burned themselves calling for an independent Tibet free of CCP occupation, and yet Phayul continues to report it as their wanting “freedom”.
    Phayul is censoring their true calls by dubbing it as “freedom”, because of CTA censorship which flows with the middle path policy. Little wonder CTA wants to censor RFA, as they are doing with Phayul, because RFA has been reporting factual information, which goes against the CTA policy of middle path.

  102. painful truth indeed:
    “Regarding bargaining power, not just Middle Way supporters lack bargaining power, but Tibetans as a whole got no bargaining powers. Check how Turkey government and PKK fighting, PKK creating bargaining power and Turkish government enters into talk with officially labelled terrorist organization? Why? People dont whine on the internet or demonstrate, people fight for belief and homeland with blood. What our people do?

    They just want to escape to the West and fuck around and no zeal and courage to create bargaining power.

    Truth alone is no gurantee for victory and bargaining power. Telling truth is painful and sometimestoo much. But this is the pathetic situation of diasporic Tibetans.

    Bother CTA and Rangzen wallas have one bargaining power, it is people of Tibet standing tall in their homeland. From TGIE’s standpoint, to solve Tibetan problem, there is no other way, then talk with Chinese people, particularly interllectuals when government is so arrogant with new found power and wealth. Encouraging Tibetans inside to resort to extreme act of harm either oneself or Chinese military is unsustainable and ultimately self-destructive given the fact of enormous military presence in Tibet. From rangzen wallas standpoint, Tibetan people inside has to create instability and fight, so they feel that they represent rangzen, even when those people stated something different. The interesting thing is, none of rangzen wallas want to participate in such act inside Tibet, but the want others die for their belief, that is horrible and malicious intention”

  103. Now the whole problem is that some people argue that RFA reports factul truth…..if that is case, what is the report by VOA and VOT? Are these agencies reporting lies? As far as listen’s experience, they report the same stories……..then why are people biased to RFA? The truth is, RFA terminated JN’s contract for whatever reason….maybe his view is against
    the grand stretegy and interest of United States of America….since this agency is owned and funded by United States Government…..The dangerous thing is, JN uses his PEN to mislead a flock of innocent flocks who are barely able to read English but lack of knowledge of politics behind the scene…..

    If VOA and RFA, equally report the truth, then what is the fucking fuss with RFA and fire of an individual, albeit with a suspicious connection to CHinese government and son of patriot of motherland, whose ancestors raped and fucked citizens of erswhile people whom they governed with iron fist in the in the name of Dalai Lama?


  104. So did the Khampa Pons who not only sold part of Tibet, but also gross stories of how they raped and screwed their people with an iron fist. These truths must be also exposed, as it is not fair to be one sided, while covering up other atrocities.

  105. NewGwneration Tuberculosis, did I mention in one of my earlier comments that you quote only from Chinese propaganda and never from the true history of Tibet which you know nothing of? Add this to it: When you blame ‘Rangzenwalas’ in exile for inciting protests in Tibet and thereby endangering their lives while us sitting in the comfort of free world, guess what Einstein, you are quoting China’s Running Dogs who are bent on stifling Free Tibet movement in west as their service to their benefactors in Beijing. Patrick French said that what you are parroting now in an article in NYTimes right after March 2008 Uprising in Tibet: oh, it’s the Tibetans in exile and their supporters who are responsible for it, poor Tibetans in Tibet they wouldn’t have done it. They are actually quite happy under Chinese rule in Tibet..yada yada yada..!

    But talking to you is like playing piano to a donkey. You are so invested in spewing venom against Tibetan and our rightful and just cause for free Tibet that you don’t care or probably you don’t realize that you have reduced yourself to a laughing stock. You talk highly of Wang Lixiong, the Chinese Tibet intellectual, but have you ever read his insightful article ‘The Roadmap of Tibetan Independence’ which he wrote after 2008 pan Tibet Uprising???? Read it before you open your cheap mouth again next time. And when I say read it I mean read it without your sinicized prejudice or not read it like as we say in Tibetan ཨ་གུ་ནེ་ཙོའི་མ་ཎི་འདྲེན་པ་ལྟ་བུ་ and not comprehend it and come back and start your monologue without any substance.

    Wang Lixiong says it’s China who’s making Tibetans in Tibet rise in protest and fight for Independence! He puts the blame squarely on Chinese policies and the ultra nationalist CCP bureaucrats for stoking Rangzen movement inside Tibet! China’s policy since 2008 has only gotten more repressive in Tibet which means they are rather intensifying Rangzen movement. This is actually is what’s happening in Tibet now as evidenced by almost 100 self-immolations. Wang also goes on to say that had Chinese treatment in Tibet been benevolent outside forces for Independence like TYC, SFT etc or Jamyang Norbu wouldn’t have mattered at all to Tibetans living inside Tibet. Like you or the Running dogs Wang doesn’t mention, let alone blame, Jamyang Norbu or TYC or SFT any ‘Ranzenwala’ whip Tibetans in Tibet to rise up for independence. But why would you care, right. All you care for is destruction of Tibetan unity and our struggle for independence and promote Chinese propaganda.

    By the way, are you done with bad mouthing Kudraks? Do you even know the school that fed you, clothed you, gave you education, took care of you when you arrived from Tibet as a little kid with nothing in your hand to escape Chinese atrocities was actually founded by a member of Kudrak family called Yapshi??? Or you forgot now…now that ” you have moved to west like rest of us to fukk around…”

  106. The Kudraks as a class, cannot be condemned as NewgenerationTb continues to spread the propaganda policies of CCP. Despite the flaws of the former Kudraks, they have contributed much to sustaining the institution of the Dalai Lama, and keeping Tibet independent throughout the centuries. Kudraks did not sell Tibet as it is grossly been manipulated by NewgenerationTB and his kind of “intelligent” people, who are parroting the Chinese line.

  107. Jamyang Norbu, TYC, ST, caused and stoked the sentiment of sentiment, are you serious? It is the very person of Dalai Lama and his separation from his true and pure devotees, that is the main reason behind those protest….You saw and watched those self-immolators, in the end saying “Gyalwang Tenzin Gyatso”….They did not mention “Jamyang Norbu, or TYC or SFT….” Get it straight dude……dont twist the fact…….Even your Guru JN acknowledged they calling for Dalai Lama’s return….but be cleverly interpreted the “preson of Dalai Lama” in the world larger cultural and political context of Tibetan……so stop pretending to be an interllectual…….My question is effectiveness of loudest mouth of rangzen wallas either they truel feel or it or they just write because it is the most convenient mode to say it without risking one’s comfort……As I said it before……do something real, then I will stop scritinize the talker group. It is acion that changes situations, not the “TALK”…..I think you are not aware of lot of things……just going to India does not mean everybody is escaping atrocity. They are people who escape atrocity because of their past, they are people who are just send to study when they are young for whatever reasons…..it is only know if you ask parents of those kids…why! There are people just go for pilgrimage…..if everyone who goes to India means escaping astrocities…then why do many people return to the place from where they supposed to be escaped from the very atrocity they mentioned? Grow up dude….talk like real men……and rela educated! One thing I am sure….diasporic Tibetans in the West, they are just a loft tribe, like those lost tribe of Israel whose descent soon will be melted in the west hot melting pot…..Ask JN about his kids? or ask Kudras who first arrived in Ari about the situation of their children….are they any Tibetan? By what yardstick they call themselves Tibet? Only their of their blodd? or their knowledge of Tibetan culture and literature?ur You are seems one of those Gya Khampas….Good luck with life in your new home and good luck to your kids…

    Adios Amigoes


  108. @Sangay: Coming back to topic, what is the difference between report or VOT and VOA from RFA? Are they any significance difference? If not, shut the fuck up……dont over idolize RFA and Ngabo Jigmei in particular….did you do a research on the murky relationship between Ngabo Family with CCP, especially Junior Ngabo’s frequent travel to Beijing and Hongkong? iF NOT….fuck the mouth dude….

    I expect a response in Tibetan from you….so I can measure how much did you learn about the preservation of Tibetan language that you supposed to be learnt from your exile school which you are accussing Chinese of destroying it in Tibet.


  109. Newgenerationtibetan is nobody but a skinny 35 year old sanjor amdo guy whose face is covered with fart flowers and who is related to Nawang tsegam and hortsang Jigme by blood. FYI, Nawang tsegam is the chamcha of the dalai lama who replaced lobsang jinpa from his secretary post at private office . Needless to say he is a middle way sell out and ccp apologist. Hortsang jigmey, another ccp guy, once criticized an article authored by JN which is absolutely fine. But a few tcv students who are fans of JN took it personal and roughed up hortsang jigmey and his wife at their store in McLeod ganj years ago. So now we can easily understand his revengeful motive here. I don’t mean to put him down but both his Tibetan and English language skills are not good enough to laugh at others’ language skills. He is lhamo kyap hanging out with Tibetan aunties in NYC teaching them Tibetan spelling which is highly commendable.

  110. What on earth RFA is reporting from India.

    People are dying in Tibet and RFA is airing mind and life conference.

    Is this really such a big news. I did not see anything on Phayul, Khabdha, CTA website.

    What a joke!! Please cover the news happenings in inside Tibet, where people are sacrificing their life. It is what we need to listen and hear. Invite experts what is happening inside tibet, Chinese policy, ask some chinese what they feel about.

    This is really a joke..When did this become so important.
    Kalden Lodoe trying to control the damage. Monks at drepung monastery specially from Tibet are sad to see RFA making this such a big deal.

  111. New generation TB,
    I will tell you what is the difference between RFA and VOT.
    VOT focus more on what is happening at Dhasa.
    VOA focus more on American interest even though they touch Tibetan news.
    RFA focus majority happenings inside Tibet, not outside. That is why it is such a unique organisation plus this is where freedom of speech is respected. This is the only platform station where you can hear expert(criticize CTA policies).

    I found out from my friends in DC that he has never travel to Tibet since from his defection. He has been to China. I idolize him because of his vision, integrity, respect, profound thoughts for the well being of Tibet.

  112. How appropriate Newgeneration Crapwalla has tu-re may-tok on his face. LOL !! For he knows not what he speaks, oh great Judge, reduce his punishment by changing his name to Fartface.

  113. There are good and bad apple-everyone knows about it.By recognizing and appreciating the quality of just the good apple, ignoring the bad apple will not fly by easily.Equal recognition is essential in a just society.It takes courage not just smooth manouvering to manipulate the general population in your favor.

  114. Sonam Tobga la,

    Thank you for your inquiry. I personally am not worthy of the accolades you offer (I’m far from being a Tibetologist, and have only a bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies). I began learning about Tibet marching with Takster Rinpoche and Larry Gerstein. I did some summer language study with Khamlung Rinpoche in Wisconsin, and founded the Kenyon College Students for a Free Tibet. Later I married Namse Chenmo la’s daughter, Tenzin Diki. She was a Middle Way believer, but I regarded her as a perfect woman. Some aspects of personal, political, and spiritual life are subtle. I have two Tibetan daughters; my heart. I do practice a bit in the Dudjom Tersar tradition. Thus, I have some interest in most aspects of Tibetan culture.

    Whose side am I on? Is there any side other than TRUTH, FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, AND HUMAN RIGHTS?

    Truth: Tibet was independent. It deserves to be. No one can say otherwise until 5 million Tibetans have a voice, free from threat of reprisal.

    FREEDOM: When the 5 million Tibetans have a voice, they can define freedom. My belief, as but one man, is that Rangzen is freedom.

    DEMOCRACY: This is the antithesis of the fascist system propagated by bourgeoisie Maoist leaders.

    HUMAN RIGHTS: all atrocity, all rape, all torture, all framing, must end immediately….BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

    I hope this clears it up. Should you wish to contact me personally, it’s not hard. For example, Jamyang Norbu has my email and I trust him to only give my contact info to reliable persons. This is not because we’re friends; we’re not. I simply understand him as having integrity.

    p.s. the a**hole who said Kalden Lodoe was after a fat salary is a sick prick. I know Kalden la. I don’t like his politics, but I like him. He is not a materialist or a selfish person. That insinuation is disgraceful and an outright lie.

  115. Sonam Topga la and friends, I hope this short and poor poem will make more clear how I see things. Sometimes a critical voice is also a voice of love. ________________________________________________

    *ITCH: Turning over national sovereignty, making the Snow Lion flag empty, embracing the Red flag of blood, your history misunderstood!

    WITCH: Turning the mani mantra into muttering, people burning with you simply stuttering, lighting butterlamps as if it will matter, your people just get killed that much faster.

    NICHE: Grooving with suave politicians, saluting official benedictions, slipping into that UmeLam jive, though it can’t keep the nation alive!

    PITCH: The Dharma as Shangri la dream. Negotiation as secret power, unseen. Making desperate hopes into a plan. Selling yourself short as a man.

    D*I*T*C*H: Throw it all in the refuse can. Ball up your fist, and take a stand. Demand your birthright, your nation, Rangzen! Then fight to the death, lose or win.

    ****Religious practices can enhance efforts and affect worldly reality, but they aren’t a solution in and of themselves, you know? Reality is multi-layered. You have to deal with all the realities. Thinking that chanting mani and protesting and lighting butterlamps will fix everything is ludicrous. There are many living Buddhas in exile, so if puja could save Tibet those masters would have already done those pujas and fixed it all. I wanted to clarify this so I am not taken as irreligious. My way would be like do a nice Riwod Sangchod, and then make a scheduled attack on a Chinese prison where torture is being used. Understand? People in Tibet are being brutalized, real badly, every day I am sure. They are living in fear. Who is going to liberate them? Lobsang Sangye’s negotiation and acceptance of the red flag? Protestors in Delhi? A real plan is needed.

    ***also, understand that if you accept Chinese Maoism, you can never defend yourselves from the same rape, torture, framing, and executions you experience now. Negotiation to become a part of China is, I feel, very foolish.

  116. Shih chi liu is Libby Liu’s father. Libby herself is now under series of serious investigation. The RFA Tibetan Service episode is a part and parcel of a much bigger controversy. However, the Tibetan Service controversy became below the cover.

  117. I have noticed, even among my Han Chinese friends, extreme nationalism and “racial” pride, usually slightly masqueraded, but not much. It makes me quite uncomfortable. As a Caucasian, I don’t experience anything similar. With notable exceptions like activists such as Harry Wu, I am extremely uncomfortable with any person of Chinese descent controlling or dictating the dissemination of Tibetan information. I am equally uncomfortable with agents of the US government doing so. They are on record lying about Tibet, hiding the truth, etc. since time immemorial. Tibetans need a way to control their own information from exile. Maybe you should begin to network with people, people’s movements, and governments that count. You see, the world wants a friendly agreement between the Chinese and the Tibetans, not because it is just, but because it preserves THEIR economic interests. Yet, these same yahoos are doing nothing to stop the atrocities (forced sterilizations, torture, rape, etc). Tibeteans should realize the major powers are worthless, and network with smaller powers that are more revolutionary. I know, its a crazy idea right? Sure. But has any other strategy you tried achieved anything? Bhod Rangzen, and to hell with this Liu-ser lady.

  118. @Brent: Minus “Sterilization” by China cause you already sterilized a Tibetan Kudra girl….lol….I mentioned it because when you mention “Sterilization by Chinese State, albeit by force”, essentially means “reducing Tibetan Population, by extension blurring Tibetan identity with Han Chinese Identity.” I do understand you are caught in your contradiction of idealism for love of your wife and reality of your action and her action, because your mind is operating from totally different perspetives, when talk of Tibetan population in the West, particularly US and Western Europe, reducing by Tibetans themselves willingly, your argument is one of typical American racial justice, particularly imposition of strained racial relationship between white master and black victions. When comes sterilization in Tibet, it is condemned as a heinous political act. Although they both might have different motivation, end result is the same. I would check my children’s faces every morning and see if they can carry on the responsibility as Tibetan or rather would end up as person tirelessly searching own identity and place in this often racially defined world.


  119. New generation TB: I hope I’m misconstruing you.
    If not, here is my statement. B**ch, you are hiding. Did you just go at my Tibetan family? Yeah, you’re hiding. I’m not a misogynist so I can’t call you a girl. I’ll call you a Chinese snake. Watch your mouth. By the way, my new wife is Black and ex-military. I would never need to give it to you. I’ll just walk away while she handles you, you little b**ch. LMAO.

    I suspect this new generation TB is Chinese; try to trace his computer. I’m not the one hiding.


  120. For the record, if this New Generation TB intends to threaten me subtly, or my family, ala the Churchward case, I only ask that you reveal yourself and step to me as a man. We can settle it.

  121. This is my statement on my family. The CCP will go too any lengths, including death threats on American soil (Churchward) to stop the truth of Rangzen.

    Far be it from me to break the law, but if you threaten my family, I have ABSOLUTELY NO CONCERN for what you might suffer, and how intensive that suffering is, after you make that threat.

    Therefore, in the best interests of all sentient beings, attack my points with sound logic, not with stupid insults about my family. I will play it out as far as needed. I am willing to die. I am also willing to watch you die, New Generation TB, whoever you are. The time between life and death, you know, lots of things can happen, good or bad. Tibetans aren’t the only ones who can suffer.

    I only hope this honest explanation proves unnecessary, but in a world where the CCP tortures, rapes, and even makes death threats on American soil, this statement of my feelings (legal) might be construed as a simple message of the willingness to act in self defense.

  122. Almost done. Please consider this: I met Kwame Toure (Stokely Carmichael) and he gave me a brief message that I try to live up to. Kwame never criticized his African mentor for torturing his political opponents. I speak out against the torture of Tibetans. I have no aim to torture the Chinese. But I am just a man. I haven’t broken yet, but I could. Going at my family is unfair, lowdown, and pushes me to my breaking point. In fact, I don’t want to think about torture right now. I am meditating on my wife’s beautiful Black face, and the sweet Tibetan smiles of my children. I don’t think about what I would do if someone aggressed towards all that I love. I simply don’t know. I am not Tibetan. I am just Brent A Werner, hiding from no one, and smiling as I recall Kwame Toure’s smile. But I believe that if the Chinese aggress towards us once, we should retaliate tenfold. Clear?

  123. New Generation TB, do provide your name and location. I am Brent Werner, of Virginia Beach, VA, USA. It’s public knowledge. I am going to put you out there – unless you disclose your real name and location, you are a Chinese snake. If you decide to reveal yourself, I will pay for you to visit Virginia Beach so we can converse one to one. I doubt you have the courage. I believe you are a tool of the CCP, and a snake. I give you not one ounce of respect. You can say I am “paranoid” or whatever you want. The proof is in the pudding – the CCP’s brutality. The only difference between me and the average Tibetan is that I would rather kill you than see you kill. So be a good, anonymous boy, and behave!

  124. @Brent: I did not threaten anybody, I stick to principle of demorgraphic changes, if I put it in a crude way, democraphic onslaught. It is a fact around the world, culture consumed by larger and trendy ones, language consumed by more popular ones if not able to update, promote, use, and live it. Democraphic onslaught could be forced, in case of “forced sterlization”, and consensual, in case of cross racial breedings. As gene pool expanded, genes pool of particular “race” is reduced, which in turn leads to blurring of identity of a nation or country or community, whatever you call it. Whether one accept it or not, that is happenning everywhere in the world. People can use it for political tools to campaign. That is why I would rather look in the mirrors before pronounce an argument based on certain conceived facts. Tibetans are caught in this dilemma…..one’s decision will contribute towards either success or failure of Tibetan Nation in the long run. For individual, it does not matter as long as one is comfortably clothed, fed, and away from risk of any types. In such a case, it is vital to take real and pragmatic steps rather than arguing about priciples and goals when you actually doing nothing, or shouting for the wrong target.


  125. Obviously, I was and am very disturbed that New Generation TB would go at my family and children. Therefore, I doubt I will follow this thread further. I trust that my brothers in Europe, Latin America, and Africa who believe in truth, freedom, democracy, and human rights will have my back, even if America is sometimes too weak to stand up to Maoist aggression. Note that I consider Maoists fascists plagued by corruption and unjust violence; they are not Socialists. Any aggression should be met tenfold. Any harm comes to a Tibetan child…need I say more?

    **I hereby prophecy New Generation TB stays in hiding. LOL!

  126. Did somebody say, the difference between VOA and RFA is that RFA covers only the self-immolation whereas VOA covers useless Mind-Life dialogue about Buddhist thought and western science?

    Despite both agency’s daily short covers of the same issues, here is a one of the cover! Eat it fanatics…..at least have a decent sense of education and facts. Now let me help you:


    lol…RFA must have made a mistake to cover the dialogue at Drepung Monastry, now go and create a letter writing campaign and write it to RFA because RFA proved you either wrong or humiliated you when you are busy defending the agency and politicizing the RFA Issue between CTA, USA, CHINA, Middle-Way-Policy, Rangzen wallas……



  127. “Our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation’s out of breath. We ain’t running no more.”

    Stokely Carmichael (aka Kwame Toure)

  128. This is going to be a bit out of topic, as this column concentrates on the RFA and its importance as far as Tibet issue is concerned. By the way, this topic is now almost closed, as a new topic has already emerged.

    However, inspired by comments of NGTB and Werner, I thought I should post this comment, although it may not go anywhere an inch further and benefit none, but it is a question that may cause many to say: “wait a minute…”.

    Tibet issue is something that directly concerns China, politically and socially, but perhaps not much economically. Why the issue concerns the US appears to be something very different. For it, the issue may have to do with a little bit of politics, but perhaps not much when it comes to the social issue. The issue of economy looms large, when any kind of diplomatic relation between the US and the PRC tends to hot up.

    Interestingly, several people in the US appear to be very much convinced that sooner or later the PRC will cause to collapse the US economic system (and the dollar value), and thereby the collapse of economy will pave way to some kind of doomsday (equivalent to the end of the world) in the US. As such they appear to be seriously preparing for the day(Fox TV: preparing for the end of the world).

    Is the PRC so powerful that it could bring such a doomsday in the US? Well, It may well be the disillusion of a few, and let us hope so.

  129. If there is a problem between the CCP and the USA, we (Americans) will simply slaughter them with our superior military. I’m not worried. The Chinese, as evidenced by their tendency to gang rape Tibetan nuns and the like, are cowards. They aren’t Socialists. They are morons led by bourgeoisie fascists. In a confrontation, we would spill ALL their blood.

  130. CCP thinks they are tough because they have a lot of bodies to throw at an enemy. But this is not tough. To make a martial arts analogy, even if you pit the whole Shaolin wushu team against Steven Seagal, they are still going to get their ass kicked.

    No one wants a war with all of China. That’s why we’re going to destroy Maoism with other methods. However, I must say that where an officer rapes a woman, or where torture is used on a peaceful dissident, there is a moral obligation to eradicate the potential for further harm….by any means necessary.

    No one respects China. We just like to buy cheap stuff at Walmart. REMEMBER THAT EVERY CHINESE LEADER IS JUST AS VULNERABLE AS YOU AND ME.

  131. I do not ally with a particular philosophy like Capitalism or Communism. I ally with democracy, freedom, human rights, and truth. Perhaps my concern for the brutalized, poor, sick, and oppressed means I am somewhere left of most Americans, but I just think of it as following Guru Padmasambhava’s explicit instructions. In any case…

    The Maoist leaders live in luxury, while the bulk of Chinese are poor. This can not be considered progressive, much less “Socialist.”

    The Maoist leaders surround themselves with physical protection, but do nothing to help victims of torture, rape, forced sterilization, and forced abortion in the PRC and “TAR.” This can not be considered progressive, pro-woman, or just. It can only be called selfish.

    The Maoist leaders protect their own lives, without protecting the lives of the populace. They actively end the lives of dissidents. This is neither Socialist, nor good, nor admirable.

    I predict that the Maoists can not protect their control of the people, or even their own lives, forever. The people will rise up for justice – perhaps adapting Communism into a kind of Democratic Socialims, which would be acceptable in my book, as all the evil Maoism wrought in the name of the people deserves to be undone FOR the people.

    I see the challenge in China as related to that in Tibet: if you allow yourselves to be silenced by force, you will never become free. Thus, you may need to consider the use of ethical force as a prerequisite to attain your rights, freedom, truth, and the democracy you deserve. Truly, does any man (outside of China) think he is so superior to others that he would put himself in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie elite, and then call it Communism? This is ridiculous. Any leadership must serve the people, and when it does not (as it does not in China, where people can not even write or pray freely) that leadership must be taken down by the people.

    It is time for the Chinese people to prove themselves strong, rather than compliant.

  132. No matter where they may be living and enjoying all kinds of freedom that they dont enjoy back in China, its very very rare that a chinese will really speak out against their govt without making excuses on their behalf.and i dont mean it in a good way.that cant be said about the inji’s. not even tibetans.

  133. @Speak of Killing and blood while processing to a faith is act of desperation and running out of bebate ammunitions.

    People can be brainwashed to such a distance….it is possible because we all are conditioned to some extent through consumption of useful as well as useless information.

    Even before bring the case of Jigmei Ngabo, RFA as a Federal Agency is hunting for the new director.

    Now it is the time for Rangzen wallas opportunity when ray of hope and opportunity presented. You did not stand for Sikyong election, you are madly in love with RFA above all other Tibetan radio stations, you defend it as epitome of rangzen goal…..now time to act!

    If you cannot speak Chinese, take some evening classes…..if you dont have contact in either Tibet or China, it is your problem. If you cannot understand people’s situation in all dimentions not merely your politics, it is your problem. Maybe it wakes you up to a fact, that life goes beyond mere politics and talking…..

    Good Luck

    If you think you are elegible, Apply now!

    Service Director, Tibetan Service


    A visionary and dynamic leader with a deep commitment to Tibetans, thorough knowledge of Tibetan culture and beliefs, and demonstrably good managerial judgment and professional integrity is needed for Tibetan Service Director in RFA’s Washington DC offices.

    Ideal Candidate Profile:

    The ideal Tibetan Service Director would be inherently well-respected by the Tibetan community in his/her own right. This person should bring his/her own gravitas and credibility to the service. This person needs to be a visionary and a dynamic leader who has a deep commitment to Tibetans and thorough knowledge of Tibetan culture and beliefs. The Director leads by example – motivates, inspires and nurtures mission-driven journalists to give the best they can, all the time, to Tibetans inside Tibet.

    The ideal candidate would have demonstrably good managerial judgment and professional integrity to work in a politically charged and difficult yet dynamic media environment. He/she must be able to ensure the quality of journalism required at RFA. He/she must be able to put the needs of the audience above all other considerations. He/she must have ties inside Tibet in order to have real-time knowledge and maintain a keen awareness of the political, economic, sociological and environmental situation affecting Tibetans.

    •A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university (degree in journalism, broadcasting or related field preferred)
    • Essential knowledge and understanding of broadcast journalism or related field.
    • Significant demonstrable success in supervisory/managerial/leadership capacity preferably in broadcast journalism, writing, media or a related field.
    • Native fluency in spoken and written Tibetan language and fluency in spoken and written English; Chinese language knowledge a plus.
    • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of current political, economic, social and environmental conditions in and affecting Tibet
    • Strong writing skills, editing skills and demonstrated ability to exercise unbiased, timely, and principled news analysis and judgment
    • Demonstrated leadership to bring out the best in staff members, and ability to identify and nurture high performing and high potential talent
    • Demonstrated integrity and dedication to excellence, ability to solve problems , multi-task and deal with a variety of critical situations
    • Versatile, energetic and knowledgeable of current developments compatible with 21st century media trends

    Responsibilities Include
    •Planning, directing, and supervising the development of Tibetan broadcast/website programs and daily operations of the Tibetan language service
    • Providing strong editorial leadership and managing a staff of broadcast/webcast journalists
    • Monitoring and maintaining quality control of Tibetan service broadcasts/webcasts
    • Applying sound judgment and astutely flagging potential controversial and sensitive issues with upper management and peers
    • Directing the preparation of original material on news, current events, features, culture and history of particular relevance to the target audience
    • Establishing and maintaining contact with Tibet experts, specialists and sources to enhance program content and to ensure content relevance given the political, cultural, religious, social, economic and demographic developments
    • Handling Tibetan staff administrative, personnel, and staffing matters working with colleagues in other departments

    RFA is an equal opportunity employer committed to workforce diversity

    RFA encourages all qualified individuals to apply. If hired, the candidate must provide proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. as an employee of RFA.

    RFA reserves the right to reconsider or withdraw any offer of employment to any candidate whose authorization to work in the U.S. as an employee of RFA, or extension of such authorization, would require RFA to file or support a petition or related documentation.

    How to apply

    Send resume with cover letter (making reference to Tibetan Service Director position) via:
    • Fax to 202-530-7797; or
    • E-mail to: jobs@rfa.org


  134. “demonstrate integrity…” “demonstrate leadership to bring out the best in staff…” Please dont take the above two requirements seriously. maybe more like- you need the qualities to bring out the worst in your staff.
    Libby Liu brought out the power hunger and greed in Kalden Lodoe and vice-versa. not that they didnt already have that latent quality but it was actualised by re-inforcement of each other.

  135. You are right in your own thinking, but how they[RFA] will get “The One” is RFA business unless rangzen wallas start another letter writing campaign initiated by JN and his flocks to Congress to select the candidate of their choice. The requirement is publically pronounced…..we can only wait and see. As per job at the agency, those requirement is must. But it is also highly possible to get someone who or whose family has been cohabiting with communist China, thus connection or “GuanXi’ is a given thing. We already saw the ice-berge of such a thing in current drama.
    Anyway, it is the business of BBG…..so now rangzen wallas worry is if the new director will resume contract of their guru like before…..but it will be depending on the politics of the new director and guidelines of RFA laid down by congress as a professional agency.


  136. Lhakpa Dolma,

    You make an important point. We love the Chinese dissidents like Harry Wu or even Wei Jingsheng so much because they are so rare. The Han are actually quite backward, probably due to the mind-numbing nature of Maoist propaganda. A good contrast is the Japanese. In earlier ages, Japan was fiercely nationalistic, saw themselves as superior, and was extremely brutal (Rape of Nanking). Yet, look at Japan now! Very progressive, free, democratic, and noble! I could happily live there with no problems. Why does China lag behind? Because the population buys into their indoctrination, clings to a sense of racial superiority, etc. They call Tibetans all kinds of names, equating them to animals. Personally, if I must call someone an animal, I think the man who killed 70 million and lent support to torture (Mao) is the beast, not the followers of Padmsambhava, Milarepa, Tsongkhapa, and the like!

    The way I see it, the best chance to free Tibet is to radicalize the Chinese youth in the correct way – to help them gain courage to fight for freedom as Chusi Gangdruk did.

    I truly don’t mind if they are Socialists – but it should be democratic with respect for freedom and human rights. The current Maoist power structure is just a corrupt, grotesque, insidious beast.

    If we don’t look deeply into the reasons behind the Chinese cowardice, we would see them as racially inferior. But we are smarter. Human beings are all equal. The problem is the ignorance and the greed of the socio-political Chinese animal. Tackling that and creating revolution in China could open the door for genuine revolution in Tibet. I do want to see Tibet liberated. For the first time ever!

  137. hi jamyang norbu,

    what is your real problem? if you are so much heart for Tibet cause then come here at Dharamsala and work for Tibet cause. its very easy to point others mistake and writing on page. Come here and execute your words into action, we are after the dollar and shouting here….. you are in some village of canada for your wife Citizen purpose. Still creating lots of disturbance in our mind. If you have real heart for Tibet cause then talk about Tibetan brothers and sisters who are suffering under chines Rule. Lets the world know about what Chinese are doing in Tibet. Why you always against Exile Central Tibetan Administration? are you getting some money from Chinese for creating problem in our Society?

    Actually i am big fan of you when i am in University but now i came to know that you are just kind of Chinese Dog. if you are hear for Tibet cause then come here in India and occupy the CTA seat and execute your words into action.

    plz requesting you from deep heart, make some constructive idea for US. you are against His Holiness, you are against Sangdong Rinpoche, You are gainst Sekyong and whole CTA. if you are against all then that show are you wrong from somewhere. And that make me big Question mark. if you against all the Leaders then with whom you stand? Xinji Ping?


    plz its hurting thousand of your fan and Tibetan inside Tibet. plz

  138. Just keep up the good work, and be aware of the minions of the powers that be. The educated know the impact of your writings are bringing change and democracy. Your voice also keeps people in check and honest, and obviously upsets people holding offices, who can’t get away with their selfish motivations. Three Cheers to you Jamyang La, for being a real man that says it like it is, when it comes to the truth. Way to Go Brother!!!

  139. wangtop,
    Really you went to a university, which one, your writing……………
    We need people like jamyang norbu who can speak and write from what they think and express it without having any hesitation or doubts of consequence.
    No more blind trust. We are in the 21st century, we have to accept different opinion, criticize the policy of CTA. This is nothing bad. If you want real democracy, then we should embrace the different view and ideas. If we do not then, we are same like China. .

  140. Perhaps there is a need to understand what the PRC is. It is not a Maoist state. There is no doubt that it respects Chairman Mao. It is a genuine commitment for all the PRC citizens to respect him, although not compulsory. However “Maoism” is a long gone thing of the past. Chairman Mao was not a capitalist, whereas the PRC’s present economic policy does not contradict much to that of the “capitalism”, as one knows in the today’s world. However, the PRC has been and is, otherwise, able to govern the country based on the basic communist ideology. This tradition cannot be changed into the US style democratic system in an overnight, and perhaps not for ever. Whether it should change at all depends on how much it would benefit the PRC citizens, including the Hans. The idea that Hans are “backward” (at random) is irrational and saying so does spread a kind of odour that smells a bit of racism.

  141. I can say that Rikey represents the mentality and belief of majority of chinese people.
    We tibetans should now really wake up to that reality.Our brothers and sisters in Tibet have shown us by their actions their do or die decision. knowing and fully understanding the situation we can no longer afford to waste any more time. Its time to commit ourselves and make an informed decision and not live in wishful thinking.

  142. Tf Tibet has to be freed from the PRC, the Tibetans themselves have to do it. It cannot happen relying the US. The US will do nothing,that does not fulfill its interest. The “Tibet” has not much that would attract the US, except the logistic strategy. It is hard to see if the US has any interest in it.

    A huge US army reservation on the roof of the world, as the ones in Japan and South Korea might sound good, but how far the US is interested in putting its hope in one like this, is still unforeseeable.

    It must not be forgotten that, when it comes to politics it is “give and take business”. Compassion and sympathy may have a place, but often not the first priority. Tibetans must know this. The US is not as compassionate as it might sound. At the the end of the day, the national policy matters, and thus the US policy has to be taken into consideration, not what some US citizens fell and say.

    Lets us not be for the world to sympathise!lets help ourself and excel in every field of our life .<keeping alive the Tibetan in you!!

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